January in View
So I was speaking to a friend near the start of the month about our ever-growing "To Play" lists. I noticed that mine was filled with games that hadn't had an update in a while, games that had since been abandonded, some I have no idea why they were on there and some that have aged so poorly I didn't get past the first 10 minutes - I made the bold decision to delete the list and go on a month by month basis. As I said to my friend, I might miss some diamonds this way, but hopefully, I'll pick up ones previously on the list this way.
We have been spoiled quite somewhat in January, I mean on 01/01 there were 56 games alone that found their way to F95. I, unfortunately, didn't try them all as there isn't enough time in the day, I mean even breaking them down into Ren'Py-only games... there were 29. that's about 1 every 50 minutes if you'd have wanted to try them all.
I did try a few and other than removing sandbox from my search, there was no rhyme or reason to my picks, just generally if it was like something I had tried in the past and liked, it got a play.
Some of them I have reviewed in this thread already, some I have saved for today and some didn't captivate me enough to carry on playing and even get a footnote - I said to the friend mentioned previously if you're not captivating me in any way shape or form in the first moments of your game, I'm out.
New Games
I tried
On The Mountain Top - First Things First, although there is not much here at the moment, this game seems dark. Or at least seems like it's going to venture into some dark subjects. Specifically mental health, obviously this is and can be a very sensitive subject and it's really far too early to see if this will be handled well. There is just not enough content to make an informed decision. I will probably go back to this, but will need a few updates I think.
Lucy's Fall - Absolutely ridiculous game. A grindy repeat of the same scene over and over. Slowly working up to doing more with the downed Lucy. Waste of time.
Between Duty and Love - This game did not leave a lasting impression on me at all. It desperately needs a proofreader. I mean considering you can input names and set relationships at the start, the names are all over the place. The teacher for example defaults to calling you Michael. The renders also seem very dark in places and I am not sure if that's done for story effect or not. either way, I didn't think it worked. Despite the good premise of a spy genre game, it did not end in a way I wanted to continue.
The Three Panels - I want to be as kind as can in regards to this one. It's the Devs first game and it really shows. The renders are below average, and the story is basically written and nothing mind-blowing. For a first attempt, it is absolutely fine, but I say it needs more time to cook
Heavens Door - I will refer you to "
my thoughts post" on this
My Husband's Boss - This is another I gave my impressions on in a "
My Thoughts Post"
Flickering Lights - This is an AVN that forgets it's actually a visual novel and tells rather than shows. There is just simply too much reading about the scene and what is happening. It is after all a short game and it felt like I spent so much time reading for little payout. The renders seem solid. The first Lewd was done beautifully, whereas the second felt half-arsed. There didn't seem to be any substance here and I often felt bored.
OurLife. - This one failed straight out of the gate, gave me a choice and then disregarded it completely. Overall the game seems messy and I am not sure it knows what it wants to be. There is definitely more time put in some parts of this game than others and it shows.
The Flavour of the Month for new games this month seemed to AI games - but these are some of the ones I tried
Our Group Chat - There are countless of these AI phone games popping up now, but this one is a little different than the normal girlfriend/boyfriend dynamic we normally get. It does seem interesting, but nothing special
NTR Chat Group - A similar premise to the one above, this one is just done poorly. The message's times are all over the place meaning there's no natural flow to them. it just didn't make sense to me. The art is fine, but there is at least 4 other games of this kind and one is by far the worst of them
Opening to Love - For an AI game, this one is actually not bad. Overall the story is nice and casual, well-written and somewhat interesting. The art for AI is okay, I was looking for errors and to me, it does stay nice and consistent. There is a Karaoke QTE minigame in here and it was effing tedious. The Renaissance Fair mini-game, although a slight improvement, was still tedious nonetheless.
Heated Hashtag - This one is a bit lengthier than the others, yet there still doesn't seem to be anything to it. Its like our dev has seen the success of some of these games in the past and decided to board that train. The art is very inconsistent, with Tattoos jumping all over the place, and tan lines disappearing. Heck in one scene at a party, every single bloke looks the same. I honestly can't see this one going anywhere.
My Girlfriends New Kink - The last of the New AI games I played and for a 0.1 it seems good. we have a wide range of characters, with various personalities, so it seems our Dev is setting up something here. but we are early days so hard to tell. Art was standard AI. We have increasing and decreasing body types, disappearing jewellery, jewellery that changes, Hairstyles change and clothing that changes shape and style.
Rock the Rim - You can read about my thoughts on this game
here, but basically, I came out of playing this game very lost, the writing didn't flow, and it felt a bit "lost in Translation" here and there. I'd say the characters are too overly pretty, mentioning they wouldnt look out of place on the cover of Vogue, but this is another I will simply have to wait and see on this one
Pale Carnations - I enjoyed this one quite a lot, to be honest, I don't think this was ever on my watch list. So I went into it with quite an open mind. Anyway, you can read my review about it
It was Raining that Night - This one was one I knew was on my "To Play" list so knew a bit about it when going in. You can read my thoughts
Justice or Mercy - I played this back in December and actually reviewed it then, but I didn't think this update brought anything new to the game, it's very hard to judge when we seem to be updating one game day at a time
Cinderellas Glass Collar - This is one I really need to give a "My Thoughts" too as I played it back when it dropped in October. There is nothing much to it at the moment, but it's basically a "50 Shades of Gray" style that gets corrupted by your boss game. So far it's enjoyable, but there's little to it at the moment other than character building and stage setting.
NTR Mobile - Here we have another, it's been done before AI style NTR text message game. Its not well done at all, while the art is okay for AI, our MC is an absolute idiot. all the evidence that the GF is cheating on him is presented there in the game, but nothing is ever called out. Winds me right up
Hard to Love - A remake of a game I had never played before and I am not going to play the original to compare. I found it slightly lacking and you can read
more here.
Office Perks - A game I described as a well of nothingness. Some hot girls here, and some wonderful renders, but as I said in
my review... you'd get a lot of the content in this game using a gallery unlocker.
Northern Lights: The Beginning - You can see my thoughts on this one
Family of Choice - A Typical Family Harem game. It is not the first, it won't be the last. The renders here are below average to average at best. No character stands out above the rest. There are by far better games in this Genre.
Summer Breeze - There is nothing to it, Renders are okay, but essentially it's only a demo.
The White Room - A game I came out of thinking WTF. The premise is quite a good one, two seemingly unconnected characters trapped in a white room who have to do tasks to survive. We go from there. It seems to get very dark in places and ended on a cliffhanger that has at least intrigued me enough to want to play the next one
Neotarse Phone - Ahhhh here we have the best of the NTR text message style phones, I should really get around to writing a review of this someday. It's getting a bit of the same old at the moment. There are only so many times a girl can describe her sexual encounters over a text message, but our dev does have a road map and is sticking to a plan. The AI art here is on point. There are never 6 fingers, changing eye colours or the like. For what it is it's enjoyable, but it's the sort of game that needs to be played a few updates at a time rather than one at a time.
Turning the Page - I used to enjoy this one so much, now though it seems to have lost its way. I've done a review on this that you can read
Beyond Constraints - I want to like this game so much. For some random reason, Cuckquean games are like unicorns and here we have one ripe for the taking. We are still early days, so I am trying not to be too judgy, but as I told a friend I am not sure if this game knows what it wants to be, despite having a brilliant premise of a cuckquean game... like is the family Harem it's pushing needed for the story, did we really need to jump feet first into an already established queen relationship - there may actually be genuine reasons why the dev went this way. I just don't know - either way, this is now on the serious watch list.
The Viper - I found this had an interesting start, the renders are not great, but the dev is well aware of this and is more interested in telling a story than visually presenting it. The dev has mentioned he has a road map and wants to do a Male POV, a Female POV and then a summary. So far we are only about halfway through the male. I am going to wait for judgment on this game until the second chapter is released as I feel the female PoV here will be telling
Three Chicks and a Loser - Yay another AI game, Little is here so far as we are only two in-game days into it. But there is an underlying mystery and it is at least intriguing to me. It's hard to say if anything is there or not, but it's enough for me to at least pop back in every now and then to check.
Blast from the Past.
Obviously playing games only in the month they were released or updated will shut off to some of the already completed games that are out there. So I am going to play at least one completed game from the archive a month. This Month, after seeing the solid start that was Heaven's Door. I went back and played
Bare Witness. You can read about it
The Fappies!
Welcome to the Fappies, a fun little thing where I give out awards to some of the games I have played this month. This might expand as time goes on. But for this month we just have five categories
Best New Game of the Month, Best Updated Game of the Month, Best Girl in a New Game, Best Girl in an Updated Game and
Best Girl from the Past. The games of the month will generally have some reasoning behind them, the Girls of the Month, however, are just whichever ones I find most attractive.
Best New Game of the Month - I won't lie this one was hard. I was tied between
Heaven's Door and
My Husband's Boss. They are both absolutely brilliant games and well worth a play by anyone. But I think for me
Heaven's Door takes it, while both of them are great. I did have some issues with My Boss's Wife... Mainly the scowling and Typos, it was enough to tip the scales
Best Updated Game of the Month - Easy one for me.
Pale Carnations. It might be coming from bias as it's quite a lengthy game and it's one of the few updates I played from start to finish, but this game has everything. Simply fantastic
Best Girl in a New Game -
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Best Girl in an Updated Game
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Best Girl from Blast from the Past
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