Dreams of Desire have been around for quite a while now, it was the first approach to the genre for a lot of us, but it is truly memorable?.
Story: 2 Resting Bananas out of 5
While Dreams of Desire begins strong on the story department, with a mysterious supernatural plot, it fails to keep the intrigue going and ends up losing steam fast as progression goes on, as the story is too ambitious for its own good.
Writing a fantasy story without losing the reader´s interest is a skill that requires a lot of try and error, there´s no other way to circumvent this, you need to keep writing different approaches at the genre until you write something that yourself actually enjoy reading while keeping your ambition on check, as no artist, ever, has made his magnum opus at first try.
Characters: 4 Solid Bananas out of 5
Female chars look pretty good, olympus goddesses level of good.
A little bit more of hair color variety would have been awesome, without redheads this world is doomed mate.
There´s not a lot of character development going on, except on two of the main heroines, one of which has more of a plot twist than real development.
Main char and his sidekick are as deep as a shallow pond, and they are a couple of pervs embarked on a endogamy mission.
Mechanics: 5 Adamant-Hard Bananas out of 5
This is a VN, and as such theres no real effort required to play it, theres no minigames, no other action required from our thick monkey brains to reach the neural activation...This is great, VNs dont need to be complex on this department to be successful.
Content: 4 Solid Bananas out of 5
Animations on this VN are gucci *chef kiss*.
Scenes are just enough, wish there could have been a lot more per character, some interactions with them are decision bound, which may not be clear unless you play with a walkthrough mod or a guide (or the classic try and error). This might limit your first approach with the VN if you play it without any help.
There´s a point system going in the back, so be mindful with your desicions, as this determines your ending.
Ending: 4 Solid Bananas out of 5
There´s an ending for each of the three heroines, a bad ending, a perfect ending and a secret one...All these are determined by certain desicions that may look trivial and inconsequential on the long run, like not being an asshole with someone you actually care about.
Too bad theres no solo ending for aunt Jenna, that woman deserved more.
Dream of Desire is a good game overall, it may not be legendary, but its certainly entertaining.
Main story didnt managed to keep me hooked to be honest, but characters and animations are top quality. Wish more time would have been given to develop the story a lot more, as this had a great potential to be memorable, at first the pace feels a bit slow but in the end it feels a bit rushed.
But I dont regret playing this VN at all.