Other than slapping on an anal shield, is there a more definite way of making slaves not do anal? Personally I am not into anal stuff, and being that girls are understood to be (genetically) girls with exceptions (futas), and that in the game contraceptives are 100% effective instead of having a risk of failure, I'd rather them all take it from the front instead. Having the 'hate anal' and 'like vaginal' policies and behavioural/sexual fetish/quirks only change weighting but doesn't lower it enough to make it unlikely even in Whore/Public Servant work, so it feels like the only definite way is to slap on the anal shield and save yourself 2000 reputation and time to change fetishes/quirks like that.
Maybe if there was an option to start feeding your slaves proper food instead of the liquid slavefood (not counting the fake but addictive 'slave snacks' that are pretty much solid slavefood), where doing so either halts or stops slaves from gaining libido as well as make it harder to automatically keep track of their diet, but has an extra descriptive indicator that states how much the slaves' body had become re-accustomed to proper food again (like the description about addiction to aphrodisiacs) which in turn lowers their slave value a fair bit but also can drastically reduce their anal weighting (since the whole idea of the liquid slavefood thing was to stop their digestive system from functioning so that they essentially never need to poop), and either produce rumours or just a penalty to reputation because you're being seen as treating slaves as equals. Maybe even have it provide affection/trust penalty/bonuses like how clothing does, but also a bonus to affection/trust if they are against slavery and/or if they're intelligent (since they feel like they're being treated as a human), but a huge penalty if they are an advocate for slavery (since they would feel that slaves aren't supposed to be eating normal non-slave foods).