
Game Developer
Nov 5, 2017
I found the cavern and the guy with Xandra's sex drugs. What I can't find are the miners.
Miners, sorry not totally sure which build you're on and I've been moving stuff around a lot... but if they're miners then it might be the mines east of the town down in the swamp?

I went into a tavern in redtree *snip*
Oh wow, nice you really dug into what's currently in the game. Thanks for all the thoughts and feedback I appreciate you taking the time to check things out and then write all this up!

So in the latest build I added the tutorial level back into the game. This will hopefully get people up to speed on general mechanics and stuff.
That bug of getting locked in the tavern in Redtree, I must've copy pasted the wrong door that already had a timeline set up for when it was locked/unlocked. But there's a way to pick locks, similar to Skyrim, where if the player goes into sneak mode (ctrl) then interacts with a lock it'll open the lockpicking interface.

The potions I'll most likely just keep adding more options and effects to instead of the undo feature. I'm taking inspiration and mechanics from Corruption of Champions on this one. Where it was sort of on the player to experiment, figure out what the potions would do, and then live with the consequences. A lot of the fun was trying to get your player to look a very specific way and never knowing what the random number generator would do.

I've heard the travel feedback a few times. I think the biggest reason for this feedback right now is that the map isn't very detailed. There's large open stretches that I haven't had the time to fill with content yet. I'm hoping that as content gets filled in then it'll make it interesting to go between one location and another. But currently on top of the fast travel carriages there's also the town portal scrolls that can be bought in Redtree. I'll also most likely add a mark + recall set of spells similar to Morrowind. So the player can set a location to teleport back to whenever they want to.

Oh yeah the wind in Ghost of Tsushima is awesome! That would be a really cool system to add in. But that's something that I'm not even entirely sure how they did it and it would take a lot of my time to even start researching.

Lol, I'll start filling in more holes behind those large static map props as I detail out the levels more. I need to go through and update LODs and textures and stuff too.

The UI yeah, I'll do a polish pass once I get a chance. But I don't think I'm going to do any fully voiced lines so I'd rather just do the old school dialogue stuff - thinking like fallout 1 and 2 stuff.

Oh jiggle physics! Yes, this will be coming back. I was doing it using the dynamics systems in Unreal but they act super funky when the framerate changes. So if the game starts chugging those jiggly parts start to sag or drag across the screen. The most reliable and simplest solution I've found so far is just to hand animate things. So once I get some time to go back and polish the human animations I'll be adding in some jiggle again.

And yeah development resources. It's a catch 22 really. I'm a solo developer and so I only have a limited amount of time and I don't have any real budget yet. If that situation changes I'll totally bring on an extra modeler or animator and then be able to crank out even more content. But that catch 22 - I need more content to get more budget but to get more content I need more budget. So yeah. Until then I'm just going to keep chugging along and working as fast as I can.

Thanks again for the feedback!

Will there be a way to mod in a custom character model in the future?
Also dev can you a way to make ass,tits,balls, and cock bigger than their current limits in the future please. Ridiculous scaling stuff is also fun/hot.
Custom characters I'm not really sure to be honest. Eventually I'd like to allow players to create their own mods, sort of like Skyrim, but I'm really not sure how difficult that is or how much freedom it would allow modders. Mostly because I haven't had the time to do the research and the tinkering yet. It would be really awesome to allow players to do though!

Sizes start to get funky during animations. Already during human on human animations I'm never totally sure where something will be so it makes hand placement sort of frustrating. I'm slowly working on a system that I think will fix this but it's way on the back burner.

But yes, I would love to do some size stuff - the most likely thing to do first would be cock sizes but in a limited fashion. Say have 3 different sizes. That way for animations I could check if the player is small, medium, or large and animate according to that size. Super ultra jumbo sizes like where a body part is as big as the player starts to get more complicated. That might happen but would be in specific instances or scripted events I think. But that's all based on my current resources... more stuff becomes possible the more funding the project gets of course.

Nah, broken... even the HUD doesn't work properly and I have no idea how to attack :/
Oh, what's happening with the HUD?
To attack the player needs to have a weapon equipped first. Tab to open inventory, then click on a weapon to equip, then tab out of the inventory. After that to ready the weapon press r. To attack is left mouse, to block is right mouse. To put the weapon away is r again. It's pretty much the Skyrim mechanics.
The latest build has a tutorial level that goes over this and other base mechanics to bring people up to speed smoother.
Hope that helps!

Yo Dev Will These Have Animation As Well In The Future?Are They Enemies As Well? View attachment 3779198
Yup, those will eventually have animations and be sort of enemies / environmental hazards or traps or whatever. I haven't figured out exactly how the AI will act yet but they will be interactable eventually.


Game Developer
Nov 5, 2017
So is anyone else getting an issue where it just crashes at the main menu?
I think someone else is running into this over on the Patreon. I don't have any info just yet. But if you don't mind giving me any details then I might be able to help? Which version number are you on? Is there any sort of crash dialogue window that pops up? Does it crash when you press a specific menu button or just after sitting idle for a little while? No pressure though if you're busy, I know it can be a pain and time consuming to write up bug reports.

Thanks for posting! I only have my own PC hardware to test on so I miss a lot of things that happen on other hardware configurations and under different user conditions. And even just knowing that there's a bug helps me start to figure out how to fix things.


Active Member
Dec 2, 2021
slaen - Perhaps this is a known exploit, but in v1.15.03 (current f95 build) players can generate infinite items due to the shopkeepers' chests being accessible, as well as fully restocking upon reload (i.e. save -> quit to main menu -> continue from save).

Additionally, players can effectively sprint indefinitely with jumping while sprinting. The players velocity remains constant while in the air regardless if the sprint key is pressed, and stamina doesn't drain as a result.

A minor issue that I noticed is there isn't a limit in place when zooming out from the player. Or - if there is a limit - it seems to be set to a high value.

A few QoL changes which would be appreciated:
  • Dedicated hotkeys for potions, map, inventory, and character menu ("Tab" just loads the menu you were last on)
  • Ability to assign weapons/spells to a number key
  • Organize inventory - whether it be separate tabs, or just the ability to reposition where items are
  • Indication on which sex stage you're in (i.e. stage 1, stage 2, climax, etc.)

Other than that this game feels like it's making good progress. The Fable inspired graphics brought back fond memories of Fable III, and the layout of Redtree felt a bit reminiscent of some of the cities in Oblivion (kinda like a mesh of Bruma and Cheydinhal).

Probably the best feature of this game so far is the physical changes caused by the potions. I'm hoping this system is expanded further, such as changing skin pigmentation or body composition (i.e. drinking the slime potion turns your body more transluscent and slime-like in nature). It's a rather unique mechanic that, when implemented into other games on this site, seems to be an afterthought rather than fully developed feature.


Mar 3, 2020
I think someone else is running into this over on the Patreon. I don't have any info just yet. But if you don't mind giving me any details then I might be able to help? Which version number are you on? Is there any sort of crash dialogue window that pops up? Does it crash when you press a specific menu button or just after sitting idle for a little while? No pressure though if you're busy, I know it can be a pain and time consuming to write up bug reports.

Thanks for posting! I only have my own PC hardware to test on so I miss a lot of things that happen on other hardware configurations and under different user conditions. And even just knowing that there's a bug helps me start to figure out how to fix things.

I get this error, most recent version on here, I get to the main menu and that's all it does before crashing, no clicking on anything, just load it up and boom it crashes


Game Developer
Nov 5, 2017
slaen - Perhaps this is a known exploit, but in v1.15.03 (current f95 build) players can generate infinite items due to the shopkeepers' chests being accessible, as well as fully restocking upon reload (i.e. save -> quit to main menu -> continue from save).

Additionally, players can effectively sprint indefinitely with jumping while sprinting. The players velocity remains constant while in the air regardless if the sprint key is pressed, and stamina doesn't drain as a result.

A minor issue that I noticed is there isn't a limit in place when zooming out from the player. Or - if there is a limit - it seems to be set to a high value.

A few QoL changes which would be appreciated:
  • Dedicated hotkeys for potions, map, inventory, and character menu ("Tab" just loads the menu you were last on)
  • Ability to assign weapons/spells to a number key
  • Organize inventory - whether it be separate tabs, or just the ability to reposition where items are
  • Indication on which sex stage you're in (i.e. stage 1, stage 2, climax, etc.)

Other than that this game feels like it's making good progress. The Fable inspired graphics brought back fond memories of Fable III, and the layout of Redtree felt a bit reminiscent of some of the cities in Oblivion (kinda like a mesh of Bruma and Cheydinhal).

Probably the best feature of this game so far is the physical changes caused by the potions. I'm hoping this system is expanded further, such as changing skin pigmentation or body composition (i.e. drinking the slime potion turns your body more transluscent and slime-like in nature). It's a rather unique mechanic that, when implemented into other games on this site, seems to be an afterthought rather than fully developed feature.
Oh awesome thank you for the feedback!

Yes, the exploits and stuff I'm slowly going through and changing as I add and polish in features. The crime and punishment system for instance, is still in very early stages but in the more recent builds guards will react and confront the player for stealing from an owned chest. And while I'm getting those systems in place I thought it would be nice to not make the player grind for money and items but instead give them the option of looting shops. But yeah, this is slowly changing.

I've got to look at teh jumping sprinting thing again. There was something where jumping and sprinting would still burn stamina too? I've got the bug written down someplace and when I go back and polish stamina (probably when I start adding status effects) I'll take a look at it.

Oh the camera zoom limits - I haven't touched that system in way too long. But I agree I need to go back and do a polish pass plus adding limits to it. It's just been on the back burner as bigger bugs keep popping up.

Dedicated hotkeys will absolutely be a thing eventually. Like you mention it's a quality of life feature though and a lot of my focus right now is still core mechanics and gameplay. But I completely agree! Similar with item and inventory organization. I need to add things like a weight carry limit and all that stuff. I did (earlier this morning) turn on saving for all containers in the game. I'm going to test that and see how feasible that is with save game sizes but that should also help manage inventory size.

Animation stage display would be a little funky to display. Also I'm slowly planning to move away from the sort of linear progression of animations and more towards a narrative form. The player loss scene to the male imp is the best example right now. Where instead of one animation / position that increases in intensity I'm mixing and matching a handful of different animations that fit the narrative text that goes with that scene.

Physical changes and transformation potions. I definitely want to keep adding more options and transformations. It's always going to be a bit of a balancing act with performance and animations but yeah, I'd love to have a slime transformation for the player!

Thanks again for the feedback and kind words! This is really helpful in letting me know what people are looking for and how they're playing the game currently. I really appreciate it!

I get this error, most recent version on here, I get to the main menu and that's all it does before crashing, no clicking on anything, just load it up and boom it crashes
Oh that's not a good one. The d3d12util.cpp thing seems to be a common crash for Unreal engine 5 games. From what I've read it seems to be a dx 12 crash. But all hope is not lost!

From a few pages back Marou posted this " Create icon for exe file and in it's properties write "-d3d11". Should look like this "...\Feign_1.15.03_hotfix2\Feign_1.15.03_hotfix2.exe -d3d11". After that start game from icon. "

Doing this seemed to solve the crash for them.

This will disable the fancy dx12 stuff but will hopefully get the game running. There's also a few other options but it gets into stuff like making changes to the registry which I'm hesitant to recommend. But the core issue seems to be a graphics card thing where the card might not support dx12 or if it does it could still be running out of memory or overheating or it could just be some random driver error. Reading through forum posts it seems one troubleshooting step is just to update the drivers and cross your fingers.

But yeah, I'd try creating a shortcut and forcing it to use dx11 and see if that works. Sorry, I'm not a hardware wizard and I wish I could help out more!
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Dec 23, 2021
Miners, sorry not totally sure which build you're on and I've been moving stuff around a lot... but if they're miners then it might be the mines east of the town down in the swamp?

Oh wow, nice you really dug into what's currently in the game. Thanks for all the thoughts and feedback I appreciate you taking the time to check things out and then write all this up!

So in the latest build I added the tutorial level back into the game. This will hopefully get people up to speed on general mechanics and stuff.
That bug of getting locked in the tavern in Redtree, I must've copy pasted the wrong door that already had a timeline set up for when it was locked/unlocked. But there's a way to pick locks, similar to Skyrim, where if the player goes into sneak mode (ctrl) then interacts with a lock it'll open the lockpicking interface.

The potions I'll most likely just keep adding more options and effects to instead of the undo feature. I'm taking inspiration and mechanics from Corruption of Champions on this one. Where it was sort of on the player to experiment, figure out what the potions would do, and then live with the consequences. A lot of the fun was trying to get your player to look a very specific way and never knowing what the random number generator would do.

I've heard the travel feedback a few times. I think the biggest reason for this feedback right now is that the map isn't very detailed. There's large open stretches that I haven't had the time to fill with content yet. I'm hoping that as content gets filled in then it'll make it interesting to go between one location and another. But currently on top of the fast travel carriages there's also the town portal scrolls that can be bought in Redtree. I'll also most likely add a mark + recall set of spells similar to Morrowind. So the player can set a location to teleport back to whenever they want to.

Oh yeah the wind in Ghost of Tsushima is awesome! That would be a really cool system to add in. But that's something that I'm not even entirely sure how they did it and it would take a lot of my time to even start researching.

Lol, I'll start filling in more holes behind those large static map props as I detail out the levels more. I need to go through and update LODs and textures and stuff too.

The UI yeah, I'll do a polish pass once I get a chance. But I don't think I'm going to do any fully voiced lines so I'd rather just do the old school dialogue stuff - thinking like fallout 1 and 2 stuff.

Oh jiggle physics! Yes, this will be coming back. I was doing it using the dynamics systems in Unreal but they act super funky when the framerate changes. So if the game starts chugging those jiggly parts start to sag or drag across the screen. The most reliable and simplest solution I've found so far is just to hand animate things. So once I get some time to go back and polish the human animations I'll be adding in some jiggle again.

And yeah development resources. It's a catch 22 really. I'm a solo developer and so I only have a limited amount of time and I don't have any real budget yet. If that situation changes I'll totally bring on an extra modeler or animator and then be able to crank out even more content. But that catch 22 - I need more content to get more budget but to get more content I need more budget. So yeah. Until then I'm just going to keep chugging along and working as fast as I can.

Thanks again for the feedback!

Custom characters I'm not really sure to be honest. Eventually I'd like to allow players to create their own mods, sort of like Skyrim, but I'm really not sure how difficult that is or how much freedom it would allow modders. Mostly because I haven't had the time to do the research and the tinkering yet. It would be really awesome to allow players to do though!

Sizes start to get funky during animations. Already during human on human animations I'm never totally sure where something will be so it makes hand placement sort of frustrating. I'm slowly working on a system that I think will fix this but it's way on the back burner.

But yes, I would love to do some size stuff - the most likely thing to do first would be cock sizes but in a limited fashion. Say have 3 different sizes. That way for animations I could check if the player is small, medium, or large and animate according to that size. Super ultra jumbo sizes like where a body part is as big as the player starts to get more complicated. That might happen but would be in specific instances or scripted events I think. But that's all based on my current resources... more stuff becomes possible the more funding the project gets of course.

Oh, what's happening with the HUD?
To attack the player needs to have a weapon equipped first. Tab to open inventory, then click on a weapon to equip, then tab out of the inventory. After that to ready the weapon press r. To attack is left mouse, to block is right mouse. To put the weapon away is r again. It's pretty much the Skyrim mechanics.
The latest build has a tutorial level that goes over this and other base mechanics to bring people up to speed smoother.
Hope that helps!

Yup, those will eventually have animations and be sort of enemies / environmental hazards or traps or whatever. I haven't figured out exactly how the AI will act yet but they will be interactable eventually.
If you want players to experiment with potions then not having a way to revert unwanted changes, would have the opposite effect. As I sit here and think if I was going through your game again knowing that drinking a potion has the chance of doing something like putting a dick on my female character, I would never drink a potion. Players will be more willing to experiment if they know they can easily get back from what would be to them a negative consequence.

I'll use No Man's Sky for an example: I introduced the game to some people I used to game with, one of them was worried about landing on an alien planet and exploring because they were scared they wouldn't be able to get back to space and back to the base they built on a different planet. I informed them that they could explore freely in the game because every planet had the resources needed to launch their ship into space and so that person was then much more willing to do the thing the game wanted them to do: explore the unknown.

As far as resources for development:

Consider limiting the scope of what you personally work on for a limited time just so you can show potential patreons what your vision is in a more polished state. If you can personally make for example Redtree be exactly what you envision the entire game it to be with a year's worth of dedication you can leave the rest of the environment as space to grow into as you bring in more money to open up the possibility of bringing on more people to work on your project.


Mar 3, 2020
Oh awesome thank you for the feedback!

Yes, the exploits and stuff I'm slowly going through and changing as I add and polish in features. The crime and punishment system for instance, is still in very early stages but in the more recent builds guards will react and confront the player for stealing from an owned chest. And while I'm getting those systems in place I thought it would be nice to not make the player grind for money and items but instead give them the option of looting shops. But yeah, this is slowly changing.

I've got to look at teh jumping sprinting thing again. There was something where jumping and sprinting would still burn stamina too? I've got the bug written down someplace and when I go back and polish stamina (probably when I start adding status effects) I'll take a look at it.

Oh the camera zoom limits - I haven't touched that system in way too long. But I agree I need to go back and do a polish pass plus adding limits to it. It's just been on the back burner as bigger bugs keep popping up.

Dedicated hotkeys will absolutely be a thing eventually. Like you mention it's a quality of life feature though and a lot of my focus right now is still core mechanics and gameplay. But I completely agree! Similar with item and inventory organization. I need to add things like a weight carry limit and all that stuff. I did (earlier this morning) turn on saving for all containers in the game. I'm going to test that and see how feasible that is with save game sizes but that should also help manage inventory size.

Animation stage display would be a little funky to display. Also I'm slowly planning to move away from the sort of linear progression of animations and more towards a narrative form. The player loss scene to the male imp is the best example right now. Where instead of one animation / position that increases in intensity I'm mixing and matching a handful of different animations that fit the narrative text that goes with that scene.

Physical changes and transformation potions. I definitely want to keep adding more options and transformations. It's always going to be a bit of a balancing act with performance and animations but yeah, I'd love to have a slime transformation for the player!

Thanks again for the feedback and kind words! This is really helpful in letting me know what people are looking for and how they're playing the game currently. I really appreciate it!

Oh that's not a good one. The d3d12util.cpp thing seems to be a common crash for Unreal engine 5 games. From what I've read it seems to be a dx 12 crash. But all hope is not lost!

From a few pages back Marou posted this " Create icon for exe file and in it's properties write "-d3d11". Should look like this "...\Feign_1.15.03_hotfix2\Feign_1.15.03_hotfix2.exe -d3d11". After that start game from icon. "

Doing this seemed to solve the crash for them.

This will disable the fancy dx12 stuff but will hopefully get the game running. There's also a few other options but it gets into stuff like making changes to the registry which I'm hesitant to recommend. But the core issue seems to be a graphics card thing where the card might not support dx12 or if it does it could still be running out of memory or overheating or it could just be some random driver error. Reading through forum posts it seems one troubleshooting step is just to update the drivers and cross your fingers.

But yeah, I'd try creating a shortcut and forcing it to use dx11 and see if that works. Sorry, I'm not a hardware wizard and I wish I could help out more!

I'm afraid I'm rather stuck, I made a shortcut and put -d3d11 in the properties, I copy pasted an icon and tried it like that, but it doesn't seem to be working


Mar 3, 2020
Any one else have a problem with game crashing at the start?

Fatal error message looks like this:

LowLevelFatalError [ File: D :\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\D3D12RHI\Private\D3D12Util.cpp] [Line: 873]
CurrentQueue.Fence.D3DFence->GetCompletedValue() failed
at D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\D3D12RHI\Private\D3D12Submission.cpp:939

P.S.: Solved. Create icon for exe file and in it's properties write "-d3d11". Should look like this "...\Feign_1.15.03_hotfix2\Feign_1.15.03_hotfix2.exe -d3d11". After that start game from icon.

Mind sending me that icon? Cus I tried and it doesn't work at all


Oct 29, 2021
having some problem here i try to play this game but at first i facing a error (((idk what to called it but it like a "rainbow thing" i will attach a files to show you))) main menu like this it the same when i get into the game but after i try to change the setting of the game like the "overall" option i try to change it to medium and it work the main menu didn't have the "rainbow thing" anymore but when i try to get to the next part the say play my screen turn yellow instead of the "rainbow thing"
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Game Developer
Nov 5, 2017
If you want players to experiment with potions then not having a way to revert unwanted changes, would have the opposite effect. As I sit here and think if I was going through your game again knowing that drinking a potion has the chance of doing something like putting a dick on my female character, I would never drink a potion. Players will be more willing to experiment if they know they can easily get back from what would be to them a negative consequence.

I'll use No Man's Sky for an example: I introduced the game to some people I used to game with, one of them was worried about landing on an alien planet and exploring because they were scared they wouldn't be able to get back to space and back to the base they built on a different planet. I informed them that they could explore freely in the game because every planet had the resources needed to launch their ship into space and so that person was then much more willing to do the thing the game wanted them to do: explore the unknown.

As far as resources for development:

Consider limiting the scope of what you personally work on for a limited time just so you can show potential patreons what your vision is in a more polished state. If you can personally make for example Redtree be exactly what you envision the entire game it to be with a year's worth of dedication you can leave the rest of the environment as space to grow into as you bring in more money to open up the possibility of bringing on more people to work on your project.
Yeah, I agree that telegraphing the potion consequences would be helpful to the player. But like as an example drinking one of the potions a minotaur drops will then give the player the minotaur's features. So there's a chance they'll get taller, more muscles, horns, a tail, and the minotaur's dick. But also eventually I'd like to add the feature to refine potions or something where then they have dedicated results. That way if the player is drinking anything that they find they run the risk of unwanted consequences but if they take the time to refine the potion themselves or at an alchemist then they can know exactly what they're getting. I dunno, it's just sort of a way of adding a bit of a gameplay loop and element of randomness where otherwise I could add those options into the character creator itself and it's just a customization step.

I think it's just a difference in design theory and gameplay tone. And also the player is never locked into having one type of anatomy or one body type. They can always keep drinking more potions. Lol it's potions all the way down.

You make a very good point with limiting the scope and I totally agree. I finally have the mechanics and systems in a solid enough place where I can start implementing "finalized" assets and designs. Well, mostly. Take Skyrim as an example and the town of Riverwood. For mechanics you need the ability to buy and sell items, dialogues, stealing, lockpicking, containers, renting a room at the inn, alchemy, smithing, pickpocketing, gathering ingredients, and then to get the full gameplay loop you'll need a nearby cave to explore. With Feign I'm just now at the point where I have enough of those base mechanics in and ready to go. And I'm still shifting them around to find the right vibe for the game.

And in the latest builds that's what I'm doing. Refining the first town of Redtree and the surrounding area. I just updated and added back in the tutorial level to get people up to speed on controls and basic mechanics. And I'm in the process of implementing that first cave / dungeon so player's can check out the full gameplay loop. As well as adding in quests and refining the systems that support quests. It's a lot of moving pieces but it's finally at the point where I have all (or at least most) of the pieces and it's just a matter of putting them together.

And thanks again! I do appreciate the feedback. There's so many design philosophies and paths to take that it makes me consider why I'm taking one design path instead of another one. Lol, mostly it comes down to vibes though.

Mind sending me that icon? Cus I tried and it doesn't work at all
Ok, I just tested this and it seems to work on my machine. It also seems like there are other posts on different steam forums for other games where people are running into the same issues for example

But yeah, quick shortcut creation walkthrough to use dx11 (which I can now point people to in the future)
1. In the installation folder find the exe file usually Feign_versionnumbers.exe - right click create shortcut
2. On the newly created shortcut right click and open up the properties window
3. Find the 'Target' field in the shortcut properties
4. After the Feign_versionnumbers.exe put a space then -dx11
5. Double click on that shortcut and it should be running using dx 11 now


Hopefully that gets it running! Sorry again that you're running into issues. Dealing with hardware compatibilities and stuff can be a headache!

having some problem here i try to play this game but at first i facing a error (((idk what to called it but it like a "rainbow thing" i will attach a files to show you))) main menu like this it the same when i get into the game but after i try to change the setting of the game like the "overall" option i try to change it to medium and it work the main menu didn't have the "rainbow thing" anymore but when i try to get to the next part the say play my screen turn yellow instead of the "rainbow thing"
Ouch. Someone else posted this a while back in the thread but I don't know if they ever found a solution. My guess is that this is a hardware issue. So 2 things to try - updating drivers and checking if the graphics card supports the latest dx12 stuff. Or try switching to dx11. I just posted a quick how-to for creating a dx11 shortcut right above this. Hopefully that helps! Sorry you're running into hardware issues running the game!
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Apr 10, 2022
Is there complete mape or some kind of walktrough? Coz my ingame map only has small part of it opened and I cant find any NPC mentioned in v.1.14.8 changelog. Nor any farmboy|girl quest. Nor any quest at all.
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