VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Game of Hearts [Ch.5 R2] [SparkHG]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    [Review of Chapter 4, P2 R1 by SparkHG]

    Game of Hearts is one of the most immersive AVNs out there, and while the game is almost entirely vanilla-flavored, the sheer quality of sex scenes in this game are probably the best on the market. There aren't that many yet, but the few there are are a genuine experience to behold.

    What I liked:
    • Renders: Superb. Seriously, everything is so polished and crisp, the models are mouth-watering. Maxime, one of the LIs is a mature lady with probably the best character design in any AVN ever. She is drop-dead gorgeous.
    • Animations are here too, and while simple in execution, they are very well done and welcome nonetheless.
    • World-building: The game features supernatural elements, the MC is literally a son of a very powerful archdemon of hell. There is unnatural corruption and suggestion at work here, so some might find that too rapey, but to each his own I guess. Apparently, there is a war brewing amongst the demon kind, everyone determined to take a freshly vacant seat of a demon lord - MC's dad is one of them, and since he is participating that means his children are fair game too. So now our MC has to seduce women, add them to his harem, increasing his demonic energy to the point of being capable of self-defense against other demons.
    What I did NOT like:
    • As strange is it may sound, there is too much focus on sex scenes, and almost all world-building so far is wasted. The player is drip-fed knowledge of this world through small, but frequent lore dumps. Not the best way to go about it, especially as the game right now jumps between a sex scene and a lore dump, with no actual non-erotic action happening at all.
    • The MC is a goody-two-shoes; Maybe we just haven't had the opportunity to see him outside of a bedroom long enough for him show some actual personality.
      • While on the topic of MC: every NPC we meet in the game tells us - in an annoyingly cryptic manner - that we met before, or at least someone who looks exactly like us, which when you see the MC's face pretty much confirms it was us. But the MC does not remember any of this, with any of the NPCs, because somehow, we got our memory wiped in the time before the game starts. Even though we've also spent years in the human world doing sucky jobs and living in a crappy apartment. So, how old were we and why didn't we age at all? And not only do they know us, itg looks like we had a romantic relationship with all of these women - yet none will outright confirm that, and plays coy if the MC dares to ask a question. And the final cherry on top of this vague mess is the fact that, by all descriptions of the past-self, our personality was exactly the same, so all the girls feel like they know have a chance to win our heart for themselves once and for all. JUST TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED PLEASE, DON'T SAY I AM IMPORTANT TO YOU <THE NPC GIRL> BUT NOT IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO EXPLAIN OUR HISTORY TOGETHER?!
    Overall, the game does one thing exceptionally well - the lewdness. But the interesting worldbuilding is utterly wasted, as that part of the story is moving at a snail's pace. I hope the dev can balance out the two, because right now, the replay value is close to zero.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Ver. (CH4 P2 R1)
    I won't give a synopsis of the game explaining what it's like, I'll just give my opinion.

    I just don't give it 5 stars yet because until now the game has only been about a "photo shoot" as an excuse for several sex scenes in a row.
    It barely shows anything about the game's world, as someone in the comments below had already commented.
    a game about demons, angels, celestial war, but poorly explored, I could say that the game so far is just fap content.

    About the girls, I would give them a 5/10, there are MILFs and there are young adult girls. The MILFs are not that attractive, there are times when they are pretty, like the first MILF (I don't remember her name) wearing dresses, or like when the second MILF comes out of the shower with just a towel and has a pretty face and a nice hairstyle.
    but their facial expressions look like they always have a stomach ache, your childhood friend (one of the young adults), smiles at you and the MC thinks "she's very beautiful when she smiles) but her face is almost like someone who is in pain. and this goes for all the girls in the game.
    While the young adult girls have a hot body, the MILFs aren't all that great, the second one is chubby with stretch marks, the first MILF already seems to have gray hair... or at least she's old enough to be MC's mother.

    I would give the animations a 5/10, it's a short loop with the camera moving from one side to the other.

    Everyone in this game has a lot of secrets, this game leaves a lot of things unexplained... it either frustrates the player or leaves him very confused, he was having a normal and calm life until a girl tries to kill him, out of nowhere his father appears, missing like Darth Vader, and says he is his father, and his childhood friend seems to have some kind of relationship with the MC's father which the game also cannot explain.
    and the game will introduce you to new LIS who have a past with the MC but refuse to explain things,
    It's like you're being swept away by a wave, every character in the game has already chosen their destiny for you and you can't even clarify things and say what's happening, the reason? "I don't want him to get distracted"

    the rendering is good, the theme of the story is good despite being poorly explored, the setting of the scenes is good, they said that we will meet an angel girl, I hope she has at least wings. It would be a shame if she looked like any other girl so far presented in the game.

    The scoring system during sex is good... it gives a touch of reality, it shows whether the girl is enjoying the things you are doing to her during sex or not, it is quite fun, with skill points to influence the girls during sex, however, there is a demon whose only demonic magic is having sex... what an incredible demon... I expected more.
    but apart from these facts it is quite interesting and I will definitely keep an eye on the game.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Sensuality and intimacy are probably the words best defining the quality of the renders and the atmosphere achieved. The background music also plays a major part in the whole experience.

    My only gripe is the large number of "decisions" you have to make while playing out a single scene; the design may feel original and even interesting for some, but IMO going into such excruciating details to influence how your partner feels and reacts kills the pace, and the fap factor also suffers as a result. I'm not complaining; just saying I'd pull the constant questioning down a few notches because in its current state I lost interest pretty soon. You can't win me with visuals alone.

    Great stuff, just not for me.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Truly a game that captured my heart. There is enough content to really enjoy it and to know the developer has struck gold, but its also far enough from completion that there's a long way to go.

    The renders are great, the plot is fun and interesting. There's a good balance to plot to H-scenes. Really impressive work.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Rez E Dent

    I was quite stunned how enraptured i became by this AVN.

    It is difficult to not get a sense of guilt ( much like the MC feels) when you are pursuing your second follower. The woman in question is naturally sweet and kind and you cant help but feel bad for her as she is with you through no fault of her own.
    She herself carries a monumental amount of guilt because of what she has to do with you in order to save her husband from the bad situation he gets himself into.

    The secondary plot line that is slowly developing (his demonic heritage) seems like it is going to be quite enthralling as were teased that the MC has quite the past that he doesn't remember as you discover over the course of this AVN

    Its definitely a favourite of mine as there are many pure sex fantasy AVNs out there already and its refreshing to enjoy this AVN that's been written well by someone who knows what they are doing

  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Not my cup of tea. The MC is supposed to be a demon but you just don;t have any choice to make him a bit ruthless. He's always a protective white knight.

    The story isn't too bad, but it is fed to you through constant exposition. A case of telling not showing. I love reading, but I ended up pressing space quickly because nothing was happening. I don't mean no action. I mean nothing. You're passively listening to someone's story 90% of the time.

    It's sad because the sex scenes are nicely done. They are very vanilla (not really my thing in ero games), but made interesting by having a gamey system where you gain points, spend influence and raise corruption/attraction.

    Too bad that all of this does not impact the story at all, except for a few swapped line. The game could at least pretend the MC has a different persona depending on corruption/attraction, but it doesn't even do that, you'll always be a goody two shoes.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    [As of Chapter IV] This is amazing. It is very strong in terms of overall production, but the best thing is the intimate and sinful story the game tells. It is beyond me how the developer managed to make such a masculine power-trip of a game feel heartfelt and kind. Bravo.

    Do I have to voice my concerns? I'm afraid that the over-arching story may get out of hand in the future. As we learn more about the demon-world, it may be too easy for the developer to substitute the personal story with some silly grand scheme of things. Still, I belive in SparkHG!
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    So, I will not call this game bad but it is just not for me... There are two big problems for me in this game.

    One would be the story. Like I love reading it is a hobby of mine but this one it feels like nothing is happening. Like I want to know the world, the sucsesion war, demons and go on but no I am trapped in a home and making a porno while getting dropfed info. It just feels strange to me.

    Two will be the girls but that is a opinion of taste. I don't like the two FML the other two that have nearly no screen time are hotter but the BIGGEST thing a LOT more intresting then the other two. Meredith is just not intresting same as the first lead because it just feels like it is happening.

    Just not my cup of tea but will say to all people try it out.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Lovely writing and very interesting characters.
    The scenes are top tier, the amount of detail and care it's mesmerizing.
    I didn't quite get mechanics and the different stats implications so to me they feel unnecessary.
    The MC it's kinda cool, I like the assertive approach because of his gift.

    Meredith :love: damn hot.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Quite interesting,,want to see where it leads with the conflicted mind of the MC between his demonic ascendancy and his genuine love for his girls.
    Your choices have impact on your relationships with three girls you're involved with with a clever RPG like use.
    The graphic are truly well done and the choice to have mature and more "normal" girls insted of the whole supermodel deviancy is such game is a major plus.
    I've appreciated the writing and the relationships waved between MC and the two primary girls, Maxime and Meredith, the building of desire and, again the conflict in Meredith's mind.

    Keep going
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Not a game I don't regret playing. Two of the three LIs are bleh - not very attractive, and have no personality. And you're forced to be with them. The sex scenes are uncompelling. Worst, the protagonist, despite his irresistible charm, can only get laid by ruining marriages. Why? If you're into that, fine, but it's a niche thing, yet it dominates the game, at least as far as I was willing to play - it's clearly written to cater to that fetish, but isn't labelled as such.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The game looks fantastic, the dialogue is well written and the plot seems intriguing. The sex scenes being somewhat gamified is interesting and novel, but we will have to see how that system holds up in future updates.

    The real draw of this game is the characters. Each is unique in looks and behaviour, and unlike most AVN's, they really come alive DURING the erotic scenes. Most AVN's have scenes as a sort of "reward" for getting enough "relationship points" whereas this game uses the sex scenes to further develop the characters and your relationship with them.

    Very excited to see more.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably one of my favorites. The son of a powerful demon is tasked by his father to gather followers so he can gain power for an approaching demon war. The sex content itself is basically the definition of eroticism. I don't see many VN's like this. And while Im not a fan of Agheo it doen't take away from it too much.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Jaga Telesin

    Quite good overall. There's a -lot- of player agency in how the girl(s) are approached and handled, and manipulated to reach the goal the player sets. It allows for a ton of freedom in scenes which is a very welcome experience.

    Only drawbacks for me are: too few girls, and too short of a story/experience. But that's just indicative of how early in the game's development it is. With time and effort, both can be solved. And lastly, Meredith literally -always- has a distressed look on her face, even when in the rapture of orgasms. I'd highly recommend changing that so she's more of a fulfilled woman who doesn't look like someone just murdered her cat, every hour of every day.

    Very worthy of a play, and of support. Would easily give it a 4.5+ rating.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    A pretty good game as is.

    Story is cool and characters are interesting and attractive.

    Few nitpicks:
    • Could use some proofreading/editing to make the dialogue flow better
    • Adding a gallery would be nice
      • The attraction/corruption/caution system might make that difficult
    • An option to turn on the little shortcut menu at the bottom would be nice
    All said and done, this is a pretty good game. It's worth a follow.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    [Review for CH4 P2 R1]
    Genuinely one of the only 3DCG VNs I like on this site. The art is beautiful, and the animations are well done. The characters all come off as well rounded without being insufferable.
    Its definitely a slow burn, and rather wordy, but the story is clearly thought out. The actual grammar could be proofread, but I don't find it a make or break issue.
    I think the dev tried adding some SFX with this latest version, which I am fully in support of. Looking forward to how it progresses.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Each Chapter Is Better than the Last! I Became a supporter on patron after playing this update and i'm excited to see how the game develops. The only thing missing so far is a Gallery. My first play through was raw and exciting it took me about 90 min. my second i had a lot of fun exploring the Alt path took about 30min. Thanks for the work the art is very good!
    Renders- 10/10
    Path Choices-10/10
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    best gave very good graphis and writing. really loved it.. can't wait for update!!!best gave very good graphis and writing. really loved it.. can't wait for update!!!best gave very good graphis and writing. really loved it.. can't wait for update!!!best gave very good graphis and writing. really loved it.. can't wait for update!!!best gave very good graphis and writing. really loved it.. can't wait for update!!!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Glad I've found this game. Its just amazing! It doesn't hook up from the first scenes. But it opens up so great after that, the evolution and behaviour of characters, designs and gameplay. Superb. Thank you
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    AAA VN. Models are fantastic, good animations, good story, good writing, plenty of player choices. Almost every aspect is top notch. And on top of all of that, there is a ton of content for a VN thats only been in the works for a year.