- Sep 10, 2018
- 384
- 278
The way I see the ideal system:AFAIK: We've four legaly scopes here. The payment processors, the website, it's hoster and the dev itself.
As payment processors usully use credit cards and if they use them will have a similar acceptance to this content.
The website (and company behind) must have a ToS that pleased their national law, payment processors and hoster, if their don't host it theirself.
The dev thus must please all the above and should also have their game in the legal scope of their national law, to be 100% safe.
Also the Patreon's purge of adult content came after the adult content was on their site. Most likely that content was "hide" well enough behind all the other. But then they have gained in audience and thus the spotlight was much intensive than before and most likely trigger their 3rd party companies.
I believe that most other "alternative" sites will have to face the same diffuclties than Patreon. The most accepted payment variante on the net is the CC or Paypal as their im most case simple work as a proxy for your CC.
All the other alternatives are either, in my eyes, unusable or ask to much detailes.
But cryptocurrency has their own set of diffculties.
- Wire transfer needs details of both parties and even then must follow some rules
- Same for all other types of "card" cash regardles if it's debit cards, gift cards and so own
- Cryptocurrency seen the only option to avoid this additional rule set.
As always, only my two cents.
- They, from payment processors, and thus to some degree also goverment, side aren't well regard and if they could do it simple would most likely to put them in some iron corset.
- You must buy or scrape them.
- If you buy, then you have again your payment processors
- And scraping is time intensive and cost intensive, which is for most of us inpractical. Also I don't wan't to have to wait for a game only because I must scrape my coins first.
- Exchanges rate is most instable. Sure other countries has sometimes the same issue, but the "big" currency are "most" stable. So your x coins of cryptocurrency are today m $ worth and tomorrow n $ worth. It is all nice if m >= n, but if n >> m then it sucks.
1. Setup your account on the crowdfunding platform
2. Setup a crypto wallet account
3. Connect your crypto wallet to your crowdfunding account
4. Connect your credit card to your crypto wallet account
5. Buy monies for crypto wallet account using a credit card
6. Donate using crypto wallet account to whoever you want on the crowdfunding platform
CC/bank account->crypto wallet->crowdfunding platform->creator's crypto->creator's CC/bank account
(or maybe CC/bank account->paypal->crypto wallet->crowdfunding platform->creator's crypto->creator's paypal->creator's CC/bank account if paypal is needed to buy/receive crypto)
The previous system is:
CC/bank account->paypal->crowdfunding platform->creator's paypal->creator's CC/bank account
There shouldn't be any issues with both donators and creators buying or receiving crypto. No reason for payment processors to get in the way of that. The issues come when you have the payment processors dictating to the crowdfunding platform what they can and can't do because the crowdfunding platform needs them to move any money. If you're using a cryptocurrency like bitcoin for all money dealings with the crowdfunding platform the only laws or rules you need to worry about in the process is what is legal in the crowdfunding platform's country, the developers country and how closely the crowdfunding platform's TOS aligns with their countries laws(i.e not taking it upon themselves to enforce things they don't need to by law).
My point is.. why go CC at all? why not just go full crypto? Sure it's more attractive to donators because it's easier and by extension to creators aswell because they don't want to miss out on any donations but if taking a little extra time to set up a bitcoin wallet means both creators can make games censorship free, donators can support and play games censorship free i think people would take the time to do it. It seems like a vunerability in the system to beholden to the payment processors in any sense but if it's possible to do it without opening the door to censorship i say go for it, add that extra option in. Also serious props for chasing this project up with the intent of helping the community. It makes me glad to see this and sad to see so many developers's freedom restricted by corporate and government entities and 10% of nearly all donations going to a useless intermediary.Speaking of TOS's if you are a developer getting money from anything adult content related sent to your Paypal or Payoneer account it is against there TOS and they can take the money and close your account so unless you are getting a direct wire transfer of your payments for the other sites then you are walking a fine line. Which is why it is better to use crypto. Also lots of bashing my siteYou must be registered to see the linkslike I said before it's in beta we have not added a CC processor yet as it's quite costly on our end and would need investors to help pull that off. Also, the two major factors are its crowdfunding plus adult content which both by themselves is high risk. You add in Taboo content makes it even costlier. Subscribestar is owned by some Russian oligarch who is out to make money off of you. I'm simply trying to make a site for Developers by Developers. Also adding in CC will add fees as well no way around that.