I actually don't follow this game's development cycle closely. So I can not comment about this game a lot.
At the time while I was a fan of BB Silver made around $4000. He is from Russia so sure, you can buy a lot more in Russia with $4000 the in the west, but even in Russia, you will not be able to afford a lot more then 4 developers and if I remember correctly, that was about the size of his team.
I am actually a coder, and I have worked with Renpy. There are 2 games on F95 that I converted (Re-wrote) from Unity to Renpy. You will find them if you search for them. That is neither here nor there.
I will concede that BB (and sandbox games in general), are much more code oriented that your normal VNs. But as a coder I can say the following:
You put a lot of work in your "Framework" (UI, help, tips, game mechanics etc). But that is basically mostly done up front, before your first release. After that, it's mostly rendering. There is a reason why rendering is a measure of progress for pretty much all games on here. That is the thing that takes up the most times by far.
That is also the thing that you cannot really do anything about to improve the speed, except buying more powerful hardware.
Coding is much more related to the amount of effort a coder spent coding. A better coder will be quicker. You can work through the night; you can find nifty code to cut down on development time. You can write generic code or non-generic code. All will impact your time spent on coding. All I'm saying is with coding you are much more in control on how long it will take to implement.
So no, I don't think code complexity is the cause for this game taking 5 years. Given all the assets of the original game, I'm pretty sure I will be able to replicate the exact game in Renpy in about one year, maybe less. It is not really something I'm interested in doing. But complexity wise if I were to guess I would say a year is fair. (Of course this excludes rendering, that takes however long it takes.)
Awesome! Glad to run into someone else who works with code. I liked your response.
To be clear, I wasn't trying to claim that the majority of the work would be in coding and that that is responsible for the slow pace of this games development, far from it. I could've been clearer about that, but my post was already pretty long, so I thought the subtext of
"Parsing the script into code takes as much time as the actual writing process itself (if it were wholely original), let alone all the accompanying code to construct the scene and everything else required for updates." would be sufficient, but I can definitely see how that could be interpreted to be only considering the code, so I'll clarify and respond to your points.
For context, I work as a game dev (started as an animator/modeler in TV/Film, now mostly work as a systems designer and technical artist for projects that use Unity). I don't have any experience with RenPy, so I'm happy to defer on any peculiarities relating to the engine, but I'm pretty confident my experience in the field and working on other games has given me a decent understanding of what sort of architecture these types of game use and that the points I'll make are valid. Happy to hear counters to them though.
You're absolutely right, a lot of the work for the framework (UI, underlying systems, visuals are rendered), is done up front. Any coding work after the fact would be additions to the underlying framework, or writing the sequences for new scenes/events (creating new script/text/shots etc). I'm very happy to agree with that.
I'd also agree that the creation, posing and rendering of the 3D scenes to create the 2D assets used to display images (renders) in the game, is the lion's share of the work for these type of visual novel games. So yeah, with that in mind, using the visual assets as a primary metric to asses the time required to complete an update or a certain amount work, is absolutely valid. Having said that, especially since I have a masters in this specific discipline (3D animation), I'm confident in saying most people on here seem to have a very poor sense of just how much time that aspect of the work typically involves, even on relatively simple platforms like DAZ.
As I'm pretty confident you'll know, not all these projects are created, or function in the same way, even if they share the fact they're using DAZ to create rendered assets that are then displayed in game. This project is a good example of that. It's different from other projects, like the original Big Brother, as instead of the engine just showing a single 2D asset that was rendered in DAZ, each shot is actually a composite of multiple 2D assets rendered in DAZ, and uses RenPy to construct the final composite in runtime (think of it like layers of images being put together in something like Photoshop). Those layers then have conditional parameters determining things like the pose and outfit, some of which also have additional conditional parameters relating to progression (like outfits that need to bought first, or unlocked). That system/functionality adds a significant amount of time and complexity to the creation of the visual assets, and to some degree their implementation in code, compared to other RenPy projects like Big Brother. Big Brother typically would just display a single image in a linear sequence, and if there's any conditional parameters, it's related to progression, not to the rendering (in RenPy) of the image itself. So for that reason it's not really fair to make a one-to-one comparison between the two games if your using the production time of the visual assets as the primary metric for time needed. Using a coding analogy, the creation and implementation of the originals games visual is equivalent to O(1), one asset for one shot, whilst the for this project it's equivalent to O(n^2), an asset (originally rendered in DAZ) for each pose and each outfit for one shot (I think that's right, you may need to correct my analogy, coding was a secondary discipline for me up until 5 years ago).
Your next point leads into my original speculation about the dev. You make a good point, that
"Coding is much more related to the amount of effort a coder spent coding". However, I'm sure you'd agree that the level of truth that statement holds is dependent on the competence of the person writing the code. I don't think it would be a stretch to assume the dev's experience coding, working in game-development and using 3D rendering software, probably doesn't extend far beyond the work he's done on this project (and honestly, at least with his earlier work, what he's done is impressive if that's true). With that in mind, whilst I think you're right is saying
"[in] coding you are much more in control [of] how long it will take to implement.", the truth of that statement only extends as far as the knowledge and experience that person has to draw from, which in this instance probably isn't a whole lot for this project.
So I agree, I don't think code complexity is the cause for this game taking so long to develop either. I wasn't trying to suggest that was the sole, or even primary reason for this games lack of content or slow development. I think, and what I meant in my original comment, is that it's one of multiple factors that people on here often fail to consider. Things like the the fact that it's a derivative work, that things like the writing and plot could be copied, would barely make a dent in how much work would be required. So with that in mind, comments like "all the hard work is done" betray an ignorance about how game development works, or are disingenuous. That's the main point I was trying to make.
PS. To you're first comment about purchasing power parity ($4k going further in one place than another), I did factor for that in my original comment, although it was mostly with Aleksey in mind. You're right that $4k per month wouldn't be enough for a team of devs, even in Russia, but that's why I brought it up. Based off the best estimates for this dev, it's likely he's making less than that, so your statement would be even more true if it were about this project. It's valid to point out that if DarkSilver could build a team in spite of that, it could be possible for Aleksey to do the same, but it's far from a given. Having said that, this dev is probably bringing in enough for it to be considered a decent wage for one person in Russia, so you probably share in my expectation that the updates for this project would be more content rich then they currently are.
PPS. I think your estimate for replicating the game in a year might is probably reasonable (I don't really have the experience to confidently say so),
if you were using all the original visual assets. At that point, it's effectively a port, just one with an original codebase. Replicating the game with entirely new visual assets however? There's
a lot of DAZ renders you'll need to recreate, around 2000, not including UI. It's not impossible, but it'd be a lot of work to pull that off in a year, even if someone were to work on it full time. I honestly find it hard to believe that DS managed to do it in that time-frame. This game wouldn't fit into either category though, even before the rebuild version. There were a lot of entirely original compositions of existing events from the original, on top of the replicas, and even some entirely original events altogether.
I just checked the original game's thread, they had a team working on it from the beginning (multiple mentions of "we" from dev posts, don't know how many). There was also some length of time where it was in development (don't know how much) before 0.1 was released and the thread on F95 was made, so I pretty confident in my assessment that it would probably take a single person more than a year to recreate all the images. I don't really know what a reasonable estimate is, but a year would be very optimistic.