
Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2017
As for character shapes yeah, I had to limit the amount of options and the shapes customization. I tried to find a compromise of speed, quality, and appealing to a broad range of looks. For example the hands look very small on heavier body types. Yup, I'm working in Maya and they have a lot of similar tools - weight transfer, driving morphs from existing deformers, all the bells and whistles I just always run into edge case scenarios.
Alas, I don't have experience in Maya.

What you can do is scale the hand bone for the female programatically (should scale all attached bones like fingers down with it). My biggest beef is the head. Faces are too manly. Hair selection could use a boost too.

As for the shapes.. IMHO they are extreeme. Comical even. Literal Baloon tits. HUMONGOUS asses. So much muscle (Beefslab Von Maximus) that the man would probably have trouble moving. Good for comedy builds I guess, but if anyone can fap to that, they are weird.
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New Member
Apr 16, 2024
As I once wrote in on of my previous posts, I do indeed have a great deal to say about werewolves. Here we go...

Wolves are pack animals and humans are social creatures. It stands to reason that werewolves would congregate into small groups. You could vary it up so that some werewolves are lone wolves, some gather in with regular wolves, and some pack up with other werewolves.

In the article "Is the Alpha Wolf Idea a Myth?" written by Stephanie Pappas, Stephanie writes that most wolf packs are simply families, with Mom and Dad as the head of the family. Since they're the oldest, it makes them best suited to protecting pack members and deciding what the pack will be doing.

In nature, wolves tease out vulnerabilities in prospective prey, are excellent trackers, herd prey, and ambush their prey. Found this info form this article: (How Do Wolves Hunt? 6 Impressive Strategies They Use - Written by Cammi Morgan).

In mythology, there's men with wolf's head, man-wolves, skinny werewolves, and buff werewolves. You're probably going to go for the buff variety, but there's a lot of myth variations to draw upon. As it happens, the very first werewolf myth was a guy called Lycaon who pissed off Zeus. Lycaon got cursed to have the head of a wolf whilst retaining the body of a man. Here's some reading(Werewolf Legends by: HISTORY.COM EDITORS).
In Dungeons and Dragons, there're werewolves and their larger kin Loup Garou. The thought I have here is that there can be large iterations of werewolves that're more vicious and larger in stature, but also more reckless.

There's also the werewolf transformation, and I wonder if you'll forgo an bodily transformation or show a such a alteration. The only suggestion that I've got for you about the transformation is to do each limb at a time for emphasis and to slow down the transformation.
It'd also be cool to see werewolves get bigger the tougher they are, as if a regular werewolf is transitioning to a Loup Garou. That, or or seeing werewolves that've become larger to adapt to tougher environments.

As for abilities, here's some thoughts for you: Shoulder charge, bleed out effect from claw slashing, ambush by staying still until player is within a certain range, howl that causes stun or fear effect, luring the plyer into terrain that's advantageous for the werewolf.
If in a pack, encirclement, lightening strikes, herding, and stalking.


Jun 11, 2017
A few easy-to-do feature requests:
-map teleport (no need to shrink the map, or change the fatigue system, just add a way for the wankers to get theirs)
-in-game changelog (regularly, like every 3-6months, to show off your progress)
-spawn NPC menu (cheat?)
-reduce texture size on small objects (I have 16GB vRAM but others struggle with 6), especially grass where it simply eats resources without visual benefit
-auto-progressing dialogue (a.k.a 1-hand mode)

Keep it up, someone needs to give wildlife (where these are available since day0) a run for its money


Dec 5, 2019
Very interesting concept so far i have followed many 3D porn game projects and many fails but many really has something to offer and this is one of them, while the game is in very early stages the models and animations really caught my eye I will be following this project closely for sure
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New Member
Dec 28, 2021
I effectively can't see anything. When I go to the actual gameplay, everything is yellow. The menus appear in regular colors though. Any idea what is going on?
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Game Developer
Nov 5, 2017
how much futa is there besides the character creation
The player character primarily right now. I'm slowly adding more human NPCs into the world and adding in more variation (the older builds especially it's the same 3 or 4 humans copy pasted everywhere to save time). As for other creatures it's a matter of getting the time to do the animations for them. The succubus, slime, and goblin girls are the first on the list!

But for now - there's a DIY with human characters. The player can reverse pickpocket transformation potions onto human NPCs and they'll use the potion instantly. I need to write this into a tutorial at some point so player's know they have this option.

When I play the game all of the colors are orange and red. I have a sneaking suspicion that's not how the game is meant to look!
Some other people have posted about this before and I think it might be a hardware issue. Have you run into anything similar on other Unreal Engine 5 games?

once you find what hotkeys work what and spend some time things tend to go smooth its still early but i like where its going
i still have not figured out how to sell items in inventory or use them (not sure if that is implemented yet )
Thanks! As for buying and selling items (unless I've broken something in this build) it should be as simple as going to one of the shops in town and usually there's a dialogue option to see what they have in stock and the player should be able to sell things from their inventory there. Using items from the inventory depends on the item right now. Weapons, armor, and most potions should all be useable from the inventory screen but things like flowers and other gatherable items aren't useable yet. But they will be eventually once I get some more time.

Oh and yeah, I'm working on getting the tutorial level updated and put back in so that learning hotkeys and mechanics will be a lot easier. Hopefully I'll have that back in soon!

what are the sex scenes that can be done rn?
Uhh... there's usually 2 or 3 per character and it depends on what the player and the character have for anatomy choices. It also depends on if the player is on the giving or receiving end of things. But there's human on human stuff and for non human stuff there's a slimegirl, goblin, male imp, succubus, incubus, minotaur, frog daddy, and the female imp is work in progress. I think that's it so far? Sorry, listing all the individual scenes would be a lot of work to dig through the files and find all of them. Hope that helps!

pre lapha for 5 years now, still no story?
The story is coming along. The jump between engine versions from Unreal 4 to 5 hit the reset button on a lot of things and I'm getting caught back up. The groundwork for all the backend systems are in and so the foundation work is there. Moving forward I'll be able to focus more and more on quests, stories, romances, and more content like animations. I'm working on quest content right now and hoping to have that out as soon as possible... so in one of the upcoming builds questlines will be back in.

Alas, I don't have experience in Maya.

What you can do is scale the hand bone for the female programatically (should scale all attached bones like fingers down with it). My biggest beef is the head. Faces are too manly. Hair selection could use a boost too.

As for the shapes.. IMHO they are extreeme. Comical even. Literal Baloon tits. HUMONGOUS asses. So much muscle (Beefslab Von Maximus) that the man would probably have trouble moving. Good for comedy builds I guess, but if anyone can fap to that, they are weird.
Fair enough. And I totally agree on the hair selection stuff. That's a big piece of content that I really need to work on. It's all tradeoffs and figuring out where to focus.

But yeah, I totally hear you and I think a lot of it comes down to personal preference. I've literally had people say that the faces are all way too feminine and the body types don't go far enough. If I had the money and the time to do it I would totally sit down and make an infinite amount of options so that every player could customize their avatar as much as they wanted to so that it was perfect. But unfortunately my time is limited and my budget is pretty meagre. At some point I will be going back and doing a polish pass on the face customization and options there, same thing with the hair, but for right now I'm trying to focus on quest and environment content so the game feels more full to players.

As I once wrote in on of my previous posts, I do indeed have a great deal to say about werewolves. Here we go...

Wolves are pack animals and humans are social creatures. It stands to reason that werewolves would congregate into small groups. You could vary it up so that some werewolves are lone wolves, some gather in with regular wolves, and some pack up with other werewolves.

In the article "Is the Alpha Wolf Idea a Myth?" written by Stephanie Pappas, Stephanie writes that most wolf packs are simply families, with Mom and Dad as the head of the family. Since they're the oldest, it makes them best suited to protecting pack members and deciding what the pack will be doing.

In nature, wolves tease out vulnerabilities in prospective prey, are excellent trackers, herd prey, and ambush their prey. Found this info form this article: (How Do Wolves Hunt? 6 Impressive Strategies They Use - Written by Cammi Morgan).

In mythology, there's men with wolf's head, man-wolves, skinny werewolves, and buff werewolves. You're probably going to go for the buff variety, but there's a lot of myth variations to draw upon. As it happens, the very first werewolf myth was a guy called Lycaon who pissed off Zeus. Lycaon got cursed to have the head of a wolf whilst retaining the body of a man. Here's some reading(Werewolf Legends by: HISTORY.COM EDITORS).
In Dungeons and Dragons, there're werewolves and their larger kin Loup Garou. The thought I have here is that there can be large iterations of werewolves that're more vicious and larger in stature, but also more reckless.

There's also the werewolf transformation, and I wonder if you'll forgo an bodily transformation or show a such a alteration. The only suggestion that I've got for you about the transformation is to do each limb at a time for emphasis and to slow down the transformation.
It'd also be cool to see werewolves get bigger the tougher they are, as if a regular werewolf is transitioning to a Loup Garou. That, or or seeing werewolves that've become larger to adapt to tougher environments.

As for abilities, here's some thoughts for you: Shoulder charge, bleed out effect from claw slashing, ambush by staying still until player is within a certain range, howl that causes stun or fear effect, luring the plyer into terrain that's advantageous for the werewolf.
If in a pack, encirclement, lightening strikes, herding, and stalking.
Lol, very cool. You weren't kidding about having a lot to say about werewolves! This is really cool stuff and when I have the time to start delving into the werewolf systems and mechanics I'll totally refer back to this! They're unfortunately quite a ways in the future from now though and I haven't put much thought into them other than "wouldn't it be cool to do something like Skyrim werewolves". But thank you! It's always cool seeing and reading peoples' ideas!

A few easy-to-do feature requests:
-map teleport (no need to shrink the map, or change the fatigue system, just add a way for the wankers to get theirs)
-in-game changelog (regularly, like every 3-6months, to show off your progress)
-spawn NPC menu (cheat?)
-reduce texture size on small objects (I have 16GB vRAM but others struggle with 6), especially grass where it simply eats resources without visual benefit
-auto-progressing dialogue (a.k.a 1-hand mode)

Keep it up, someone needs to give wildlife (where these are available since day0) a run for its money
Map teleport, I've totally considered it but it's also a mechanic that currently I'm trying to avoid for the final game and taking the time to add something that ultimately I want to turn off is hard for me to juggle right now. I may add move destination points for the in game carriage system and I also think I need to highlight the town portal scrolls to new players better

In game changelog, I'm not totally sure what you mean by this? So like the build/patch notes for each build but someplace in game?

NPCs spawns/ cheats. This is something that I'm planning on adding more with the housing system. Sort of like in Fallout 4 how the player can send followers back to their settlements. But also do it in the game world. So like a summoning circle placeable that spawns a succubus to wander around the player's house. At least that's the current plan.

Texture sizes and optimization. Totally I will do an optimization path. Currently the depth of field, fog, and clouds I think are what's eating the most framerate for visual assets. There's so much that is placeholder and not finalized now where eventually once I have final art work I'll crunch stuff down to share the same texture sheets and all that jazz but right now I've just been mipping stuff down by hand.

1 hand mode. Totally. Either that or I need to find a sponsorship from someone that makes mounting devices for toys. But yeah it's something I'll look into when I have some time.

Thanks for taking the time to think up and write out your feedback and thoughts! It's appreciated!

I effectively can't see anything. When I go to the actual gameplay, everything is yellow. The menus appear in regular colors though. Any idea what is going on?
Yeah, I've seen people run into this issue before and I don't know what's causing it and I have very little information about it. My assumption is that it's a hardware issue. Have you run into this issue while running other games that use Unreal Engine 5? I've got a lot of the fancy rendering stuff turned on by default but since the menus appear does changing settings in the options menu help anything? Sorry you're running into this issue too!


New Member
Dec 28, 2020
Oh no I totally get it; that wasn't meant as a jab for the record, and I of all people definitely know how fast 5 years can go. To give a bit of a better critique, there's a solid foundation in place for sure, just needs more stuff, and then polish after that.
yeah but how?


Game Developer
Nov 5, 2017
worth downloading yet or nah?
It really depends on what you're looking for. If you want to see the progress of the game, watch animations, run around the world, try out the mechanics then yeah it's probably worth checking out. If you're looking for a polished product, quests and storylines (these are coming soon), a polished UI then probably hold off for now.

I do try to make consistent public progress updates over on the if you want to get a feel for where the game is currently and how things change from month to month.

the sreen of the game is all orange.
People have posted about this a few times before. I'm not sure what's going on and I have very little information. It might be a hardware issue? Or it might be a lighting issue / engine issue. I can't replicate it on my end and it seems to only happen to a handful of people. If it isn't too much trouble - have you run into this issue with other games running in Unreal Engine 5? Would it be possible for you to grab a screenshot and send that to me? I'd like to try and fix this issue so people don't keep running into it.

After digging through reddit, does the game look sort of like this on your machine?


Aug 10, 2019
It really depends on what you're looking for. If you want to see the progress of the game, watch animations, run around the world, try out the mechanics then yeah it's probably worth checking out. If you're looking for a polished product, quests and storylines (these are coming soon), a polished UI then probably hold off for now.

I do try to make consistent public progress updates over on the if you want to get a feel for where the game is currently and how things change from month to month.

People have posted about this a few times before. I'm not sure what's going on and I have very little information. It might be a hardware issue? Or it might be a lighting issue / engine issue. I can't replicate it on my end and it seems to only happen to a handful of people. If it isn't too much trouble - have you run into this issue with other games running in Unreal Engine 5? Would it be possible for you to grab a screenshot and send that to me? I'd like to try and fix this issue so people don't keep running into it.

After digging through reddit, does the game look sort of like this on your machine?
View attachment 3741426
Yes, this is how the game looks on my PC.


Game Developer
Nov 5, 2017
Yes, this is how the game looks on my PC.
Ok cool, thank you a lot for replying and letting me know! I appreciate it! If you still have the game installed you might be able to try this, post by Marou a page ago, " Create icon for exe file and in it's properties write "-d3d11". Should look like this "...\Feign_1.15.03_hotfix2\Feign_1.15.03_hotfix2.exe -d3d11". After that start game from icon. "

That might do it. It looks like it's something with the new realtime lighting and the environment sampling. I'll dig into it further when I have time and see if I can fix it on my end. Thanks again!

Does anyone have a complete map i can't find the cavern
Hmm, cavern... oh no, did I miss a quest assignment? Was this from Xandra in the tavern or something? Sorry, I tried to cut out the dialogue from the quest givers but I might've missed some. So I'm currently bringing quests back in for this next upcoming build and hopefully they'll be in 1.15.06 but there aren't any caves back in 1.15.05 or before. Really sorry about that!


New Member
Mar 26, 2022
Ok cool, thank you a lot for replying and letting me know! I appreciate it! If you still have the game installed you might be able to try this, post by Marou a page ago, " Create icon for exe file and in it's properties write "-d3d11". Should look like this "...\Feign_1.15.03_hotfix2\Feign_1.15.03_hotfix2.exe -d3d11". After that start game from icon. "

That might do it. It looks like it's something with the new realtime lighting and the environment sampling. I'll dig into it further when I have time and see if I can fix it on my end. Thanks again!

Hmm, cavern... oh no, did I miss a quest assignment? Was this from Xandra in the tavern or something? Sorry, I tried to cut out the dialogue from the quest givers but I might've missed some. So I'm currently bringing quests back in for this next upcoming build and hopefully they'll be in 1.15.06 but there aren't any caves back in 1.15.05 or before. Really sorry about that!
I found the cavern and the guy with Xandra's sex drugs. What I can't find are the miners.


Dec 23, 2021
I went into a tavern in redtree, rested in a bed to recover HP, when I went down stairs to leave the door was locked and I couldn't leave the tavern. I used to wait function to advance time to 8 am, that should be something that keeps players out but not in.

Potions are interesting, but anything that changes a player's character in a drastic way needs to have a way to revert it instantly like a simple right click on a buff icon to purge having a dick on what was originally a female character. Personally I'm not into futanari, I'm not against it being in a game, but I would stop playing a game that forced it on me or had it happen without some explicit warning. I'm of the opinion that anything that alters a player's character appearance outside of character creation needs to have a way of reverting it without necessitating spending anymore than a few seconds of clicking.

You definitely need some way to traverse distances outside of the taxi system you have in towns. For those of you who aren't an ancient like myself if you weren't around to play WoW 1.0 back in the olden times, Taurens didn't have mounts and had to use "Plains Walking" which was everything mounts were for other races, but without the mount model. You could do something like that where the player's run speed is increased to what would be a mount speed until canceled either by combat or player action.

Probably need a compass system as well. Recently I've been playing Ghost of Tsushima and I fucking love that wind system they use for navigation, it's fucking brilliant to the point that I think every adventure game should just blatantly rip them off even going so far as naming it "The Ghost of Tsushima game Navigation System" in game.

You got a Map hole here:

map hole2.png map hole.png

Overlapping text windows, it's a combo of the UI needing some love and text being wordy. IMO player character response options should be a few words that are displayed giving you an idea of what will be said, then when you select the option having a text bubble or window showing the full text of what is being said by your character.


Some background ambient noise is also needed, like background music but also environmental sounds like birds chirping the wind blowing leaves rustling otherwise a player will go insane from the constant sound of footsteps.

if I had to list the things needed by priority IMO it would be:

1) mount/travel system

2) ability to revert appearance changes outside of character creation

3) tit jiggle physics, what's the point of tits if they don't jiggle?

4) everything else.

P.S.: I found your a-poses apose.png

I hope you don't get discouraged by the feedback you get, I see you've been working on it for a long time now but the one thing I persistently thought while playing was "I wish this guy had the resources the people making Carnal Instinct have." I really want to see this become a finished product and if the potential was realized fully I would even be willing to pay for it.
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Mar 4, 2020
Will there be a way to mod in a custom character model in the future?
Also dev can you a way to make ass,tits,balls, and cock bigger than their current limits in the future please. Ridiculous scaling stuff is also fun/hot.
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