I released a new game called "Tifa's Dark Heaven"... How would you prefer this month updates to be?

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Tifa's Dark Heaven - Developer
Game Developer
Dec 2, 2019
I hope you like this update! I've worked hard here in "Let the Nightshine in" to make very hot scenes, with their animations... Plus, I've revamped the game interface! I changed the font style of the main menu (now you can see the little “<" and ">” arrows that allow you to see more save slots when you want to save your game) and I modified the image on the main menu (the game cover), since the last one looked kind of bad... And I also added music again in the main menu! I hope you like all of this! I love you all very much
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Tifa's Dark Heaven - Developer
Game Developer
Dec 2, 2019
Sorry, some wall of text about…

So, if author is the girl. Hope, this is not too personal.
Does some kinks, like interracial and cheating for females in this game are pure imagination of "what other girls may like".
Or "this is really a hot fantasy for me"? So, the author truly understands, feels deep within on some level, what is so magnetic and charming in those scenarios she brings to reality of this game.

Also, sorry.
This is very interesting for me. How do you approach writhing male characters? Their psychology, internal thoughts desires and impulses, except basic "I like fucking hot babes!"
Males, mostly, are simple creatures, but... Still interesting how you internalize other sex's perspective in such topic.

So, why I am sorry. Please do not take this is personal critique in the slightest.
But, gosh… Main character is the most infuriating indecisive imbecile I ever read in NRT game or even porn game ever.
It is not his denial or stupidity. These are common in NTR, sadly. Generally, very low standard is set in this genre.
But this M.C. so, so indecisive about what he wants and likes... I literally wanted to freaking kill that idiot. I would really beat this person, if come by face to face, for how pathetic he is.
Not because he lets his girl fuck with others. This is fine and sexual. But he “a billion” times tells her and himself that he does not know what he wants, what he feels, and so on.
Even child know if they like the taste of candy. Even grandparents know if they like TV show. This imbecile has sexual desire and for how long does he not know if he likes it or not? Or what he actually wants.

Once again. Please understand that this is not a critique of author in any shape or form.
But you achieved for this M.C. title of the most hated supposedly positive protagonist male in any sexy game I played, which are dozens. "Please die indecisive trash M.C. You infuriate me like no one ever." — are my constant thoughts playing this game.
I wonder where you got reference for this type of male.

Also, I read through some comments here... About how some dislike main female character for her lack of intensive to fuck with many males. Well, I think "I like sex very much, and he is nice looking and excites me" is enough if she excepted her own sexuality.
From many male perspectives, at least “free” ones — you do not need anything else, if you like the girl, to fuck her. And then another, and so on. As many good-looking ladies as you can. As long as it is safe from STD and other real troubles.

Also, her smoking could be integrated more in her "naughty slut" sexual image. Like basic smoking and drinking in club or otherwise and then sex - depraved and corrupt bitch play. Or smoking and fellatio. To make imbecile M.C. hurt, or just because it arouses her and her sex friends so much. Something like this.
Being naughty slut does not make her fallen human trash or something stupid like this. I see this as just very daring and sexually open part of her. Which I like and respect very much, actually.

The only thing that is very disappointing about her is constant hard lies. Well, like in almost every NTR game, so yea. It's not “please fix” point, it's just I dislike liars too much.
She just wants pleasure and fucks while having permission — actually good. No judgment for woman when she just as sexual as some men. Only support and understanding. But lying through her teeth — yea this is really dislikable.

Blond girl is the most likable character for now. Her beauty and real kindness and honesty, yea even towards imbecile M.C. helps very much to win personal popularity contest. Positive characters who are sluts (as a compliment to their sexuality) can and should be likable, not only “hot”.
I think in good story, especially romantic/sex story, you always should like someone. Root for someone. At least 1 character. Or “why the hell am I reading/watching/playing this?”

Everything above is just personal impression and opinion. Respect to author for work. If, hopefully while you being a girl you are indeed sex positive and appreciative or understanding of many kinks in your own game.
Because sometimes sex-related industries workers despises their male clientele while still sucking their money, which is hypocritical and ungrateful.
Hey man, I am glad that, despite things you mentioned that you didn't like about the game, you still found enjoyment in it and said good things... And I understand all of it and accept it as an opinion, and obviously respect it... You got the vision that I initially had for Ariana very well, she being like a usual young woman who likes sex a lot and well, she has like this "free" behaviour in general for some things... Regarding smoking sometimes and such... I wanted to give this image of a very hot girl and that has that "slutty" vibe in her but that she is faithful indeed... At least until some things happened...
I understand that you don't like the main character in the sense that you mention... Some people also mentioned it to me and I understand perfectly... The main idea I had for him (and well, for Ariana too) is the fact that they are both young guys (obviously of 18+ years old) who were generally insecure... And in front of extreme situations, maybe they didn't make the best decisions or didn't know what to do. I wanted to emphasize that feeling of “doubt” in many situations... The truth is that I didn't want to represent a protagonist who is always super confident and always knows what to do and things like that, I really wanted him to have doubts and see how those doubts might affect his life a lot... And as the situation with Ariana got more and more out of hand, the fact of not knowing what to do also increased... You know what I mean? I always saw it from that perspective, but I also understand the other perspective you mention... That you can't stand it... Speaking of Ariana, I also wanted to do this with her when I mentioned the insecure thing... I wanted Ariana to be a sociable person in general, with lots of friends, the typical girl who is like that... But who deep down has insecurities about many things, and sometimes this causes things to get out of control... As I mentioned before, everything that happened on certain routes was ultimately a series of decisions... Ariana was quite promiscuous in the past and had a lot of sex, and when she became MC's girlfriend she was always faithful and they always had sex together... And he managed to satisfy her, she didn't feel like he didn't satisfy her or anything like that... But it was when MC started to tell her about his fetish that everything got out of hand... Ariana started to experiment and to remember how her life had been before she was going out with MC... It wasn't that the sex was better than what she had with MC, but it was different... More rough, maybe... And that's when she started to fall deeper and deeper... As I show in the game, she always seemed to regret what she was doing but she simply couldn't stop, as she generally had a very high sexual appetite. I wanted to show that both of their decisions led to certain things happening... I wanted to show that it wasn't entirely Ariana's fault, you know? Of course she lied, and that's wrong, and there were things that were her fault, but the MC's indecision was also an important part of this, as it was never clear to him when to stop or what he really wanted... It was all very complicated, maybe I could say there was a lack of communication but... Basically that, I didn't want to show that it was all Ariana's fault, I wanted them to understand the position each character was in. I also left certain clues in the game showing that, maybe if the MC had been direct about what he wanted, or if they had talked more about it, everything would have turned out fine... Because the MC seriously asked Ariana at one point if she could stop smoking... And even though she didn't always do it (only very occasionally) she listened to him and stopped... Although there were times when she started again because she didn't realize, like after having sex with Marty... But in general that was the point I always wanted to make, you know? I really like people analyzing this game in that way, seeing the meanings and, for starters, trying to give the benefit of the doubt to certain things...
Well, all this that I mention is referring exclusively to the “Sharing” route, where Ariana apologizes to her boyfriend for everything she did, and MC forgives her... And pure sharing begins because they were finally able to understand each other and give each other another chance. On another route like “NTR/Sharing” I can understand if you don't like Ariana and consider her a super slut because there she is unfaithful and everything... But well, it depends on the route. The main one is the “Sharing” one I mentioned to you

And answering the other thing... No man, I'm not a woman:oops: I was just joking at the time


May 12, 2024
Males, mostly, are simple creatures
But this M.C. so, so indecisive about what he wants and likes... I literally wanted to freaking kill that idiot. I would really beat this person, if come by face to face, for how pathetic he is
Well, I think "I like sex very much, and he is nice looking and excites me" is enough if she excepted her own sexuality.
So many self-contradictions in so few sentences. What is it? Do you want to belittle men by using age-old clichees or do you get angry if there is one who you don't understand and who is not so simple but has complex feelings and has the audacity to talk more like a lot of women do? And do you find males more simple-minded then women but on the other hand a few sentences later want women to behave sexually exactly like (supposedly) these simple men do? Maybe ths is not so well thought through.

Well, I think "I like sex very much, and he is nice looking and excites me" is enough if she excepted her own sexuality.
From many male perspectives, at least “free” ones — you do not need anything else, if you like the girl, to fuck her. And then another, and so on. As many good-looking ladies as you can. As long as it is safe from STD and other real troubles.
No. At least not, if your boyfriend sits right next to you while you are doing it,, not if these are people you just met an hour ago, not if these are all people in relationships, marriages, not if these are people who are relatives or close friends of your boyfriend. And not so much if these are people 20 or 30 years older than you. Men are called creeps or predators for that the other way around. Also it is not clear if Ari really fiinds all of them really attractive in the sense of beautiful. Life is not a swinger-club without consequences.

But hey, congrats, you managed to get the dev to answer extensively (I really mean it, because I'm interested in these discussions and thougts).
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Dec 30, 2024
the game is simple to understand, I find almost all of DEV's words when explaining Arianna wrong, no offense, young people ok, libertines, it's okay or not, because in this case, only Arianna is libertine, MC is an idiot since the first girlfriend, you drew him as a loser, it's the plot, but he's a loser in every path you left us, whether it's sharing or pure betrayal, he's too much of a loser, you wrote DEv that they are undecided, forgive me, but no, MC is undecided and passive, Arianna is just a slut who first commits the betrayal, then plays the part of the repentant, too convenient, she would be justified, if she had done it once or twice, but she always makes mistakes continuously, she's not undecided, she's a slut, you know what annoys, about Mc, his passivity, his not mentioning revenge, the most ridiculous part, he's become an excellent fighter, and then you make him humiliate anyway, by the BBC who stole his first girlfriend, you see, many things that you describe, do not appear in the game, if we want to find another funny thing, Arianna who is jealous, really, that is the most useless part of the game, you made a painful counterposition, it's like hearing a priest preaching not to kill, and then he is a serial killer, it's laughable, I do not see, in all the perversions, what you wanted to achieve, in some parts I initially liked it, especially when he knocked out BBC, then the plot, it was a continuous fall of MC, even with fetishism, it's wrong, you wrote his bully in that role, here people say that MC is a weak idiot, one of the worst seen in NTR, he makes his girlfriend fuck, with the one he hated the most, come on DEV, he can't handle it, this is the worst of the worst, it was fine on the path of pure betrayal, but no, in sharing, too bad, the two paths, are too similar, indeed parallel, I don't see any undecided characters, I see a cheating slut in both paths, and her repentance, makes it terrible, and one of the most idiotic MCs. sorry for the criticism
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Dec 30, 2024
technically it's not incest because Arianna fucks her father-in-law, MC's uncle, BBC's father, but she doesn't fuck her mother, Arianna fucks MC's family, but they are not direct relatives, that's why incest doesn't exist.
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Dec 30, 2024
if you allow me dear DEV, I have to ask a question, if you always want to answer, but have you ever thought in a possible ending of the story, on the NTR road, that MC goes crazy, and takes revenge?, I understand being an idiot in sharing his fetish, but in the pure betrayal version, wouldn't it be, considering Mc's sad past, his revenge?, a simple question of mine, thanks.
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Dec 30, 2024
Always fascinating seeing some people hating on “cheating slut” in NTR games.
It's like hating NTR for NTR. Or hating the reason that gets you interested in the game. Beautiful girl fucks with pleasure. As she should, especially considering given permission.

I am, for one, very happy that NTR is relatively popular and available. Beautiful (if) women fucking with many men around is what makes the game so desirable in the first place. This, and not some plain vanilla harem game with no burning emotions or real agency of lustful women.

it's not funny that you talk about harem games, without realizing that NTR especially this one, is a harem in reverse, but the focal point is not, how many men do Arianna fuck, with permission or not, in fact, here the permission is even useless, Arianna fucks anyway and lies even in the way of sharing, but the common point of all NTR, is that idiot of a MC, 99.5% of NTR games, have an MC who is equal to a handicapped person, and I'm sorry even just offends the real handicapped, you talk about harems as boring, what changes here, where it's not a boy who creates a harem, but a girl who creates a harem, the BBC, MC's friend, MC's father, MC's uncle, and others, this is not a harem, only that the ones you are referring to, do not have an idiot as the protagonist, here instead, yes, here the difference is how she enjoys humiliating a stupid boy in love, in the harem, this practice does not exist, they are well constructed as an art of plot and history, in these games, it has countless options to choose from, in NTR, everything is predictable, everything linear, everything a cliché, 100 guys with big dicks, it's just the impotent loser MC, hahahaha, isn't this a form of harem too?


Nov 25, 2020
Hey when you get the choice between an mc-ariana-mallory threesome or tyrone-ariana-mallory threesome i chose the mc but the game just ends after that scene. Has the path not been updated? been like that for 2-3 updates now. I can only continue if choose tyrone over mc.
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Tifa's Dark Heaven - Developer
Game Developer
Dec 2, 2019
But hey, congrats, you managed to get the dev to answer extensively (I really mean it, because I'm interested in these discussions and thougts)
I'm sorry for not replying to your messages like that man... I really feel bad about it now that you mention it... To tell the truth, at the time I was feeling rather lazy about writing and that's why I didn't reply :BootyTime: but it was also because I didn't want to get into a spiral of discussion like that again (as it happened with some other people in the past, I was just tired)... Since in your paragraph you mentioned several things that you didn't like, then maybe I felt that I shouldn't start maybe a discussion that I felt wasn't going to end and stuff... You know? Although I appreciate that you mention things and are still active in the thread and stuff, and that you take the story deeply too. I hope that the thing I replied to that person, johanna, was enough to respond some of the things that you mention before when you was saying things that you didn't like about the game
3.50 star(s) 32 Votes