VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Game of Hearts [Ch.5 R2] [SparkHG]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is suitable for those of you who are looking for a natural romance story. I really like how this story builds romantic relationships between each character (love route). In my view, this game teaches how to treat women with respect even though there are some things that I think are excessive and impossible to happen in real life (love route). However, I enjoyed the story this game offered and i hope the developer can complete this game project to completion.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    [Ch.5 R1]

    Decent game but suffers from a couple major flaws that prevents it from being good. Meredith and Maxime are neither attractive or interesting to me. The rest of the LI's are though. Normally I wouldn't have an issue with this but the plot is centered around the former (for now). The writing suffers from bad translation and grammar, which ruin the immersion for me. I don't have any other gripes about the game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Himeya Jun

    Hell yeah, this shit is what I'm looking for in this site. This have everything I like, decent plot, REALLY hot lewd scenes, gorgeous LI, some netori, and a lot of choices. I hope the updates are faster because this one is fire.
    If you wonder if this is worth playing, then I will tell you yes, IT IS.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Prompted by the negative comments I received, I thought I might have been mistaken and misunderstood something. So I tried again. And I must say that I was in fact completely wrong. I still don't like the author's writing style but it's not as bad as it first seemed to me. Otherwise the story is good and the characters aren't bad either.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I rarely write reviews because most of the time i don't care enough,but i must give credits when it's due. This game reminded me of a game which was abruptly abandoned, Chains of Pleasure. It had such a cool story and characters/interactions.

    This game gave me similiar feels,in a good way. The scenes are awesomely written,i wouldn't mind if there wasn't any animations (but there is, nonetheless) because the writing of each scene feels realistic, erotic and sensual at the same time. What i mean is,it's not just some general lines and moaning,but completely describes how the included characters feel,and explain why they are doing what they are doing. (Thats a weird sentence,heh) I really like the corruption of game,not the usual turboslut route,where you get between their legs under 10 minutes and they are forever in love with you.

    You have to work for their acceptance,affection and corruption - like a mini game,but it's tied to the scenes,not put in a different screen to ruin the experience. You get to "power up" your character,the more you make the girls cum,the more power you get at the end of the day. It's really a good system,because it enhance the gameplay part as well. I hope to see the game finished one day, it got me entertained from start to the end. (of it's current version. CH5.R1)
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A true masterpiece. The best game on the platform. No other game made me feel so much while playing it! The whole environment, the tension, the good old human nature...I have no words! This developer is an artist! Keep up the good work! Thank you for your game!
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Most, if not all, of what I have to say has been said in other reviews. But, despite the fact that half of the LIs are completely meh to me personally, I played through this game (Ch.5) in one sitting.

    This game has, far and away, the best looking models/renders (?) I've ever seen.

    Thanks for the game, I hope to see more of it.
    4 Stars not 5 ONLY because I didn't care for a couple of LI characters.
    5/5 If I go simply by your achievement.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    1st playthrough and I can say that this is officially in my top 5. Wonderful game. Biggest issue for me (and honestly it's not that big of an issue) would have to be grammar.

    Overall wonderful AVN!!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best vn I ever played so far.
    Interesting story and setting, very erotic dialogue and scenes.
    Please continue with the story, i'm eager to see how it unfolds over the ne t chapters.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played a ton of games posted here (around like 50-60) and this is top 5 for me for sure. There aren't a lot of characters yet, but the scenes/renders are top tier and they are all really hot. The story and the concept is not anything new, but it's engaging and exciting. The choice-system for the scenes are also a really good addition, you can replay every scene in 2-3 different ways and you can upgrade your skills/abilities as you go along the way. There are already a lot of content so you can play this for many hours and not get bored. If you like high quality games with a good story with a good pacing and scenes, this is a must play.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a corruption game done right. It is believable and the pace is good. The lewd scenes are slow and sensual and outside of that, game focuses on important stuff for story and there is no needless filler.

    Not a huge fan of the two main girls, but since so far the game has been focusing on Meredith and her path, I got used to it and started enjoying her scenes and her character.

    Dialogue is good, but I've spotted quite a few grammar mistakes. There is not much of story yet, but it has potential, I'm definitely interested to see where it leads with the upcoming demon war.
    Likes: kiko1
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Loving the game so far the story is really interesting and the scene and level of detail is amazing. My only issue is I don't know if the dev is holding out till the relationships get deeper but there isn't anything in the way S scene other than the tradition stuff one scene with Anal no boob play of any kind most of the time they keep them covered. Which for me is big thing I like that kind of stuff. Other than that fantastic game so far just want to see the Dev push further in future updates.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3757010

    dev cooked worth checking out and supporting the Dev story is very Good (in these type of game Great) , its very well done never gave it a chance till recently and i feel dumb for not doing so and thats it
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Just played through to the end of Ch. 5, mainly on the strength of the reviews here.

    It's not a 5-star game for me, although there is much to praise. I will say that I will be looking out for updates and will continue to play it.

    - Good models, with physical characteristics that fit their personalities, and expressions that are good at conveying internal emotional states. So technically 5/5.
    - While the "young man finds he has magical powers then has lots of sex" theme is not entirely new around here :) the basic plot does seem to have been thought out in advance and is reasonably coherent in execution. I can't emphasise enough that the key to a good VN is the story. You have to retain the player's interest and make them want to find out what happens next. If it were just about the sex scenes, everyone would just watch porn.


    - Only a 3/5 for English expression, unfortunately. Not just spelling errors but words and phrases used wrongly. Nothing destroys immersion like those sorts of mistakes. It is sad to see so much hard work undermined by this sort of failure in execution and I strongly recommend that the writer seeks the assistance of a literate native speaker of English to edit the text.

    - The narrative is a bit slow to develop. Pacing is obviously a hard thing to get right, but when the player finds themselves just clicking quickly through yet another sex scene that adds nothing to the plot, then it is going too slowly. Particularly when the "porn shoot" premise is inherently implausible; it would matter less if it did not take up so much time.

    But congratulations on the technical accomplishment and I hope the writer finds these comments helpful.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2093814

    This has easily gone to my top AVN despite having played hundreds of others over the years on here. The story really is intriguing and also the characters.
    Renders are gorgeous and make great use of colours in them.

    Love interests are varied in body types and personalities which is good for a wide range of tastes I guess. the demon girls are my absolute favourites without doubt. It's hard to choose between Julia and Ruby as both are gorgeous girls...Brie is damn hot too!

    As for the milfs, Maxime and Meredith? not a fan of these old wrinkly women when you have the super hot demon girls. The seduction stuff is awesome where you try to get max points to level up powers. It just felt quite long with the Meredith corruption and her body is pretty saggy, so nah, pass on her.

    The story is slow moving with the hidden past stuff but really got me engrossed in it, so much so that I can't wait for more and of course, my hot demon babes.

    One thing I love is the attention to facial expressions to show their emotions...very well done. Julia is a prime example when she tries to hide her hurt and jealousy.

    Awesome game that just grabbed me and now Julia has become my top babe.

    My only complaint? why did the dev have to make the human followers old and ugly? Maxime is like Olga the Shot Putter and Meredith from a trailer park with bags, sags and a pot belly....considering how much screen time they get, all I could think was I want more Julia, not these wrinklies!

    Other than that, great job by the dev, this one is a winner.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I am pleasantly surprised with this game. A magnificent game focused on seduction with good dialogues, character building with their contradictions, doubts and weaknesses.
    In addition, the seduction system is quite understandable and entertaining.
    Very Good 5/5
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    This game should come with a warning:

    If you hate hags, DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME.

    It hits all my personal "puke" moments in the very first scene. A rancid looking woman in her fifties is forced on you. No ability to say no. MC goes to remove her panties, and she starts commenting on how she smells bad. Grgghhkk.

    I have some trauma over drunkenly going down on a fat girl whose pussy tasted of post-gym armpits, and going to fuck another girl who had an out of control thrush problem and stunk out the room when she took off her underwear. This game made me panic sweat.

    To get to the actual attractive girl in the game - you are forced into copulation with this old, stinky hag, and the ugliest looking cow I have ever seen.

    Is the story worth the pain?

    Fuck no.

    The first scene is just weird. There's this ethereal kind of numbness to what is happening. I get the scene is about establishing the MC's power, but it never really feels solid to me.

    The writing is good for English as a Foreign Language, but there are still some really painful "chaos" sentences where you have to read multiple times to try and translate what was meant.

    The mystery of the opening scene is paid for heavily by requiring an obscene info dump of exposition in the second scene.

    If you like GILFS, and MILFS who look like they were the product of incest on a Russian farm during the seventies, you're in for a treat. If you like unwashed pussies, sniff it up.

    If this turns you off (like it does me, hardcore) - stay away.

    People seem to really like this game when it suits their tastes, and it is probably better for the author if people like me don't stumble into it in the future so it doesn't drag the rating down.

    On the positive, the lighting is really impressive.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Hmm, this is an interesting game to try and review but I'll see what I can do. While I enjoyed the game I don't agree with most of the 5 star reviews saying that this is the best game on F95Zone. Everyone is welcome to their opinion of course but I'm not seeing it personally.

    • Julia is a well written character with good scenes
    • Ruby is a well written character with good scenes overall
    • Julia, Ruby, and Brie are gorgeous - excellent job on these character's faces/heads/hair
    • Writing is above average
    • Good story concepts / game world

    • Lots of English problems - the wrong words are frequently used - missing words on occasion - misspelled words uncommonly - a proofreader would greatly help
    • Poor game pace - For example the sex event with Maxime in the middle of the game was so long that I lost all interest
    • All characters are thick, even the supposedly thin ones such as Julia, Ruby, and Brie (have too thick hips, asses, thighs, and sometimes torso)
    • The faces of Maxime and Meredith aren't attractive to me - I would have chosen fantasy over realism here
    • Bug - Bugs with Corruption and Attraction not advancing levels until way late in the story. I had corruption and attraction values that exceeded the maximum to level them and the numbers just kept going above maximum instead of automatically advancing to a new corruption and attraction level. For example Meredith cannot advance to corruption level 2 for some reason in Chapter 5 R1.
    • Bug - I earned like over 1000 energy points in the last chapter or two and never got a screen to spend them
    • The whole porn shoot storyline with Meredith makes little sense with the way it's implemented - The MC has to coddle her so much and tip toe around her feelings so much that a "porn shoot" doesn't fit well at all. The MC and Meredith also never roleplay to get into the porn scenes like they are instructed to do (they don't even attempt it). The MC has to baby her so much that the event has no resemblance of a porn shoot whatsoever!
    • Below average animations - not enough movement - not enough penetration - they are all super slow which kills any resemblance of passion
    • Some renders are well done, detailed, and clean, while others are blurry, blotchy, and grainy. No consistency here. There are some really good renders, especially the close up portrait shots. I just wish they were all consistent in quality.
    • Sex scenes lack passion and are mediocre at best. Almost no originality in the sex scenes.
    Overall, I'm glad that I tried the game but I'm not sure I'd play future releases. The game was enjoyable more times than it was frustrating but not by a large margin.

    Julia and Ruby's storylines are the only two that I thought were well done. It's too early to tell with Brie. I suffered through Maxime and Meredith's storylines.

    Do I recommend this game? It's hard to say. I guess it depends on what you're looking for...
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The best game i have ever played in my entire life, elden ring is just coal compared with this diamond. Just fking love this game.

    This should be the standar for the same style game, is just too good.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing graphics and animations
    Story line is riveting with a who done it feel and where will this lead to aroma
    Characters are well developed, unique and flawed
    The game is solid, from the beginning to Chapter 5, without any dead space
    Easy to read and follow along
    Solid five ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆