In general, this game delivers somewhat variety within the trist setting, for example (mostly oversexualized) clothing, the process of body expansion, quest ideas...
Although the communism/revolution frame has potential for unique forms of erotism, it isn't really executed accordingly.
Here are the problems:
In the beginning, the underlying seriousness makes everything tense for future plots, but due to a huge introduction of humor, this aspect is gone.
In addition, the writers are often inable to simplify their thoughts, so it's not unusual you're confronted with walls of texts. While the sentences make sense in regards of logic and consequence, the speech is often repetitive or unnatural and all the little humor change it to bearable at best, just not really fun.
Hence, you could catch yourself skipping through conversations as you try to see some keywords to still follow what's going on.
On top of that, you can sometimes choose around 3 options in which style you like to progress, however, one of it (a violent one) bugged me the game or at least confused me to such an extent that I don't know what's the story now considering the quest log isn't always helpful.
Most importantly, the sexual steps are blunt and straightforward - a contrast to the introduced, almost mysterious world that makes a player explore its possibilities, but leaves you with rushed or ignored corruption processes and, ultimately, an empty protagonist.
"Defenestration" is neither sophisticated nor fulfilling, but at least it took on an own ambience besides all the medieval-type of RPGMaker games which is interesting in itself.