Howdy there, fellers! Here’s what’s up:
In this post I wanted to announce our release schedule for the next couple of months and to talk a bit more in detail about everything. This post is more about plans rather than the actual content.
In a nutshell - The next update will be all about random encounters and we’re still layering the pole event at the same time. The work has already begun.
First of all, let’s talk about the now upgraded Chief Events. I’m glad we did them, they had to be done, but they turned out to be probably the most complex thing we ever did.
When the “rework 1 older event” option won the content poll, I suggested that we would redo Chief Events because it seemed like “free real estate”, 4 events at the price of 1. And Moana eagerly jumped on board with this idea. If we dedicated more time to the “planning” part of our development and took a minute to think about this idea more, we’d realize that it won’t be easy or quick and picked something else. So, moving forward, we’ll do just that - think and plan more before doing anything. At least that’s my main takeaway from what just transpired.
Another technical difficulty that we faced was the fact that we reached the limit of rpg maker’s memory. Apparently, from what I understood, the dev kit has a 2gb limit of virtual memory for everything (code, art, locations, quests, etc.) and the engine crashes when you add something that goes beyond it. Which it did. We extended this limit to 4gb, and we could probably extend it further, but we should be mindful of what we add from now on. That’s one of the reasons why you’re seeing “missing picture” bugs from time to time - Moana removes stuff that’s no longer needed to save some memory (and because she’s a neatfreak of course).
But what’s done is done, let’s move on into the future:
Above is the plan for our next couple of updates, I did talk about all of that in my previous posts, but here’s a summary just in case:
We won’t conduct another “fast” content poll until the release of V0.5h (prison pole update), because enough is enough and we should finally finish working on that pole. We’ve decided to work on a “scatter” update, which will include things that you picked in all our previous content polls, purely because it is currently the fastest piece of content that we can implement.
So, The next update (V0.5g) will add a bunch of content all over the place with the focus on short random harassments in the residential area. The idea here is to not use any new art and do the opposite of what we just did with the Chief events. It won’t be a big update, but it should make the game feel more immersive.
This should give us more time to finish layering the pole event and
then we’ll release V0.5h. Which will add more variability to existing text, add more events to the pole and add in the missing branching options (Slut route of Katya’s dorm event, other 2 routes of AUG’s shop “Mausoleum” event). The whole “prison pole” arc should be concluded here.
After that we’ll return to the “fast content” polls release schedule. Where you pick what content we should implement in between of our planned updates. And, once again, we’re open to suggestions as our goal is to work on the things that you want to see.
V0.5i (Moana’s quest) is a quest that was completely designed by Moana, it is rather short, but it’s how she wanted it to be. If you’ll like it, Moana would write more content for our game, which would allow me to focus more on drawing. The text for it is ready, we just need the art.
V0.5k (System) is primarily focused on “Fetish Removal” that will be available through Polina (rebel base), but we also want to dedicate more time to the “interface” aspect of our game, stats, and to implement a “briefing” mini-story event that will connect the main plot with Vivarium.
Then we’ll return to Vivarium and will continue to have frequent content polls in between the planned updates. The goal is to completely finish the Vivarium arc and to move on to other unfinished plot points, like Katya, Olga, New You and much more.
That’s all when it comes to our planned updates, but there are other things that we’re working on at the same time:
- Kira’s face overhaul
- Olga’s upgraded art
- More NPC artwork overhauls
- Upgraded outfits
- Finish layering outfits for pregnancy and some breast sizes
The above part has no release schedule, as I do not know when I’ll have the time to finish drawing all of that. I was slowly working on it all and I’ll continue to do so, but there’s still a long road ahead of me.
And now let’s talk a little about the next update:
Note: Picture above is a Gif, so it might not load if you’re using a mobile device.
Like I’ve said, the next update will be all about random encounters. Mostly short ones, some lewd and some not. People just telling Kira to smile more, Kira’s fetishes triggering, characters commenting on her appearance, etc.
It’s still very early into development, so I can’t promise you anything concrete. Apart from a mostly comedic sleep event with “Lev&Tolstoy” and some random gopniks that would appear near Kira’s dorm and demand cigarettes.
The goal here is to work with the resources we’ve got and I don’t want to accidentally jump into another rabbit-hole that would take months to implement, so I unfortunately can not guarantee you that this new “bouncy” pose will make it into the game - we will do it last and in case it would turn up to be too technically complex, we’d finish it in another update.
Once we’ll have something substantial done, I’ll make another progress report and I’ll probably know whether or not the “Bouncy Kira” will make the cut.
Anyways, that’s pretty much all I wanted to talk about today. We want to start this year strong and to pump out updates much faster than before, so we’re already hard at work with me writing the new encounters and Moana coding in various methods of their trigger.
Since there won’t be a content poll this time, we’re going to add in another skirt/shorts/pants to Kira in the next update. So, expect another outfit poll relatively soon.
What is your opinion on all of this? Do you like our current plan? Is there something else you’d rather see us work on? We are open to suggestions and I promise we will always listen to your feedback.
With that in mind, thank you all for your patience and support, I suck dick for cock!