I think Eric should be in game for short period of time and developer could make rid of him in different fun ways.Please add the option to jettison Eric into deep space. if we must have these BB remakes at least make them Eric-free.
Here are few examples.
1. Eric is in a corridor and an asteroid impact that section so Eric is sucked out into space.
2. Eric is working in a spacesuit outside and the cable snap.
3. There is an maulfunction and Eric is jettison into space.
4. Alien entity take over Eric and MC have to lure Eric into an airlock and jettison him into space.
5. MC push wrong button and Eric is jettison to outer space.
6. Eric is eaten by some space plant or alien.
7. Accident in a lab make Eric small and when everybody look for Eric MC accidently stamp on Eric without realizing what happen. Later they watch surveillance video and realize what happened to Eric.
8. Eric try to molest MC:s stepsister at night. Her robot guard activate protecion protocol and Eric is no more.
9. When Aunt visit she have an alien pet with her. Eric gets an allergy and die.
10. There ia an alien attack. MC fight the attackers while Eric run away but is taken by aliens and they take him away for some experiments.
If done right Big Brother in space could be quite entertaining
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