Okey, just tested the new version and so far no difference! Fluids are still glitched on regular nephs, so I guess Derelict fuked up something on the former one and was too embarrassed to have that being mentioned in the footnotes of the new one he had to push, so people didn't notice the oofsie he did.
If I'm truly honest tho and following what you guys have discussed before; you're right about lewd games' devs being a hopeless case. You really have better chances by modding existing "safe" games like Skyrim, maybe Conan Exiles/Palworld or even fukin Minecraft or hell, bugfests like Cyberpunk or the likes, than waiting for the BotN or Wild Life types to start making some goddam sense in their f-ing games. Tho I started to notice that there might be some reasons on why the formers are so popular, in a way. And actually wanted to know your thoughts on this....
What I'm noticing is that, specially when I think on the likes of Skyrim, like.... I don't see them as just games to play and literally fuck around with, but more like they become playable engines of sorts in which you can add, modify and enhance shit to make the experiences your own and if something doesn't work, you just remove a part of code AKA a mod, or input a command and have it fixed, or interact with a menu and can make that thing come to happen and even if the game engines at times go like "bruh, WTF?", you CAN have those things done, even if those defy the very foundations of logic itself XD
I started messing around with UE5 a while ago, cause I got to a point of being sick of waiting for either lewd indie devs or triple A studios to make a game that could truly satisfy me.... I'll be honest, there are times messing with that engine that reminded me a lot the feel that I got when I played modded AF Skyrim. You may not be able to do EVERYTHING, at least initially, but in a way.... You have the constant feel that there's some way in which that could be actually done in there and that keeps you going!
Like.... Don't have bikes and/or cars? You can add them! Mounting animations don't look like you're driving them? You can modify them to do so! Have no guns? You can make staves and crossbows to turn into literal one handed firearms or two handed ones! Wanna make giants fuckable? LL has you already covered, in more than one way, if you know what I mean lol.... And so on and on, and sure, not EVERYTHING can be done in Skyrim itself, but other games have their own things too, either with vanilla tools or modded; like Minecraft allowing you to create your very own custom looking armor with the vanilla grid/blocks systems, or Cyberpunk allowing you to spawn a bike in your bathroom for example, just for the luls of saying you planted a brick in speed, or maybe you really want to have Zoe as a partner and force the initial glitch of being able to capture her while riding her Grizbolt in Palworld and being able to headpat them both cause, reasons. And so on and on; basically, they give you the feel that you're no longer just a player, but a mini dev of sorts. Which I think is part of why those games, specially in the case of Skyrim are so goddam popular and still played and "updated" nowadays. Game could be ancient but people still are coming back to it, cause it's just like a lite Unreal 5 of sorts. And if you don't believe me, explain to me why most SW fans are still going back to Jedi Academy for top of the line lightsaber combat. Hey, Skyrim might be old, but is a 2011 game and sometimes it doesn't show. JKJA is from 2004 and RNGizus Freaking Crusty, it's graphics look dated AF. Yet the combat of it only the likes of Survivor or Battlefront II can match, and BARELY....
Is getting to a point in which if you want a game to actually be good, the game itself has to either allow you to make it your own custom experience, or we have situations like the current one here with BotN, in which you're forced to deal with whatever bullshit the dev/devs feel are okey, having an incomplete/frustrating experience, just to realize that you'll have an honestly better time playing something like ultra modded Skyrim to get THAT breeding game fun you're looking for, than a legitly dedicated breeding game who's main and only strenght should be about being a fun breeding game experience.
IDK, maybe I'm overthinking this, but I get the feel that the whole sentiment of "fine I'll do it myself", is becoming something that it's growing on me every day and increasingly seen situations like the current with Derelict/BotN. In which I find myself having a MUCH better time, quicker and with more effective results either modding the crap of other games to turn it into like.... "The Elder Scrolls 5.5: Lyrcea" or "Minecraft FakDaFurries Edition", maybe Furrypunk 2077, even Palfuckworld, than waiting for DH getting it's shit together and being able to do what you should be having in the very game he's making. And when I say Derelict with BotN, unfortunately I could also say the same of the devs of many others like Wild Life. Cause sure, feels promissing but with the resources and time that that game has and had, it's in a far too crude state to justify it's current situation.
And to finish poking some maybe needless fun on the topic, hey, if BotN is adding a ghost pal with a scythe, sure, weapons make no fukin sense to exist in BotN, but if you have them. Let me not have to rely on modded Soulcalibur VI or something alike to be able to roleplay as the Reaper FFS!