Guys! I fell asleep. That’s not the important part, keep reading! My unconscious brain was apparently trying to make sense and logic out things that make no sense in this game. My conscious brain ignores it because I’m not sure that any of this nonsense (or DPC’s writing) has any truly deep reason behind any of it. But, here’s what my sleeping brain thought up in my dream:
We are not being shown everything (again) by DPC. MC and Derek may not be as stupid as they look and are acting.
Derek and MC may have planned ahead and planted their own traps.
1.) why did MC specifically take Sally to Leon’s room? Why did he look straight at that doll unless he already
knew there was a camera hidden there? Derek is supposed to be intelligent. Maybe he suspected there is something off with Sally.
2.) The “end” of the Christmas party is not what it seems. Again, Derek planned for this. Set up a whole stupid “fake” scenario where he just happens to cut his finger off. Or did he fake it? Suspecting that they are being followed or watched- he sets the whole scenario up so that the group can catch the real culprit(s) in the act. Someone does seem to be lurking outside, but maybe the one with the jacket is Derek returning (because he faked the finger incident and is perfectly fine).
I woke up before my unconscious could reason what was in the closet.
So, my sleeping brain says Derek and MC are actually really smart and chapter 11 is more brilliant than it seems. My waking brain says this is a load of shit!

what do you guys think?