Alrighty, I just tested v.058 vs v.059, .059 has one serious shortcuming - sorry for the pun - the ejac anim is missing in most scenes. Chars still get splattered, but the stains just appear out of nowhere. Iffen you're irked by this kinda glitch, stick with v.058.
And I gotta gameplay question:
How do ability scores and their ranks correspond on my breeder stat sheet? I did level her up to lvl 35, mostly with BotNTools, and shes got Lust 25 / Fertility 25 / Aptitude 21, and the ranks is 2/2/1 (or D/D/E in-game). It went up from 1 to 2 around score 15-16 for the former two, why not for aptitude as well? And just checked saves from my very first go around on v.053, without any meddling with BotNTools, I got to lvl 39, my scores were 23/23/23 with ranks 1/1/1. What gives?
What other values influence these ranks? Would prefer to finally understand the XP & level-up concept instead of bumbling around, wondering what's up? Seems unneccesarily convoluted tbh.
And on another note: I found that "Diminiutive" & "Enlarged" traits are not accessible with BotNTools. Can I just add these to lists.json file and be done with it, or do they need to be referenced anywhere else?