
Dec 27, 2018
Sorry, I think it was misunderstood. I was meaning that for the sake of anyone else who uses BotNTools, not just me. Although I do understand not very many people bother reading through the threads these days lol.
NP xd my fault sleepy misread :ROFLMAO:, and :unsure: agree about BotNTools thing should be at the 1st page, i guess only can do that the post creator :unsure: DragonL


New Member
Dec 20, 2024
Which is a big part of the reason on why I started messing with Unreal making my own thing and frankly I'm loving the possibilities of it, having better chances at making the thing that I want than waiting a moddable game to have enough mod options to be turned into that. Or waiting for an indie lewd game dev to stop screwing their games by making them something eyerolling to even waste your time on.
Which confirms what I stated above. You, dear friend, are clearly more tech-savvy than the average gamer^^.

Iffen I had the programming-chops you obviously have, I'd do my own thing too - a proper NSFW, post-apocalyptic, Fallout-esque 3D-sandbox with lots of wasteland-weird random encs, a huge map and lots of hidden easter eggs. Come to think of it, old venerable FNV had at least as much dead space as BotW. Only it had real quick-travel too^^. And preferably set somewhere in the american southwest desert parts and/or the rockies, just like FNV.

And of course laden with all the good stuff from the olden FO1/FO2 games: Slavery, prostitution, cannibals - and friggin big-d*ck super-muties for good measure -and Doggmeat, of course. The whole shebang! Plus some of the smutty content the mods I slapped on FO4 the last go around had to offer, like a proper slavery system. Preferrably one where the player may end up on both sides of the counter, be a slave merchant or be the "merchandise". And skill system ölike Kenshi or wicked Island, no time asted leveling up; only train up skills as you use them.

That would be a bloody dream game...but alas, that is outside the range of my semi-Luddite technical expertise, so me and all the other Lo-Teks gotta resort to that tedious modding journey (for those who have some minor tech-chops), or for the casual, easy going players, games like BotN, the aforementioned Wicked Island (kept me up at night a good month long despite the early build stage), or one of the very few proper games that float around pages like this one.

Just found the next candidate over on LewdNinja, they got a huge (50+ gb) -and apparently complete- file of Subverse, been searching for weeks for that one. Took almost 3 hours to suck it down, and once I grow bored of BotN, I'll check that out. I seen some of the smut anims as bad-quality vids on some hentai page a while back, and apart from awful low vid quality those ladies looked pretty darn sweet.

Anyway, looking forward to whatever you may come up with, please upload here when you done. Mod on - or in your case, code on^^! Cheers!
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Dec 27, 2018
Which confirms what I stated above. You, dear friend, are clearly more tech-savvy than the average gamer^^.

Iffen I had the programming-chops you obviously have, I'd do my own thing too - a proper NSFW, post-apocalyptic, Fallout-esque 3D-sandbox with lots of wasteland-weird random encs, a huge map and lots of hidden easter eggs. Come to think of it, old venerable FNV had at least as much dead space as BotW. Only it had real quick-travel too^^. And preferably set somewhere in the american southwest desert parts and/or the rockies, just like FNV.

And of course laden with all the good stuff from the olden FO1/FO2 games: Slavery, prostitution, cannibals - and friggin big-d*ck super-muties for good measure -and Doggmeat, of course. The whole shebang! Plus some of the smutty content the mods I slapped on FO4 the last go around had to offer, like a proper slavery system. Preferrably one where the player may end up on both sides of the counter, be a slave merchant or be the "merchandise". And skill system ölike Kenshi or wicked Island, no time asted leveling up; only train up skills as you use them.

That would be a bloody dream game...but alas, that is outside the range of my semi-Luddite technical expertise, so me and all the other Lo-Teks gotta resort to that tedious modding journey (for those who have some minor tech-chops), or for the casual, easy going players, games like BotN, the aforementioned Wicked Island (kept me up at night a good month long despite the early build stage), or one of the very few proper games that float around pages like this one.

Just found the next candidate over on LewdNinja, they got a huge (50+ gb) -and apparently complete- file of Subverse, been searching for weeks for that one. Took almost 3 hours to suck it down, and once I grow bored of BotN, I'll check that out. I seen some of the smut anims as bad-quality vids on some hentai page a while back, and apart from awful low vid quality those ladies looked pretty darn sweet.

Anyway, looking forward to whatever you may come up with, please upload here when you done. Mod on - or in your case, code on^^! Cheers!
Wicked Island looks interesting indeed, have a public demo at steam, i didnt played yet, but for what i know/saw isnt like BOTN, looks more like the old oblivion in a hentai version :unsure:

I saw have pregnancy tag, pics & videos, but not looks like breeding game as BOTN, breeding farm or cloud meadow :unsure:

If someone played the demo and can tell if have similar thing than BOTN >< could like to know, for now i added at my long list of many games to check & play :ROFLMAO:


New Member
Dec 20, 2024
If someone played the demo and can tell if have similar thing than BOTN >< could like to know, for now i added at my long list of many games to check & play :ROFLMAO:
To a very small degree. You can tame & collect beasts as buddies (by fooling around with them). The PC can summon them at will, have fun with them and can even get preggo from the beasties. Though the summoning mechanic is seriously bugged (summoning the wrong beasts), especially if you collect human slaves too. Then you might end up not being able to summon your favorite beast-buddy at all any longer. And no interbreeding your companion animals.

And yes, you are right, it feels a lot like Oblivion or the Fallouts gameplay-wise and with regard to controls.

I only mentioned it because it is one of the better 3D NSFW games floating around on sites like F95 or LewdNinja that arent just 5 minutes demos.
Steam NSFW stuff like the official demo I sadly can't download or play, I live in Germany and our oh-so-holy censorship authorities force steam to block all adult/NSFW/porn content on their site. I can't even get into the community pages of those games. All locked out.

Still, I feel WI could be a great game one day, even in this early stage, it has kept me occupied for nearly a month now. And I'm still not sure I found everything the demo had to offer. But as I understand it, RawDarkness pretty much does this on his own, no big team anyway. Considering that, the results are terrific.

Working crafting system, albeit with only a few ingredients; a working building system (kinda like in FO4 - simpler, but still better with regards to clipping and placement); short load times and it runs damn stable on highest graphics settings. And a Kenshi-esque skill system, training only the skills you actually use in game automatically - no level-up screen, no perk-picking to distract from the action.

And it has an excellent character creator on top, one of the best I've seen in any such game. It's not as detailed or option-rich as BotN, but has a better character model to begin with and certainly beats many AAA "Blockbuster" titles like CP2077 in that regard.

My only gripe with it is somewhat clunky melee combat. Sometimes all you'll see is bodies clipping into each other and blood spurting. Especially in narrow spaces like staircases. But as long as the enemy is dead in the end and me PC is still standing, I don't really care. And it has a defeat sex mechanic, so iffen you get knocked down, you might get knocked up instead of getting shwacked.

Can only encourage everybody to test it for themselves, I think RawDarkness did a marvelous job there. Cheers.
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Mar 11, 2020
If someone played the demo and can tell if have similar thing than BOTN >< could like to know, for now i added at my long list of many games to check & play :ROFLMAO:
I played the demo 2years ago, found it rather ugly, awkward, and not inspiring. So I deleted it.
Now, looking at the screenshots, I guess I've played it on the lowest graphic settings, but the player character does not seem well designed anyways.
At least, in BotN everything and everyone looks pretty!
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