
Active Member
Jul 21, 2021
Shower overhaul/expansion - AUG's Shop Job? wow that can be cool, but what i would really love to see in this game is expansion of the BAR JOB content, for example, the possiblity of interact sexually with not only the "target" in quest event, but casual sex interaction with customers who want to tip ya, for spending time, other stuff. . . while ya re working in bar ;)

and hidden activity in bar toilets, like the Third Crisis game have, something similar, not identical of course (for example after getting drunk, or whatever)

the action in park toilets. . . they are open, ya can go inside, but there's nothing to do there, i am wondering if this part of the game will have some new stuff?

the last thing, the "dreaming" and other hospital treatments, would be nice to be completed, the "pet snake groomig" card and plot started in gym could have continuation, the breast serum injection, and sizes, ass saizes too, without placeholders, maybe new scenes in gym, or scenes in gym showers

but first thing i would love to see, is some hotfixes that actually fixing the game's problems, and don't display new ones

and CrucifiedMulan Keep up the good work. . .


Aug 21, 2019
Here, you can read about every change log and update for yourself as much as you want
I had a look at the updates/progress reports and it didn't strike me as a milker/leecher dev like ICSTOR, for example. While some of the updates may be on the slow side (one update took about 10 months, but the last few more like 2-3 months), they at least are active enough to explain their progress every couple of months at least. Furthermore, the dev is from Ukraine so the war undoubtedly affected their progress. So I'm not quite understanding the hate the dev is receiving, unless there's some controversy I'm perhaps missing. Maybe someone can enlighten me on that.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2020
I had a look at the updates/progress reports and it didn't strike me as a milker/leecher dev like ICSTOR, for example. While some of the updates may be on the slow side (one update took about 10 months, but the last few more like 2-3 months), they at least are active enough to explain their progress every couple of months at least. Furthermore, the dev is from Ukraine so the war undoubtedly affected their progress. So I'm not quite understanding the hate the dev is receiving, unless there's some controversy I'm perhaps missing. Maybe someone can enlighten me on that.
To put it simply, if you can find 2020 build and compare it to last one, you see no difference.
His progress is in progress reports, not in a game.
Oct 8, 2022
I had a look at the updates/progress reports and it didn't strike me as a milker/leecher dev like ICSTOR, for example. While some of the updates may be on the slow side (one update took about 10 months, but the last few more like 2-3 months), they at least are active enough to explain their progress every couple of months at least. Furthermore, the dev is from Ukraine so the war undoubtedly affected their progress. So I'm not quite understanding the hate the dev is receiving, unless there's some controversy I'm perhaps missing. Maybe someone can enlighten me on that.
In regards to the "controversy", people here just act like children. Crying and screaming for no good reason just because an update didn't have the content THEY wanted. I'm convinced most of them ARE children actually.
Most of them don't even pay for anything and still think they can make demands or think that anyone would actually care about their opinion. No one does, and most of their comments usually get deleted by the mods within 24 hours. If you can make moderators on a porn site look good compared to you, then you've really messed up.
They usually just jerk each other off on how this game is supposed to be a scam, but the only evidence they can provide is "because they said so". They've been crying about how bad the game is, yet refuse to leave. And they think that they are right because they've created an echo chamber. Some of them are actually delusional and think the devs are purposefully and personally attacking them. They also think that anyone who doesn't hate the game is an alt account by the devs. As if anyone would actually care that much about them.
You can decide yourself if you want to listen to anything that they say. Just be warned, they're always just saying the same thing.
Oct 8, 2022
tell us new things in game, that have been implemented since may 2020.

And why u appeared here just in several days after game got abbandoned tag. And since than yours main idea is that game get new content.

Fixed body writings “collusion” with stockings (how they interact)

- Separated stockings from underwear completely (changed stockings into "accessoires" and added them to the dressing back CE)

-Separated var/CE

-Changed var reference in events/dialogue

-Changed closet/items

- Resolved forced “naked” issues (Gym issue as a case)

- Resolved input issues (Gym issue as a case)

- Added blonde hair (in Art and in code, not available in the game yet)

- Added “blonde” to the shop

- Added blonde in common events (CE)

- Added cum on breasts

- Added pics to form CE's (cum appears after relevant events)

- Fix breast layer cum in events to work correctly with lactation layer

- Added lactation in relevant events (not all of them)

- Change “vaginal” cum system to work like our facial cum does (it has stages now)

- Added vaginal cum in relevant events

- Added headbands for every hair style (not available yet)

- changed earring #2

- added alternative lower body tattoos for breasts sizes 8 and 9 (visually the same)

- fixed pregnant piercings alternatives

- new underwear

- item/CE's/pics

- shop/closet

- pics

- Added underwear combinations to the list of combinable outfits.

- Added a different character art placement in dialogues in which Kira has a tail-plug

- fixed “cover” pose issues

- added 2 fake breast sizes (not yet available)

- adapted new KiraBust breast code structure

- renamed “fake breasts” for references to work all over the game.

- added “alternative” top writings in necessary cases (depends on breasts)

- Added “staged” facial cum for EVERY facial expression

- Added alternative lower outfits and underwear for huge boobs (in some cases)

- Additions to the undressing logic to separate “full” from “partial” undressing where it is needed

- Turned ON new cum in events (added breasts cum/lact and change other to add var instead of stating 1)

- Added “no outfit” option to closet

- Added “no top” and “no bot” options to combinations

- Fixed closet bust deletion issue when choosing underwear 1st time turning on squatboi

- Added three stages to facial cum

- Added upgraded waitress outfit (normal, revealing, flashing, closet, bust, combo, common event at the job)

- Added other outfits (Tolstoy jacket, school uniform etc.)

- Added “waitress” collar (closet, switch, variable, boris)


LENN-Y's "Aura" fix

- Item noise bug

-Fixed initial shower cum eraser

It goes better with “Pink Kira” who is now named “Pink Princess”

- It’s funnier, bacuse dumb Kira will call her “Cream Queen”.

- Kira’s identities are now “royalties” for a couple of jokes I have in mind.

- 430 character art pictures.

- New character art for Kira with everything (endgame/complete “nude” version, piercings, boobs, hips, fluids, poses, expressions etc.)

- New underwear art for currently present options (default and ghost)

- New lower body art for all outfits except “patriot” (shorts, pants, skirts. etc.)

- New buyable transparent skirt

- added “scroll arrows” (indicator to show that some dialogue options are scrollable)

- residential area block after pet event

- equipping outfits from items issue (it wasn’t working)

- fixed “farm sleep1 kira1 eyes” picture missing

- fixed character art issue during diner flashing scene

- fixed randomizer issue

- fixed tiles passing bugs all over the game

- fixed cum is not erased by showering

- fixed squatboi button doesn't work (menu doesn't work)

- fixed KeyConfig picture pic issue

- added clearer message to visit Hospital on day 2 in order to enter Diner

- fixed Disappearing snowball in second barn

- fixed Gain size is not resetting to 0 after 7

- fixed Repeatable train hypnosis layering issue

- fixed Darling event hand issue

- fixed various problems with night/sleep sequences

- deleted unused events in vivarium

- changed gym regular replies

- fixed closeted shop issues with donut and juice

- fixed ability to scroll in some menus

- fixed exhibitionism in park jammer

- added some jammer dialogue changes and tracking of its use

- fixed booty juice hips issue

- edits in darling events overall “flow”

- fixed blonde girl allows clothes shop access before quest issue

- optimized Leninals

- One new random male NPC (Animal)

- Three new layered female NPCs (Rosie, Dottie & Sugartits, 46 pictures)

- Ability to temporarily customize them (Vivarium-Farm-Near the barn entrance (lower right corner of Farm map))

- 6 new expressions for Kira

- Clothes can now be worn from Squat-Boi or Item menu

- Separated tops from bottoms, you can now combine them.

- 3 new “harassment poses” (296 pictures)

- New repeatable random “harassment” event (27 pages with a ton of references, you’ll only see 1/3)
- New repeatable random “boobjob/blowjob/orgy” event (31 pages, you’ll only see 1/3; 458 pictures)

- Cleaned up the code for Kira’s character art

- Deleted unnecessary pictures and sounds

- Fixed a bunch of bugs (missing poster image, preloader fixes, etc.)

- A ton of minor things (new menu, pixel art, etc.)

- I upgraded the holding pose, I didn’t want to add more work to Moana, so I just replaced the pictures.

- I’m already drawing artwork for the next update.

- We’ll temporarily add the ability to customize the appearance of Kira’s Farm “colleagues”.

- New pose for the “harassment system” (I previously re-used existing ones from gym etc.)

- New character art for male Vivarium NPCs.

New additions to the future versions (most likely in

Three new NPCs with their own stories and events (technically they will be added in, but they will have a placeholder dialogue.

- Random voyeuristic events with said NPCs

It will support all outfits and will be shown in all events (eventually all, currently just Viavarium).

- There will be no limitations, have as many children as you like, use contraceptives, complete the game with perma pregnant Kira. You do you, comrades.

- Due to the fact that all outfits are supported, there will only be one “belly” size.

- Once again, the system will be implemented in “waves”, so you won’t see everything in a single update.

- The whole system is tied to the “bed/sleeping”. Technically, you can just spam the “sleep” button and she will give birth in 10 seconds. It’s up to you.

- Pregnancy will take 9 days (can become temporarily or even permanently faster/slower)

Preg update “part 1”:

Upcoming update will upgrade our systems to include compatibility with outfits and a better flow of impregnation, pregnancy and fertility logic.

The system will also support “expansions” in the form of various potential consumables or permanent upgrades.

Preg update “part 2”:

After our boobjob/character expansion update - we will return to the farm.

In the next two days of Kira’s imprisonment, she will become pregnant. But, it’s a different kind of pregnancy - a “scripted” pregnancy.

Meaning, that even though there will be everything needed for pregnancy to work, it won’t function properly.

The system will be in the game, but you won’t be able to do anything with it, since story-wise Kira is still “learning” about pregnancy at the farm.

Preg update “part 3”:

After the farm is over, Kira will be allowed to leave and the system will start to function properly.

All vivarium events, including the ones we’re working on right now, will feature pregnancy (like in pictures attached to this post).

However, there’s currently only one repeatable vaginal event - so there will only be one potential place for her to fall pregnant repeatedly.

Events that feature vaginal sex will all have a chance of impregnating Kira, but they are not repeatable.

Besides, we still have to re-layer our older events to include pregnancy.

Preg update “part 4”:

This part will come after we’ll layer our older events and add pregnancy references to the rest of the game.

In it, there will be some pregnancy specific content like an orphanage, pills, augmentations etc.

Note: Along with constant updates to the pregnancy system, the game will also grow in terms of content, so there will be more “vaginal” events and more opportunities for Kira to become knocked up.

For example, once the farm will be over - it will become repeatable, yet another place for Kira to have her spawns.

-A pregnancy system that works with all outfits (won’t be accessible yet)

-A system that allows to combine outfits (tops and bottoms)

-New skirt

-Two new characters and their various versions (random male and female npcs with different hats, etc.)

-All possible body modifications the game will feature up until the end (10 breastizes, new hairstyle, even bigger lips)

-Updated artwork in Gym harassment events, Katya piecing event, Imperator event (to include 5th breast size, nose ring etc.)

-Vivarium harassment event

-Vivarium boobjob event

-A ton of other work Moana did (bug fixes, improvements, etc.)

What we were working on, but won't include in the next update:

-Text edits at “farm/barn intro”

-Two missing mini-events at “Farm/Barn”

-Continuation of Farm/Barn events

-The event to finally turn our new “pregnancy” system “on”.

-Sharon’s Farm/Barn path.

-Mini quest to unlock Vivarium shop (it will sell stockings)

- 45 pages of text

- 1 new reusable “event-starter” (Basically a mini-event, 35 pictures)

- 1 new event “Vaginal/Full Nelson” (84 pictures, written by LostRaven)

- Repeatabe version of this new encounter.

- 1 new random male NPC artwork

- Fixed lactation not being shown in Vivarium events if Kira is able to lactate (Mother/church, Technopriestess/pillory, Vaginal/Full Nelson)

-116 new pictures;

-30 pages of script;

-Random npc ”Technopriestess” (dressed);

-Random npc ”Technopriestess” (nude);

-Random event “Priestess-pillory”;

-Repeatable version (male partner);

-Repeatable version (female partner);

-Initial BE remade a little;

-Initial "bust call" blink issue resolved;

-Minor grammar fixes;

-Intro event queue bug fixed.

-Finished writing/drawing and layering first random event (Pillory)

-Started editing the text for another random event (Boobjob)

-Drawn Around 50% of "Boobjob" event

-Tested animations for the "Boobjob" event (animations similar to “Gym squatting” event, nothing fancy)

-Started drawing random female NPCs for said event (again, nothing fancy)

-Started layering and testing the animations for the"Boobjob" event

-Worked more on Kira's character art (pregnancy/outfit system update)

-Character art for a “Technopriestess”

-Edited the artwork of the pillory events

-Edited the H-text for commissioned events

-Wrote more regular script (jokes, lore etc.)

-Worked more on Kira’s character art expansion (separation of tops and pants, hats, glasses, lingerie, pregnacy)

-Worked more on the first part of Kira’s flashback (will happen at the end of the current “Farm” plotline)

- Wrote more dialogue and scenes for the “flashback” sequence that will happen at the very end of the Farm (it’s long, been preparing resources for it in advance);

- Revisited and revised Kira’s character art system (not done yet);

- Revisited and revised the intro to include preg/bimbo options there (not done yet);

- Edited Vivarium “pillory/nun” encounter text (commissioned by LostRaven) to include alternative dialogue;

- Edited Vivarium “pillory/nun” encounter art (drawn back in August) to include all body-mods;

- Started drawing a new character “nun” (not related to the cult of Veles).

- Minor changes done by Moana on her own (like better art-flow at the first Hospital BE event)

-Worked on an updated artbook for 10$+ patrons and multiple requested screensavers for all tiers.

213 pictures

214 pages of script.

To start -
enter the barn at Vivarium (animal farm part).

- did a remix of trent reznor's song to include breast-pump sound in it, due to a limitation of RPG maker and human technologies.

- Hopefully fixed memory leak/cash dumping/ crashing problem by fixing one of the plugins.

- Added “space out” (skip) option where it was requested or seemed necessary (gym locker, Vivarium intro, and new Farm “training”intro)

- Added first three days of Hucow/CNC path (counting the initial “intro” day)

- Started adding lactation to Kira, for now it’s limited to Vivarium.

- Switched the layering order of top and bottom to implement pregnancy for every outfit (around 500 pictures)

- Added 5th breast size to the game (new events, character art and every outfit for now)

- Two new “regular” NPC artworks

- One new layered NPC (pregnant or not, based on content preferences) with two poses.

- Stockings mechanic and wearable stockings (it’s was a pain in the ass and needs even more work)

- Added cow stockings that are shown in Farm events (for players with either lactation or pregnancy enabled)

- Added latex black stockings that are shown in Vivarium events (for players with no pregnancy and lactation)

- Added nose ring (limited to character art and Vivarium events for now)

- Added accessories mechanic to the game.

- Added cow bell collar that is shown in Farm events (for players with either lactation or pregnancy enabled)

- Added posture collar that is shown in Vivarium events (for players with no pregnancy and lactation)

- 2 new farm “sleep” events that use the same base art

- 2 new farm “rack” events that use the same base art


We did what people asked us to do and fixed a ton of bugs.

- You can now teleport from dorm to Chief Officer every time you’re prompted to visit him

- Stairs at Kremlin work normally now

- random teleportation to red square was fixed

-New village/town - Vivarium.

-New quest.

-New outfit and its revealing version.

-Four new characters (Including a historically accurate character art for “Napoleon”.)

-Two new fetishes that will affect the game overall - Pregnancy and lactation.

-“Personality test” to turn them on/off.

So far they partially change the narrative of the quest, appearance of one of the characters and add one extra event specific for “lactation” (uses the same art, so it’s fair for all routes and preferences).

-Kira’s character artwork was partially re-coded to support new changes.

-Word-building mini-events

-Character art of “imperator” was added to the groping system and immediately used for “sexposition” (mini groping event).

-One new event at the church for everyone (text adjusts to turned “on” fetishes) and one lactation related event that uses the same artwork (co-written by Lostraven).

-The overall script for all routes is 182 pages long.

-Prison outfit can now be found in the dumpster near prison.

That's up to december 2020, can't be bothered to copy the rest.


Aug 21, 2019
In summary -
dolls at farm
2-3 random events

none of this connected with story.
Alright, in an attempt to be objective I tried to get to the meat of each update patch note. It seems everything in Vivarian (the focus of the game right now) has been added since the 0.4.8 update, which was released in October of 2020. So about 2 years and 3 months for all the content in Vivarian. I will admit from that perspective it does seem lackluster. BUT, there was an almost year update hiatus which I will blame on the war. Hopefully the updates pick up again as I think we've been seeing more recently.


Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2018
BUT, there was an almost year update hiatus which I will blame on the war. Hopefully the updates pick up again as I think we've been seeing more recently.
if u`ll watch it more closely, hiatus was the year before war. And in 2022 this game here got abandoned tag. And after that we get update after update. With bugfixes and more bugs. And no progression in story. updates just to change numbers in version

as i said before game not dead but in coma.


Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2018
and to be honest i miss the year - not 2020, from may 2021 it stoped in progression. My bad.


Aug 21, 2019
if u`ll watch it more closely, hiatus was the year before war. And in 2022 this game here got abandoned tag. And after that we get update after update. With bugfixes and more bugs. And no progression in story. updates just to change numbers in version

as i said before game not dead but in coma.
Oh, you are right, the hiatus was before the war (May 2021 - March 2022). I also didn't know this game received an abandoned tag. I also didn't realize the farm quests have been in the making since Dec 2020. That is a long time for a quest to not be finished. I'm starting to see your point here but as someone who just found this game I'm going to wait to see the content of the future updates before I make a judgement call.


Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2018
Oh, you are right, the hiatus was before the war (May 2021 - March 2022). I also didn't know this game received an abandoned tag. I also didn't realize the farm quests have been in the making since Dec 2020. That is a long time for a quest to not be finished. I'm starting to see your point here but as someone who just found this game I'm going to wait to see the content of the future updates before I make a judgement call.
Hope u wouldn`t wait 2 years for it) Becouse it will be 4 for me)


New Member
Jul 20, 2018
Is Kira supposed to be in her underwear in this scene? Also when you first going to hopital there will be the same thing with the fake doc.


Jan 19, 2018
Is Kira supposed to be in her underwear in this scene? Also when you first going to hopital there will be the same thing with the fake doc.
Yes, She's supposed to be in underwear. I think from the 2nd (voluntary) hypno session on you can choose not to wear underwear. After the 3rd session you can't choose, she just doesn't wear it any more.
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