Recommending Laguna's Favourite Games


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
My Husband’s Boss by SC Stories - First Impressions at 0.2

Everything about this game is just screaming that I shouldn't like it, however surprisingly I actually do, it grew on me massively over the playthrough and for an initial release, it's quite lengthy. There are loads of things I would do differently or rather I'd prefer on this game, but it doesn't take anything away from it.

Firstly, The renders are weird, not the uncanny valley weird, we have gone through that and are coming out the other side. It's all to do with the eyes, The husband's are just weird, and his skin tone is a little off too. it's like he is constantly sad. Given what actually happens here, that may be a given. The Wife has this weird scowl, it's more prominent in the lewds, again this could be for the story reasons as she is technically doing stuff she doesn't want to do, but it is there in just the standard story too. It is nothing major by any stretch, but it's noticeable.

The story is beautifully done and on such a sensitive topic it's nice to see it handled with some grace. Vivian is obviously a woman who adores and loves her husband a lot, so her actions and fall from grace are believable - this is a woman who would do anything to save her husband and the boss seeing an opportunity capitalizes on that. The husband does seem like a bit of a weak character and a bit of a pushover. In fact, this is actually more or less pointed out to him at a dinner scene and adds more to the couple's spiraling dynamic

For an initial release this is good, yes, there are a few issues here and there. but as time goes on our developer grows in experience. They will be few and far between. This game does seem to have some legs and I'm interested to see where it goes.
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Reactions: TonyMurray


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
Office Perks by AmomynousGames - Reviewed at version 0.1.5

Story - A basic fish-out-of-water tale. We have our MC who is new in town because of his new job and his adventures thereafter. We have so far a little over 3 weeks' worth of in-game time and nothing has happened, yet at the same time, a lot has happened. That is to say in our 23 in-game days the overall underlying plot has only just started, whereas our MC has successfully dicked 5 of the 6 main girls, sometimes multiple times and enjoyed fun with 3 others. It's a very drawn-out affair and could be done much better.

Renders - We have some great renders here, the majority of the girls seem to have massive tits so we do have the problem of clothing seeming to mould to them, it was quite noticeable with a coffeeshop apron. Though one of the girl's teeth winds me up, I look at her and see nothing but a vampire. Our environments are lighted well, though other than a rooftop party they are never really in any dark scenes. There could be an argument that they are overlit in many of the scenes, but I didn't find it took me out of the game. Our animations, well what there is of them, are poor to mid at best sometimes just looking a little jerky

Characters - A varied mix, some from the usual tropes but we A Hot Neighbour, A Hot Boss, The Hot Bosses Hot Friend, A Hot Yoga Teacher, A Hot Cafe Owner and The Shy Hot Girl. Porn Logic is applied massively here, while the game does its best to show our MC as a CHarasimatic Hot Bloke himself, the speed at which these girls come at you is ridiculous. It's especially wrong as the girls all get dates where character-building seems to be their main focus. The Main girls all seem to conveniently have something our MC is looking for when it comes to the underlying plot at hand. To me it would have been better to introduce them at different times when the MC is looking rather than have them conveniently there.

Overall - I enjoyed playing this game, and will probably dip back in when it has a few updates under its belt. But at the moment it does feel like a big game of nothingness. We have a serious pacing issue and it's too far down the line now to really sort. For all intent and purpose, it is just a fuckfest, more character-driven than story-driven at the moment. It relies on Porn Logic far too much and ultimately the story hidden behind all the lewds won't be interesting or enough to keep players engaged once they tire of the overly used lewds scenes. I'd say while it is not going to be everyone's cup of tea, it's worth a look using the gallery unlocker.

Average 5/10


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
Northern Lights: The Beginning by DarkStream Studio - First Impressions at version 0.15

The story here seems to have some legs, we are thrown into a shadowy world filled with espionage and women... what's not to love? Obviously, we are just world-building at the moment, but the game does set up our premise well. We do get characters thrown at us at some pace and their motivations are cloudy at best, giving an underlying mystery to the plot. I am not quite sure who is trustworthy at the moment and I imagine that's only going to get worse as time goes on

The game is presented beautifully, and the renders are nice. a fine selection of Asian women to choose from, though all women presented so far are on the busty side. Our MC's render on the other hand... well baby face doesn't quite cut it. He has the face of a 16-year-old and the body of someone a lot older. It's hard to take him seriously as a "secret agent" with this mismatch

Lewds are few and far between at the moment, but all women who meet the MC seem to be infatuated with him, possibly because of his babyface who knows? However, the few we get are well presented and the animations are great.

There were a few errors that I clocked, mainly wrong characters being tagged to the ones that are speaking, but nothing that could be considered game-breaking, but I get the feeling the game does lack a proofreader.

Overall the game seems well-paced, well-rendered and well written. I am interested to see where this goes, especially considering the planned NTR tag. NTR in a world of spies... that seems fun.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
Turning the Page by Azienda - Reviewed at V0.33.0

Story - So here we have a classic case of Japanese NTR, we can see it from both sides. The husband struggles and insecurities as his wife slowly gets taken from him and the wife struggles and acceptance as she is gradually corrupted. There are a few options for paths, from saving the relationship to the wife fully embracing who she is, to the wife trying to have her cake and eat it. The game does well to show the dark side of NTR and getting it from both sides is really refreshing.

Art - For most of the storytelling you will just get a standing shot of our characters in various outfits, there is nothing too overwhelming about them. They rarely change poses and rarely change outfits. Be prepared to look at the same cutouts for the entirety of your playthrough. The art for the lewds starts fantastic, though there is a noticeable drop in quality as the game goes on, I find it jarringly noticeable on the path where our MC invites her friend to the relationship.

Characters - So at the base of it we have three main characters, Felix the cuck, Sophie the Wife and Zach the Jock Bull. Unfortunately, I found Felix to be written like a complete and utter idiot, It seems to just be convenience and I was ultimately feeling nothing for him at the end of his story. Sophie is a typical wife for the first half of the story and her corruption is done somewhat well, but after her fall, I find she loses her way and thanks to Felix's idiocy carrying through I lost interest in her too. Zach has no redeemable qualities at all. Typical Jock that I think our writers are urging us to like, but his behaviour is questionable at best.

Overall - Despite being a bit text-heavy and you spend a lot of time reading rather than seeing, seriously it drags on and on and on. There did seem to be a bit of promise in the first half of the game. Sophies corruption is wonderfully done and the reasons for it are believable. But after Sophie's Fall, the game starts to lose its way. There seems to be even more dialogue, the writing takes a dip in quality and some of the art/animations also took a dip. After a bit, it feels all though the writer knew where they wanted to go, but they weren't quite sure what to do when they got there. Certain scenes/events seem placed just because we needed some filler. For example, there are at least three scenes of Sophie wishing Zach could fuck her without a condom? For me this game is too drawn out, it forgets it's an AVN and sticks to the mantra of Tell rather than show, while it works in the first instance to show Felix's naivety and Sophies fall, it misses the landing when we arrive. I will continue to play the updates, but I feel I am at a point (and have been for a while) where I can just watch the scenes and know what the update is about

Average 5/10


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
January in View

So I was speaking to a friend near the start of the month about our ever-growing "To Play" lists. I noticed that mine was filled with games that hadn't had an update in a while, games that had since been abandonded, some I have no idea why they were on there and some that have aged so poorly I didn't get past the first 10 minutes - I made the bold decision to delete the list and go on a month by month basis. As I said to my friend, I might miss some diamonds this way, but hopefully, I'll pick up ones previously on the list this way.

We have been spoiled quite somewhat in January, I mean on 01/01 there were 56 games alone that found their way to F95. I, unfortunately, didn't try them all as there isn't enough time in the day, I mean even breaking them down into Ren'Py-only games... there were 29. that's about 1 every 50 minutes if you'd have wanted to try them all.

I did try a few and other than removing sandbox from my search, there was no rhyme or reason to my picks, just generally if it was like something I had tried in the past and liked, it got a play.

Some of them I have reviewed in this thread already, some I have saved for today and some didn't captivate me enough to carry on playing and even get a footnote - I said to the friend mentioned previously if you're not captivating me in any way shape or form in the first moments of your game, I'm out.

New Games

I tried On The Mountain Top - First Things First, although there is not much here at the moment, this game seems dark. Or at least seems like it's going to venture into some dark subjects. Specifically mental health, obviously this is and can be a very sensitive subject and it's really far too early to see if this will be handled well. There is just not enough content to make an informed decision. I will probably go back to this, but will need a few updates I think.

Lucy's Fall - Absolutely ridiculous game. A grindy repeat of the same scene over and over. Slowly working up to doing more with the downed Lucy. Waste of time.

Between Duty and Love - This game did not leave a lasting impression on me at all. It desperately needs a proofreader. I mean considering you can input names and set relationships at the start, the names are all over the place. The teacher for example defaults to calling you Michael. The renders also seem very dark in places and I am not sure if that's done for story effect or not. either way, I didn't think it worked. Despite the good premise of a spy genre game, it did not end in a way I wanted to continue.

The Three Panels - I want to be as kind as can in regards to this one. It's the Devs first game and it really shows. The renders are below average, and the story is basically written and nothing mind-blowing. For a first attempt, it is absolutely fine, but I say it needs more time to cook

Heavens Door - I will refer you to "my thoughts post" on this

My Husband's Boss - This is another I gave my impressions on in a "My Thoughts Post"

Flickering Lights - This is an AVN that forgets it's actually a visual novel and tells rather than shows. There is just simply too much reading about the scene and what is happening. It is after all a short game and it felt like I spent so much time reading for little payout. The renders seem solid. The first Lewd was done beautifully, whereas the second felt half-arsed. There didn't seem to be any substance here and I often felt bored.

OurLife. - This one failed straight out of the gate, gave me a choice and then disregarded it completely. Overall the game seems messy and I am not sure it knows what it wants to be. There is definitely more time put in some parts of this game than others and it shows.

The Flavour of the Month for new games this month seemed to AI games - but these are some of the ones I tried

Our Group Chat - There are countless of these AI phone games popping up now, but this one is a little different than the normal girlfriend/boyfriend dynamic we normally get. It does seem interesting, but nothing special

NTR Chat Group - A similar premise to the one above, this one is just done poorly. The message's times are all over the place meaning there's no natural flow to them. it just didn't make sense to me. The art is fine, but there is at least 4 other games of this kind and one is by far the worst of them

Opening to Love - For an AI game, this one is actually not bad. Overall the story is nice and casual, well-written and somewhat interesting. The art for AI is okay, I was looking for errors and to me, it does stay nice and consistent. There is a Karaoke QTE minigame in here and it was effing tedious. The Renaissance Fair mini-game, although a slight improvement, was still tedious nonetheless.

Heated Hashtag - This one is a bit lengthier than the others, yet there still doesn't seem to be anything to it. Its like our dev has seen the success of some of these games in the past and decided to board that train. The art is very inconsistent, with Tattoos jumping all over the place, and tan lines disappearing. Heck in one scene at a party, every single bloke looks the same. I honestly can't see this one going anywhere.

My Girlfriends New Kink - The last of the New AI games I played and for a 0.1 it seems good. we have a wide range of characters, with various personalities, so it seems our Dev is setting up something here. but we are early days so hard to tell. Art was standard AI. We have increasing and decreasing body types, disappearing jewellery, jewellery that changes, Hairstyles change and clothing that changes shape and style.


Rock the Rim
- You can read about my thoughts on this game here, but basically, I came out of playing this game very lost, the writing didn't flow, and it felt a bit "lost in Translation" here and there. I'd say the characters are too overly pretty, mentioning they wouldnt look out of place on the cover of Vogue, but this is another I will simply have to wait and see on this one

Pale Carnations - I enjoyed this one quite a lot, to be honest, I don't think this was ever on my watch list. So I went into it with quite an open mind. Anyway, you can read my review about it here.

It was Raining that Night - This one was one I knew was on my "To Play" list so knew a bit about it when going in. You can read my thoughts here.

Justice or Mercy - I played this back in December and actually reviewed it then, but I didn't think this update brought anything new to the game, it's very hard to judge when we seem to be updating one game day at a time

Cinderellas Glass Collar - This is one I really need to give a "My Thoughts" too as I played it back when it dropped in October. There is nothing much to it at the moment, but it's basically a "50 Shades of Gray" style that gets corrupted by your boss game. So far it's enjoyable, but there's little to it at the moment other than character building and stage setting.

NTR Mobile - Here we have another, it's been done before AI style NTR text message game. Its not well done at all, while the art is okay for AI, our MC is an absolute idiot. all the evidence that the GF is cheating on him is presented there in the game, but nothing is ever called out. Winds me right up

Hard to Love - A remake of a game I had never played before and I am not going to play the original to compare. I found it slightly lacking and you can read more here.

Office Perks - A game I described as a well of nothingness. Some hot girls here, and some wonderful renders, but as I said in my review... you'd get a lot of the content in this game using a gallery unlocker.

Northern Lights: The Beginning - You can see my thoughts on this one here.

Family of Choice - A Typical Family Harem game. It is not the first, it won't be the last. The renders here are below average to average at best. No character stands out above the rest. There are by far better games in this Genre.

Summer Breeze - There is nothing to it, Renders are okay, but essentially it's only a demo.

The White Room - A game I came out of thinking WTF. The premise is quite a good one, two seemingly unconnected characters trapped in a white room who have to do tasks to survive. We go from there. It seems to get very dark in places and ended on a cliffhanger that has at least intrigued me enough to want to play the next one

Neotarse Phone - Ahhhh here we have the best of the NTR text message style phones, I should really get around to writing a review of this someday. It's getting a bit of the same old at the moment. There are only so many times a girl can describe her sexual encounters over a text message, but our dev does have a road map and is sticking to a plan. The AI art here is on point. There are never 6 fingers, changing eye colours or the like. For what it is it's enjoyable, but it's the sort of game that needs to be played a few updates at a time rather than one at a time.

Turning the Page - I used to enjoy this one so much, now though it seems to have lost its way. I've done a review on this that you can read here.

Beyond Constraints - I want to like this game so much. For some random reason, Cuckquean games are like unicorns and here we have one ripe for the taking. We are still early days, so I am trying not to be too judgy, but as I told a friend I am not sure if this game knows what it wants to be, despite having a brilliant premise of a cuckquean game... like is the family Harem it's pushing needed for the story, did we really need to jump feet first into an already established queen relationship - there may actually be genuine reasons why the dev went this way. I just don't know - either way, this is now on the serious watch list.

The Viper - I found this had an interesting start, the renders are not great, but the dev is well aware of this and is more interested in telling a story than visually presenting it. The dev has mentioned he has a road map and wants to do a Male POV, a Female POV and then a summary. So far we are only about halfway through the male. I am going to wait for judgment on this game until the second chapter is released as I feel the female PoV here will be telling

Three Chicks and a Loser - Yay another AI game, Little is here so far as we are only two in-game days into it. But there is an underlying mystery and it is at least intriguing to me. It's hard to say if anything is there or not, but it's enough for me to at least pop back in every now and then to check.

Blast from the Past.

Obviously playing games only in the month they were released or updated will shut off to some of the already completed games that are out there. So I am going to play at least one completed game from the archive a month. This Month, after seeing the solid start that was Heaven's Door. I went back and played Bare Witness. You can read about it here!

The Fappies!

Welcome to the Fappies, a fun little thing where I give out awards to some of the games I have played this month. This might expand as time goes on. But for this month we just have five categories Best New Game of the Month, Best Updated Game of the Month, Best Girl in a New Game, Best Girl in an Updated Game and Best Girl from the Past. The games of the month will generally have some reasoning behind them, the Girls of the Month, however, are just whichever ones I find most attractive.

Best New Game of the Month - I won't lie this one was hard. I was tied between Heaven's Door and My Husband's Boss. They are both absolutely brilliant games and well worth a play by anyone. But I think for me Heaven's Door takes it, while both of them are great. I did have some issues with My Boss's Wife... Mainly the scowling and Typos, it was enough to tip the scales

Best Updated Game of the Month - Easy one for me. Pale Carnations. It might be coming from bias as it's quite a lengthy game and it's one of the few updates I played from start to finish, but this game has everything. Simply fantastic

Best Girl in a New Game -
Jan New Girl of the Month.jpg

Best Girl in an Updated Game
Jan New Girl of the Month Update.jpg

Best Girl from Blast from the Past
Mora - Bare Witness.jpg


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
Tangled Bonds by Naughty4Life Games - Reviewed at Version 0.3

Story - The story here has some potential. Here we have a mysterious guy on a mission of surveillance and protection for s shady guy. though things are never quite that simple and it soon gets a lots worse. It's obviously not a new idea and has been done in some way, shape or form before. But the Execution here I find lacking.

Renders - Our renders here are actually not bad, most if not all are above average. We have a wide range of characters, though most if not all are on the arse-heavy side. I did notice one character having the typical clothing warped to her big chest, but the reset seemed to have believable proportions. There are a variety of environments, some of which you may have seen before (I swear that park the MC goes for a run for is in like 75% of games), but overall they a varied and well-lit. Nothing is going to blow your mind here, but nothing is so bad it will take you out of the game.

Characters - We have a wide range of characters here. From a stuck-up rich girl, a kind coffee shop girl and a sexualised receptionist. They all feel like individual characters, helped a bit by the fact they have random thoughts that are portrayed to you the reader. The character growth is slow and minimal, I'd say they were a slow burn, but to be honest.... sometimes it feels even slower than that.

Overall - I think this will be a miss for me. The story is not engaging enough to keep me interested, while having reader omnipotence is helpful and in some cases good to help get to know our characters... here it falls quite away from the mark. They generally just think about nothing important, instead making the dialogue go on and on and on and on. The Lewds and animations are probably this game's saving grace. They are above average, though not enough to save it for me and without a Gallery Viewer or walkthrough... nothing is compelling me to go back to even see if some of my choices lead elsewhere. I think with a bit of cuts here and there, this game has the potential to be great at the minute though its a bit of a bore fest.

Below Average 4/10


Engaged Member
Apr 8, 2024
January in View

So I was speaking to a friend near the start of the month about our ever-growing "To Play" lists. I noticed that mine was filled with games that hadn't had an update in a while, games that had since been abandonded, some I have no idea why they were on there and some that have aged so poorly I didn't get past the first 10 minutes - I made the bold decision to delete the list and go on a month by month basis. As I said to my friend, I might miss some diamonds this way, but hopefully, I'll pick up ones previously on the list this way.

We have been spoiled quite somewhat in January, I mean on 01/01 there were 56 games alone that found their way to F95. I, unfortunately, didn't try them all as there isn't enough time in the day, I mean even breaking them down into Ren'Py-only games... there were 29. that's about 1 every 50 minutes if you'd have wanted to try them all.

I did try a few and other than removing sandbox from my search, there was no rhyme or reason to my picks, just generally if it was like something I had tried in the past and liked, it got a play.

Some of them I have reviewed in this thread already, some I have saved for today and some didn't captivate me enough to carry on playing and even get a footnote - I said to the friend mentioned previously if you're not captivating me in any way shape or form in the first moments of your game, I'm out.

New Games

I tried On The Mountain Top - First Things First, although there is not much here at the moment, this game seems dark. Or at least seems like it's going to venture into some dark subjects. Specifically mental health, obviously this is and can be a very sensitive subject and it's really far too early to see if this will be handled well. There is just not enough content to make an informed decision. I will probably go back to this, but will need a few updates I think.

Lucy's Fall - Absolutely ridiculous game. A grindy repeat of the same scene over and over. Slowly working up to doing more with the downed Lucy. Waste of time.

Between Duty and Love - This game did not leave a lasting impression on me at all. It desperately needs a proofreader. I mean considering you can input names and set relationships at the start, the names are all over the place. The teacher for example defaults to calling you Michael. The renders also seem very dark in places and I am not sure if that's done for story effect or not. either way, I didn't think it worked. Despite the good premise of a spy genre game, it did not end in a way I wanted to continue.

The Three Panels - I want to be as kind as can in regards to this one. It's the Devs first game and it really shows. The renders are below average, and the story is basically written and nothing mind-blowing. For a first attempt, it is absolutely fine, but I say it needs more time to cook

Heavens Door - I will refer you to "my thoughts post" on this

My Husband's Boss - This is another I gave my impressions on in a "My Thoughts Post"

Flickering Lights - This is an AVN that forgets it's actually a visual novel and tells rather than shows. There is just simply too much reading about the scene and what is happening. It is after all a short game and it felt like I spent so much time reading for little payout. The renders seem solid. The first Lewd was done beautifully, whereas the second felt half-arsed. There didn't seem to be any substance here and I often felt bored.

OurLife. - This one failed straight out of the gate, gave me a choice and then disregarded it completely. Overall the game seems messy and I am not sure it knows what it wants to be. There is definitely more time put in some parts of this game than others and it shows.

The Flavour of the Month for new games this month seemed to AI games - but these are some of the ones I tried

Our Group Chat - There are countless of these AI phone games popping up now, but this one is a little different than the normal girlfriend/boyfriend dynamic we normally get. It does seem interesting, but nothing special

NTR Chat Group - A similar premise to the one above, this one is just done poorly. The message's times are all over the place meaning there's no natural flow to them. it just didn't make sense to me. The art is fine, but there is at least 4 other games of this kind and one is by far the worst of them

Opening to Love - For an AI game, this one is actually not bad. Overall the story is nice and casual, well-written and somewhat interesting. The art for AI is okay, I was looking for errors and to me, it does stay nice and consistent. There is a Karaoke QTE minigame in here and it was effing tedious. The Renaissance Fair mini-game, although a slight improvement, was still tedious nonetheless.

Heated Hashtag - This one is a bit lengthier than the others, yet there still doesn't seem to be anything to it. Its like our dev has seen the success of some of these games in the past and decided to board that train. The art is very inconsistent, with Tattoos jumping all over the place, and tan lines disappearing. Heck in one scene at a party, every single bloke looks the same. I honestly can't see this one going anywhere.

My Girlfriends New Kink - The last of the New AI games I played and for a 0.1 it seems good. we have a wide range of characters, with various personalities, so it seems our Dev is setting up something here. but we are early days so hard to tell. Art was standard AI. We have increasing and decreasing body types, disappearing jewellery, jewellery that changes, Hairstyles change and clothing that changes shape and style.


Rock the Rim
- You can read about my thoughts on this game here, but basically, I came out of playing this game very lost, the writing didn't flow, and it felt a bit "lost in Translation" here and there. I'd say the characters are too overly pretty, mentioning they wouldnt look out of place on the cover of Vogue, but this is another I will simply have to wait and see on this one

Pale Carnations - I enjoyed this one quite a lot, to be honest, I don't think this was ever on my watch list. So I went into it with quite an open mind. Anyway, you can read my review about it here.

It was Raining that Night - This one was one I knew was on my "To Play" list so knew a bit about it when going in. You can read my thoughts here.

Justice or Mercy - I played this back in December and actually reviewed it then, but I didn't think this update brought anything new to the game, it's very hard to judge when we seem to be updating one game day at a time

Cinderellas Glass Collar - This is one I really need to give a "My Thoughts" too as I played it back when it dropped in October. There is nothing much to it at the moment, but it's basically a "50 Shades of Gray" style that gets corrupted by your boss game. So far it's enjoyable, but there's little to it at the moment other than character building and stage setting.

NTR Mobile - Here we have another, it's been done before AI style NTR text message game. Its not well done at all, while the art is okay for AI, our MC is an absolute idiot. all the evidence that the GF is cheating on him is presented there in the game, but nothing is ever called out. Winds me right up

Hard to Love - A remake of a game I had never played before and I am not going to play the original to compare. I found it slightly lacking and you can read more here.

Office Perks - A game I described as a well of nothingness. Some hot girls here, and some wonderful renders, but as I said in my review... you'd get a lot of the content in this game using a gallery unlocker.

Northern Lights: The Beginning - You can see my thoughts on this one here.

Family of Choice - A Typical Family Harem game. It is not the first, it won't be the last. The renders here are below average to average at best. No character stands out above the rest. There are by far better games in this Genre.

Summer Breeze - There is nothing to it, Renders are okay, but essentially it's only a demo.

The White Room - A game I came out of thinking WTF. The premise is quite a good one, two seemingly unconnected characters trapped in a white room who have to do tasks to survive. We go from there. It seems to get very dark in places and ended on a cliffhanger that has at least intrigued me enough to want to play the next one

Neotarse Phone - Ahhhh here we have the best of the NTR text message style phones, I should really get around to writing a review of this someday. It's getting a bit of the same old at the moment. There are only so many times a girl can describe her sexual encounters over a text message, but our dev does have a road map and is sticking to a plan. The AI art here is on point. There are never 6 fingers, changing eye colours or the like. For what it is it's enjoyable, but it's the sort of game that needs to be played a few updates at a time rather than one at a time.

Turning the Page - I used to enjoy this one so much, now though it seems to have lost its way. I've done a review on this that you can read here.

Beyond Constraints - I want to like this game so much. For some random reason, Cuckquean games are like unicorns and here we have one ripe for the taking. We are still early days, so I am trying not to be too judgy, but as I told a friend I am not sure if this game knows what it wants to be, despite having a brilliant premise of a cuckquean game... like is the family Harem it's pushing needed for the story, did we really need to jump feet first into an already established queen relationship - there may actually be genuine reasons why the dev went this way. I just don't know - either way, this is now on the serious watch list.

The Viper - I found this had an interesting start, the renders are not great, but the dev is well aware of this and is more interested in telling a story than visually presenting it. The dev has mentioned he has a road map and wants to do a Male POV, a Female POV and then a summary. So far we are only about halfway through the male. I am going to wait for judgment on this game until the second chapter is released as I feel the female PoV here will be telling

Three Chicks and a Loser - Yay another AI game, Little is here so far as we are only two in-game days into it. But there is an underlying mystery and it is at least intriguing to me. It's hard to say if anything is there or not, but it's enough for me to at least pop back in every now and then to check.

Blast from the Past.

Obviously playing games only in the month they were released or updated will shut off to some of the already completed games that are out there. So I am going to play at least one completed game from the archive a month. This Month, after seeing the solid start that was Heaven's Door. I went back and played Bare Witness. You can read about it here!

The Fappies!

Welcome to the Fappies, a fun little thing where I give out awards to some of the games I have played this month. This might expand as time goes on. But for this month we just have five categories Best New Game of the Month, Best Updated Game of the Month, Best Girl in a New Game, Best Girl in an Updated Game and Best Girl from the Past. The games of the month will generally have some reasoning behind them, the Girls of the Month, however, are just whichever ones I find most attractive.

Best New Game of the Month - I won't lie this one was hard. I was tied between Heaven's Door and My Husband's Boss. They are both absolutely brilliant games and well worth a play by anyone. But I think for me Heaven's Door takes it, while both of them are great. I did have some issues with My Boss's Wife... Mainly the scowling and Typos, it was enough to tip the scales

Best Updated Game of the Month - Easy one for me. Pale Carnations. It might be coming from bias as it's quite a lengthy game and it's one of the few updates I played from start to finish, but this game has everything. Simply fantastic

Best Girl in a New Game -
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Best Girl in an Updated Game
View attachment 4507110

Best Girl from Blast from the Past
View attachment 4507137
I've played a good dozen of those games, with another one or two still on my list I think. I should review Beyond Constraints actually - I'd been waiting for the new update for a bit more story settling, and some more LI images to choose from for my cards.

Agreed on Mika, Vivian, and Mora from your Fappies! (The others I can't comment on, having not played or ditched their games.)


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
I've played a good dozen of those games, with another one or two still on my list I think. I should review Beyond Constraints actually - I'd been waiting for the new update for a bit more story settling, and some more LI images to choose from for my cards.

Agreed on Mika, Vivian, and Mora from your Fappies! (The others I can't comment on, having not played or ditched their games.)
I was going to give BC a "my thoughts" but the one I wrote seemed very negative, was a bit ranty and somewhat lengthy. I didn't think it was fair. Next update, hopefully it finds it's footing and I can give it a decent review.

Mika I think is my overall girl of the Month. Absolutely love her attitude. More of her please


Engaged Member
Apr 8, 2024
I was going to give BC a "my thoughts" but the one I wrote seemed very negative, was a bit ranty and somewhat lengthy. I didn't think it was fair. Next update, hopefully it finds it's footing and I can give it a decent review.

Mika I think is my overall girl of the Month. Absolutely love her attitude. More of her please
I've noticed my reviews have started to go a bit that way. I compared my recent ones to the first I did (for Bare Witness) and they are now something like double the size! I'll check through the images folder for BC today though and see what sort of images I can find.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
After That Night by XINKALA reviewed at Chapter 8 - Part 1

Story - It's not a bad narrative by any means. However, it's not good either. So far, it feels very drawn out. We are chapter 8 into the game, and so far we have had a lot of filler, a lot of flashbacks and very little moving forward. Our story begins laying the groundwork for our MC, when he was young he found his parents murdered... flash forward a few years and MC has since joined the Army, left and is now a police detective. A few nice coincidences late and he's suddenly helping a girl who has got herself in some shady shit.... and that's it. 8 Chapters and I feel like we are nowhere.

Renders - They are certainly average, the animations, on the other hand, are passable in places. Our love interests are done nicely, lots of different types of women here, and I am yet to see the clothing moulded around big boobs, which is a plus. I do have an issue with how the MC is rendered, throughout the game and therefore his life... there doesn't seem to be any consistency with his character models, Also, why does he look about 15 when he shaves his face? The environments are okay; some feel a little empty, others cluttered, but they are well lit, well saturated and feel okay to what they are. Nothing striking, mind you.

Characters - We do have a fair few to choose from: a hot therapist, a hot coffee barrister, the barrister's friend, a gym instructor and a hot ex-wife, among others. They are not exactly thrown at you at pace but they are thrown at you nonetheless with the game asking you to make a choice there and then to continue with them. For example, the ex-girlfriend just pops on the scene, disappears for a few chapters, and pops back up, declaring she is leaving and you have to decide if you want her or not without really knowing any backstory.

Overall, I feel this game lacks a few things: the pace is all over the place, it's not consistent, it could be done with a proofreader, and some things should be left on the cutting room floor. At the moment, it is a somewhat underwhelming game, but it has the potential to be better. It certainly knows when to be serious, it knows when to joke. It just doesn't know how to progress. The Lewds are few and far between, and the story, at the moment is not strong enough to carry it forward. For now, this is a pass from me, I might return to it, but I have no desire to return any time soon.

Below Average 4/10
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Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
Ah, another one on my list. I'm in the middle of Office Perks at the moment, which I had downloaded before your review!
I liked Office Perks for what it was. Though similar to After That Night, it just seems a long, drawn-out affair. Though at least Office Perks has Lewds


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
My New Girlfriend by CircleGames - Reviewed at Chapter 5

Story - It's the basic NTS plot, to be honest, it has been done before, and it'll be done again. Though this is probably one best out there. Though we are not actually thrown into the deep end here. Yes, the girlfriend has been corrupted by her best friend before and during the story, but it actually takes until chapter 5 before she has actually touched another cock and even then it was a handjob. It's a slow burn that has so far been character development and as such there's not real plot to discuss. Though there are lots of ways this could go I'm excited to see where as our dev does seem to be treading this subject carefully and with conviction.

Art - We have AI-generated art here and while that may not be to everyone's tastes, it is actually done quite well here. I looked hard and could only see the right amount of fingers on my hands, clothing staying consistent, hairstyles not changing. there are a few mistakes. there is a moment when our characters don't quite look consistent, but it's not massive and is in the early days. it certainly gets better as the updates go along

Characters - So we have the innocent, yet not-so-innocent girlfriend, her best friend, her boyfriend, who happens to be your best friend, an overly horny step-sister, a shy step-sister, a milf step-mum, some swinger neighbours and their son's. we are certainly not looking at a lack of character. The game is definitely a slow burn and spends a lot of its time building connections between the characters, Yes some of them are horndogs from the get-go and we don't really know why. We also don't know why the GF's been corrupted or rather what the conversations she had with her best friend are. That's not to say there is no character development at all. We are seeing the corruption of the shy step-sister from both the Horny Sister and by sheer coincidence the girlfriend's best friend. The neighbours are also corrupting your step-mum. So things are sitting together nicely.

Overall - These NTS/NTR AI games seem to be getting churned out at quite a pace. Though I think even with its flaws this is one of the best, if not the best. It may not have the best story, even going as far as saying it doesn't really have one yet. But the art, for AI, is incredible and what little narrative it does have seems to be building to at least something. For me I'd have liked more backgrounds to characters rather than them being the typical horndogs they are... I know it would have added a lot of lines of dialogue here and there, but the way things are at the moment it feels like the girls are in the driving seat rather than the guy. Overall it's not a bad game, it generally knows what it is, and while it misses the mark in some places it gets it bang on in others. Things work and it is at least enjoyable.

Acceptable 7/10
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Reactions: MostlyCritical


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
Domino Beach by Mr Jet - First thoughts at Ep 2

I gave serious thought to actually giving this a full review, despite only being at Ep 2 there does seem to be enough to warrant it. However, It's still early days so I will hold back on that kind of judgement for now at least.

I won't lie, I'm a little conflicted about this game. While it is beautifully presented, that is to say, the Renders are fantastic, the women are beautiful, the environments are stunning the animations are top. I can not fault any effort with the presentation at all! But... The story is a little bit messy.

It might be because it is early days, and we are world-building, setting the stage so to speak, but I am not quite sure what it's building to. On the face of it, we have a nice fish-out-of-water tale so to speak, with a bit of high school drama (without the high school) added in. On the base of it, we have a MC that the plot absolutely hates by the way, who just falling in shit after shit after shit. HE does hit a bit of luck here and there with his Lifeguard tryout opportunity but seems to be in the middle of some turf war/frat war bull shit.

You don't get to pick a side; there is some reason for that, and it may be established that you can walk away in the future... it's really hard to tell if it is there at the moment for story-building, character building or something else.

I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt for now, and it's why it didn't get a full review, after all, we are only two updates in, and pieces are only being moved into place, we are yet to see the full picture. This game definitely has potential, we shall just have to see what comes of it,
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Reactions: TonyMurray
Dec 17, 2024
My New Girlfriend by CircleGames - Reviewed at Chapter 5

Story - It's the basic NTS plot, to be honest, it has been done before, and it'll be done again. Though this is probably one best out there. Though we are not actually thrown into the deep end here. Yes, the girlfriend has been corrupted by her best friend before and during the story, but it actually takes until chapter 5 before she has actually touched another cock and even then it was a handjob. It's a slow burn that has so far been character development and as such there's not real plot to discuss. Though there are lots of ways this could go I'm excited to see where as our dev does seem to be treading this subject carefully and with conviction.

Art - We have AI-generated art here and while that may not be to everyone's tastes, it is actually done quite well here. I looked hard and could only see the right amount of fingers on my hands, clothing staying consistent, hairstyles not changing. there are a few mistakes. there is a moment when our characters don't quite look consistent, but it's not massive and is in the early days. it certainly gets better as the updates go along

Characters - So we have the innocent, yet not-so-innocent girlfriend, her best friend, her boyfriend, who happens to be your best friend, an overly horny step-sister, a shy step-sister, a milf step-mum, some swinger neighbours and their son's. we are certainly not looking at a lack of character. The game is definitely a slow burn and spends a lot of its time building connections between the characters, Yes some of them are horndogs from the get-go and we don't really know why. We also don't know why the GF's been corrupted or rather what the conversations she had with her best friend are. That's not to say there is no character development at all. We are seeing the corruption of the shy step-sister from both the Horny Sister and by sheer coincidence the girlfriend's best friend. The neighbours are also corrupting your step-mum. So things are sitting together nicely.

Overall - These NTS/NTR AI games seem to be getting churned out at quite a pace. Though I think even with its flaws this is one of the best, if not the best. It may not have the best story, even going as far as saying it doesn't really have one yet. But the art, for AI, is incredible and what little narrative it does have seems to be building to at least something. For me I'd have liked more backgrounds to characters rather than them being the typical horndogs they are... I know it would have added a lot of lines of dialogue here and there, but the way things are at the moment it feels like the girls are in the driving seat rather than the guy. Overall it's not a bad game, it generally knows what it is, and while it misses the mark in some places it gets it bang on in others. Things work and it is at least enjoyable.

Acceptable 7/10
Great review!


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
Stay Online by LadyLana reviewed at Version 0.7

Story - Here we have another NTR/NTS style of a game told over text messaging. It's done quite well here. The reasons for where our couples end up (whatever route you take) are logically presented to us - Our MC has been sent away from home to work, leaving a somewhat horny wife at home with a best friend who has questionable morals. Even with the limited format that this can tell us a story we still get everything, it's not rushed at all and we slowly build up to whatever choice you take. Brilliantly done.

Renders - They are few and far between given the nature of the game, we get pictures of our wife, some of her friends and some of them together if the situation allows it. Once we get the hidden cameras, we do occasionally get some animations, they are not exactly long. The small things we do get are nicely rendered, Julia, the wife I think is perfect for her character. She has a nice sexy innocent look about her. Her friend, the promiscuous one is also rendered to a good standard. Honestly, with the amount you actually see these images, it's hard to find complaints. in the nature in which these renders are presented to us, they're great.

Characters - We have four main ones I'd say, Our MC, his wife Julia, Her best friend Vic and then the Bull Markus. There is a lot of development for our MC and Julia, I say development, it could easily count as corruption, this mainly comes from conversations with Vic, you do get some of them as she teases how she is corrupting the wife, but the conversations she has with Julia, we only get snippets. I like this, it adds a bit of mystery and helps the corruption play out - I do feel that MC trying to put his foot down with VIC about her behaviour around Julia, is somewhat poor. the secrets out of the bag. Just roll with it, but hey, I guess it's one way to add drama and draw out the story.

Overall - This is by no means a New Premise, in fact in January alone I think there were 4 of these types of games released... though this game sticks out thanks to its 3d renders, instead of the AI art that's the norm. I will say that using Ren'Py probably damages this game somewhat - by that I mean, Ren'pyand specifically Python is obviously not the best medium to present a phone UI and you would get better results in say Unity. There is a lot of things being told here that could be told in an "Instagram" style app rather than getting relayed over text messages. I also do not like the fact the phone is missing a gallery feature. Though I can fault the game for my desires here. For what it is I find this a nice quick little game. It's not too taxing, the story flows at a great pace, our characters are somewhat believable and the renders (as little as they are) are good and at least better than the AI stuff we get. While the subject may not be everyone's cup of tea, our dev seems to approach the subject delicately. A fun game and I am excited to see where it goes.

Acceptable 7/10
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Reactions: TonyMurray


Engaged Member
Apr 8, 2024
Stay Online by LadyLana reviewed at Version 0.7

Story - Here we have another NTR/NTS style of a game told over text messaging. It's done quite well here. The reasons for where our couples end up (whatever route you take) are logically presented to us - Our MC has been sent away from home to work, leaving a somewhat horny wife at home with a best friend who has questionable morals. Even with the limited format that this can tell us a story we still get everything, it's not rushed at all and we slowly build up to whatever choice you take. Brilliantly done.

Renders - They are few and far between given the nature of the game, we get pictures of our wife, some of her friends and some of them together if the situation allows it. Once we get the hidden cameras, we do occasionally get some animations, they are not exactly long. The small things we do get are nicely rendered, Julia, the wife I think is perfect for her character. She has a nice sexy innocent look about her. Her friend, the promiscuous one is also rendered to a good standard. Honestly, with the amount you actually see these images, it's hard to find complaints. in the nature in which these renders are presented to us, they're great.

Characters - We have four main ones I'd say, Our MC, his wife Julia, Her best friend Vic and then the Bull Markus. There is a lot of development for our MC and Julia, I say development, it could easily count as corruption, this mainly comes from conversations with Vic, you do get some of them as she teases how she is corrupting the wife, but the conversations she has with Julia, we only get snippets. I like this, it adds a bit of mystery and helps the corruption play out - I do feel that MC trying to put his foot down with VIC about her behaviour around Julia, is somewhat poor. the secrets out of the bag. Just roll with it, but hey, I guess it's one way to add drama and draw out the story.

Overall - This is by no means a New Premise, in fact in January alone I think there were 4 of these types of games released... though this game sticks out thanks to its 3d renders, instead of the AI art that's the norm. I will say that using Ren'Py probably damages this game somewhat - by that I mean, Ren'pyand specifically Python is obviously not the best medium to present a phone UI and you would get better results in say Unity. There is a lot of things being told here that could be told in an "Instagram" style app rather than getting relayed over text messages. I also do not like the fact the phone is missing a gallery feature. Though I can fault the game for my desires here. For what it is I find this a nice quick little game. It's not too taxing, the story flows at a great pace, our characters are somewhat believable and the renders (as little as they are) are good and at least better than the AI stuff we get. While the subject may not be everyone's cup of tea, our dev seems to approach the subject delicately. A fun game and I am excited to see where it goes.

Acceptable 7/10
I think the paths can be a bit tricky to set up correctly - I followed a guide for the "cheating" path and it turned out to be wrong (it was literally pick option "b" here, and then after that pick the same choices as the "loyal" path...) - but once you're set, it's okay. I noticed in this last update Julia started called Vika "Vicky", which was a bit odd. Other than those two little quibbles, I like this one. I think it's quite a neat little setup, although I definitely agree with the cat being out of the bag - there are a couple of times when MC should really be saying something, notably on the "cheating" path...


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
Darker by Director Unknown reviewed at Chapter 1 - Part 7

Story - This is a real slow burn, but also relies a bit on porn logic. We get a multiple-protagonist game. While the Dev seems to be managing the narratives well to some degree, there are times it seems a bit messy. The dialogue sometimes feels a little repetitive and our characters find themselves in situations quite simply because of the porn logic already mentioned. This to me throws the pace off a little and there are times it gets a little boring and a bit substandard

Renders - There is something not quite right with the FMC, she is far too pale and I often thought she looked like a vampire. Other than that I'd say they were very good. There are some shading issues in the early stages, but nothing that takes you out of it. There are no massive boobs, or massive bums that get merged into the clothing they wear.

Characters - The men in this game are not painted in any nice light at all, The husband for example, willingly "sells" his wife for money, status and power. The guy he sells her to is essentially a troubled young guy who because of his troubles sees women nothing as but sex objects and a means to an end. Neither of these characters possess characteristics that make them likeable, but maybe that is the point. The female main character, who has the better perspective, to be honest, has hints of a dark side, which seems to come out as her corruption goes on. She definitely gets the most growth

Overall - The multiple protagonist angle really damages this game, at points, it is somewhat hard to follow and lacks any opportunity to build any connection or feeling towards the characters and therefore story. I cant help but feel this would be a lot stronger and show better if we were just told things from the female's perspective. I'd say this game also requires an editor and proofreader, as there is definitely a story under all that filler, fluff and nonsensical dialogue. we could have a great dark NTR game here that really touches on the subject well... but for me, it's just lacking in a few essential areas and the renders as good as they are just are not enough to carry it.

Average 5/10


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
Shattered Dreams by Nebula Dreams reviewed at Version 0.2

Story - There is a lot of tight narrative here woven around our MC through sheer coincidence, I wouldn't say the Dev is asking us to suspend our disbelief here as it sort of ties together in a nice meaningful way. But there are aspects of the narrative that are a little sloppy. Some bordering on Porn Logic. Overall though the writing is structured well, has a great flow to it and is fairly decent. It helps the story as it certainly has pace, gives mystery at the right spots and piques curiosity well.

Renders - Our character models are great, there are some really impressive renders here. There are no over-the-top busty girls and each of the ones we have been presented with have at least believable proportions. The environments are great, though they do feel empty. there were a couple of times we went to restaurants and we were the only ones in there. Overall though nothing is oversaturated. The lighting is on point. The animations are okay, there's nothing clunky about them and they do seem to flow well.

Characters - So far we have been introduced to a fair few. There are the usual tropes like the over-sexualised roommate, a longstanding friendship, and the girl from the office. but they all have an air of individuality about them. Character development is definitely a thing for most if not all of the characters shown... some are being revealed to us faster than others, and the rest seem to have had just enough to keep us interested. For now, the MC doesn't seem to have the standard magical cock, of the 4 LI's we have seen... one was already jumping on it, but the rest although they may want to, don't, which is a welcome deviation from the norm

Overall - We are still early days into this game, so early in fact I was debating giving it a "First Thoughts" rather than review. But it gives us enough content here that I feel a fair review could be made. There are a few moments in the plot that hinge on coincidence... The MC is in the street at the right time to see something, following that up and being forced into a situation, Being put into another problem so he can meet the right person at the right time. Etc, but nothing overall seems forced. I personally would question the actions of two of the characters, but hey if they didn't behave the way they are, we wouldn't have a game. I think this is a wonderful start, and the amount of content is enough to help anyone make an informed decision. it certainly has the potential to go really far. I hope it can stick the landing.

Slightly Above Average 6/10