[Review of Chapter 4, P2 R1 by SparkHG]
Game of Hearts is one of the most immersive AVNs out there, and while the game is almost entirely vanilla-flavored, the sheer quality of sex scenes in this game are probably the best on the market. There aren't that many yet, but the few there are are a genuine experience to behold.
What I liked:
Game of Hearts is one of the most immersive AVNs out there, and while the game is almost entirely vanilla-flavored, the sheer quality of sex scenes in this game are probably the best on the market. There aren't that many yet, but the few there are are a genuine experience to behold.
What I liked:
- Renders: Superb. Seriously, everything is so polished and crisp, the models are mouth-watering. Maxime, one of the LIs is a mature lady with probably the best character design in any AVN ever. She is drop-dead gorgeous.
- Animations are here too, and while simple in execution, they are very well done and welcome nonetheless.
- World-building: The game features supernatural elements, the MC is literally a son of a very powerful archdemon of hell. There is unnatural corruption and suggestion at work here, so some might find that too rapey, but to each his own I guess. Apparently, there is a war brewing amongst the demon kind, everyone determined to take a freshly vacant seat of a demon lord - MC's dad is one of them, and since he is participating that means his children are fair game too. So now our MC has to seduce women, add them to his harem, increasing his demonic energy to the point of being capable of self-defense against other demons.
- As strange is it may sound, there is too much focus on sex scenes, and almost all world-building so far is wasted. The player is drip-fed knowledge of this world through small, but frequent lore dumps. Not the best way to go about it, especially as the game right now jumps between a sex scene and a lore dump, with no actual non-erotic action happening at all.
- The MC is a goody-two-shoes; Maybe we just haven't had the opportunity to see him outside of a bedroom long enough for him show some actual personality.
- While on the topic of MC: every NPC we meet in the game tells us - in an annoyingly cryptic manner - that we met before, or at least someone who looks exactly like us, which when you see the MC's face pretty much confirms it was us. But the MC does not remember any of this, with any of the NPCs, because somehow, we got our memory wiped in the time before the game starts. Even though we've also spent years in the human world doing sucky jobs and living in a crappy apartment. So, how old were we and why didn't we age at all? And not only do they know us, itg looks like we had a romantic relationship with all of these women - yet none will outright confirm that, and plays coy if the MC dares to ask a question. And the final cherry on top of this vague mess is the fact that, by all descriptions of the past-self, our personality was exactly the same, so all the girls feel like they know have a chance to win our heart for themselves once and for all. JUST TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED PLEASE, DON'T SAY I AM IMPORTANT TO YOU <THE NPC GIRL> BUT NOT IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO EXPLAIN OUR HISTORY TOGETHER?!