If it's in space... it's harder for messages to get through...
one day when we are all dead maybeView attachment 4256090
Someday...someone will make a BB variant...without too much grind...that doesn't get abandoned...
it's called remake and the orginal story is done there + new ntr content every updateWe'll see a finished version of Big Brother at the death of the universe.
Tf you on about?it's called remake and the orginal story is done there + new ntr content every update
This is more like lost in space... unless it fell into a black hole...Oh, another BB got abandoned.
Smirniy's BB Mod was finishedIt's the curse of two letters! None of the BBs were ever finished. Not even Glamour.
I do have an idea for a fantasy version but it's more European D&D medieval than stone ageThe next series will be BB in the Stone Age... probably...