Well I actually don't mind this one too much. He doesn't claim the games as his own creations, he links sources like the creators page if they exist, he doesn't force anyone to pay him and also mentiones why he is asking for money. The tiers are a bit over priced tho.
I'm dl'ing my own game from there right now and have a look if he changed something.
Looks like just another porn game website that steals from F95.
So far, it doesn't look like they're doing anything bad. Even the games on their website seem to be free (but of course of you can pay them for gathering all the games in one place!)
They also have nothing on Patreon, so we can't do too much about it. But if they do start locking game downloads behind a paywall, I'll contact a staff member on Patreon.
Well I actually don't mind this one too much. He doesn't claim the games as his own creations, he links sources like the creators page if they exist, he doesn't force anyone to pay him and also mentiones why he is asking for money. The tiers are a bit over priced tho.
I'm dl'ing my own game from there right now and have a look if he changed something.
Next level BULLSHIT coming again !!!! They use Images from ARTIST make game sell it on STEAM !!!
please check if you recognize your works inside the products of this steam seller, he was using my renders inside one of them, I wrote to steam and they removed it immediatly - Seller page (check the adult filter) to see the products:
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If you find your works inside one or more products write to steam using this form:
^ The website was claiming to be the game creator. Thats the issue, they are taking the credit for and making money on something they have nothing to do with. We are a bunch of lowly pirates, but we give the devs credit and many of us become patrons of them. Its a mutually beneficial relationship.
I don't think it's that unusual to not consider pirating a big deal but have a problem with plagiarism. People who upload games here don't typically claim they are their own work (unless they are, of course).
That's true, still, the game gets extra recognition (instead of paying for ads) and may reach a few new "buyers" that wouldn't know the game otherwise, so it balances itself. Selling other person work claiming to own it... Now that's a different story...
In all honesty, I do not wish to persue this in court, nor do I want their money. The above was basically just a scary threat I wanted them to take seriously. I was also told according to Italian Law, false copyright claims lead to time in Prison, so hopefully they take this threat seriously and shut down their website.
Any thoughts?
UPDATE: I was just notified that giochipremium.com's payment processor is: "securionpay.com", their email is: [email protected]
If you would like to, you could file a complaint to them claiming that giochipremium.com is selling coprighted material.
giochipremium.com's website registrar is:
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and their host is
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If you would like to, you can also file a complaint there as well.
UPDATE 2: giochipremium is the same owner who runs traduzionipremium.com, they seem to also own this Patreon
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UPDATE 3: After my threat was made against them, they agreed to take down the game! If your game is up here and you don't want it to be, please do the same!
UPDATE 4: They seem to have completely banned some IPs. You can still access their website using a VPN.
UPDATE 5: Giochi are so salty I got my game taken down from their website, they're attempting/threatening to get people's games taken down from Patreon. Fucking pathetic.
When ever you believe someone is selling or using your Copywritten product for profit, without your legal permission, the best first step is to send them a Cease and Desist Letter. Here are some sites with further information and examples:
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You must be registered to see the links
You must be registered to see the links
You must be registered to see the links
You could also send a detailed letter describing the situation to the local authorities in charge of Copyright/Intellectual Property in the country where the issue is taking place, to include all details and evidence to support your case... Will that have an impact? Who's to say, but at least you have done your due diligence to try all avenues of attack...
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(US Copyright Office)
You must be registered to see the links
(information on Italy with regards to copyright and IP)
Beyond that, all you can do next, if nothing you've tried has worked, is to talk to a Copyright/Intellectual Property lawyer... And discuss your legal options... This could be time consuming and costly, depending on the circumstances of the case, and what legal recourse you are able to take...
9 times out of 10, they are going to avoid risking any legal proceedings either from a civil suit or from their own government investigating their crime/s... Especially when the crime is more severe due to money being involved...
Scummy. Very scummy.
But they aren't selling games. They're selling a subscription to their service to download free games. That's probably a bit harder to take action against unfortunately.
Scummy. Very scummy.
But they aren't selling games. They're selling a subscription to their service to download free games. That's probably a bit harder to take action against unfortunately.
It isn't harder. The focus is actually the same, a violation of your rights as a creator. Unless you try to make it bigger and try to take them down totally in which case prepare for that.
In fact if you ever put a legal complaint against them I would believe they would surrender before they go into trial.