RPGM - Defenestration [v0.5f hotfix] [Fresh Mulan]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't typically write reviews on this site, but I wanted to make an exception for this game. If you are into mind control where the MC does not realize what is happening, this is PERFECT. The pacing is excellent, and the MC slowly sinks into depravity without realizing what is happening.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    In general, this game delivers somewhat variety within the trist setting, for example (mostly oversexualized) clothing, the process of body expansion, quest ideas...
    Although the communism/revolution frame has potential for unique forms of erotism, it isn't really executed accordingly.

    Here are the problems:
    In the beginning, the underlying seriousness makes everything tense for future plots, but due to a huge introduction of humor, this aspect is gone.
    In addition, the writers are often inable to simplify their thoughts, so it's not unusual you're confronted with walls of texts. While the sentences make sense in regards of logic and consequence, the speech is often repetitive or unnatural and all the little humor change it to bearable at best, just not really fun.
    Hence, you could catch yourself skipping through conversations as you try to see some keywords to still follow what's going on.
    On top of that, you can sometimes choose around 3 options in which style you like to progress, however, one of it (a violent one) bugged me the game or at least confused me to such an extent that I don't know what's the story now considering the quest log isn't always helpful.
    Most importantly, the sexual steps are blunt and straightforward - a contrast to the introduced, almost mysterious world that makes a player explore its possibilities, but leaves you with rushed or ignored corruption processes and, ultimately, an empty protagonist.

    "Defenestration" is neither sophisticated nor fulfilling, but at least it took on an own ambience besides all the medieval-type of RPGMaker games which is interesting in itself.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly well-written and engaging, with (mostly) very good art and a fair degree of story interactivity! The corruption mechanics are especially engaging, and the emphasis on the character receiving slutty tattoos is very cool :) Lots of content already, and the developer seems to put out new and substantial releases pretty frequently!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I am a straight female and I have put 7 hoursssss into this fucking game haha. I don't know how I found it but it is soooooo enjoyable. I love it so much. I really hope I get a chance to bang Tolstoy because he is so sexy and it's hard to resist a gopnik in a tracksuit. Sex aside this game is sooooo good! I love the hidden references and the beastie boys 8-bit sabotage was great also. Ugh this game is so perfect for me haha.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Thoroughly enjoyable game, especially if you are looking for mind control/corruption and a female protaganist. It is well written and although there are a few typos this does not detract from the overall experience. The renders are good and get better the further through the game you explore. All in all a good 3-4 hours of fun content. Can't wait for the next few "visits" to New You. A big thank you to Fresh Mulan.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the few games i really want to be finished as quick as possible. I have played it for 7 hours now and i love the brainwashing setting in this game. That alone is not specials of course but together with the really good Art Style and really funny character design i actually read the text and follow the story which makes the new cg even better. I hope they finish this quick because the only downside of this game is that its not finished yet which is annoying
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I believe I've just finished all the content for this update, except the 2nd BE event in Hospital, if anyone can let me know what it is, that'll be great.

    The game's pretty nice so far with the replay value offered by the multiple routes! For the underground travel system, was it inspired from Vampire The Masquerade Bloodline? I know it must have existed in other game as well, but that's the first instance that I've seen it. And, thank you again for the wonderful game, I'm eagerly looking forward to future game content and will support its development on Patreon.

    Also, so far, I also went the route where Kira abstinentes the H-events as much as possible, never met up with the hypnotherapist until "New You", and the lust stays at 3 and goes down to 2 after the fisherman. I started the "New You" with the jammer in my inventory and it doesn't seem to stop Kira from submitting to the procedures, I think I just got less pink texts, which I get, it is because it's still in development.

    2019/05 edit: Holy crap, they ruined her face because Patreon votes willed it. Screw me, this is the worst major protagonist rework that I've seen. Spectacular. Changed the rating to average because the change made me realize how good MC's design was and they dealt away with it.
  8. 4.00 star(s)



    I give it about 3.5 rounded up.

    Unique art style. Whether you like it or not is subjective, but it's a bit different.
    Costume/body changes. They aren't always 100% consistent, but it's nice to see a bit of variety.
    Sexy scenarios. Being a corruption game, it's not breaking a lot of new ground, but they are still enjoyable.
    Interesting Story/Setting. It's a bit goofy at times and doesn't always make a ton of sense, but it's entertaining.

    RPGM. Yet another game in RPGM that doesn't really need to be. Sure, there are some location based things in here, but the rpg elements are largely underused. Why is it such a pain in the ass to get from the residential subway to the apartment? The other subways dump you out right into the map.

    Bit of a grind. There is a small amount of grind for money. I will give credit for there being some different scenarios while working. Later in the game things seem to get more expensive. I just hope it doesn't get any more grindy than it already is.

    It's a corruption game involving mind control/brainwashing. I mean it's fine as a premise and it's got a bit of a spin on it, but it's still forced corruption instead of willing corruption. Sure you can choose to do or not do certain things, but at the end of the day the adult content is going to be mostly under the corruption route. At the same time, because of the nature of the corruption, several characters will tell you to stop. I'd rather have my cake and eat it too as far as corruption goes, but maybe that's my personal bias.

    Reused assets. When you get to the "New You" section of the game near the current end of content, it's some stuff you've already seen before with a bit of new stuff mixed in. Feels a bit lazy to me.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    While I am taking a break from Defenestration to allow Fresh Mulan time to roll out a bunch more content, I have been an avid supporter of the game from day 1. The dev is awesome, the premise of the story is awesome, and Kira is one one of the hottest pixel chicks I've ever seen. The entire game is a gem and it has so much potential to be one of the best adult RPGM games out there. I love everything about it. Give it a try.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Joe Steel

    I downloaded this mainly because of the setting - an alt-history where the USSR survives into the future. This didn't disappoint from the standpoint of being both commie-corny and yet still strangely believable. The game is kind of on rails at the moment, which is understandable in a first release - you have to get the customer to the "good stuff" quickly if you want to compete with other, more established games. The story is great (though eccentric, to say the least), the artwork good to great, and the maps are interesting, showing lots of little touches that reflect the dichotomy between what this society wants to be and what it is. NPCs are not cookie-cutter, even when they are just eyecandy. Great sense of humor (Bobby Fischer is a hoot). The one thing I'd work on as the author is the music. Standard RPGMaker music doesn't fit this environment. Surely there is free music somewhere like http://www.free-internet-music.com/russian-music.html#.WrZT7YgbOHs that could be used?

    I'm intrigued by this game more than just about any RPGMaker game bar One Hour Agent. Well worth checking out, and a lot of play for a 0.1 version.