^adding this comment to inform kira(posted this a lil late) and try to not scare others off with the letters 'ntr' because what he thinks of NTR for cheating with the other girls he just doesnt understand the difference between NTR and netorare, as far as i have played i have not been cucked and netorare is basically just cheating without the cuckholdary which basically every MC in every game does even in non NTR games so don't stress
aside from that here is my current thoughts of 0.2(will make a good review for u tomorrow):
OP/Dev knows i have not played v1 but i am aware of the story before and after and it seems he was kind enough to give my perspective some thought into his game despite me not even playing the initial release(this says a lot). and to start off my first playthrough with v0.2 i will say he definitely made very important and happy changes(rose not being whored out before you get out of coma unlike 0.1) so please if ur reading this thinking of giving it a try do not be intimidated by the NTR tag, and i can confirm it's now optional (as far as the 3 hours i have played)

. the guy a few comments before me mentions something about how the story can change with certain choices made i haven't explored much with those but saved them to try out later(though he states if something leads to NTR which is nice and clear). just know there's a lot here for a 0.2, he says its 3 hours of content but ive been on this 4 hours now and still havent even explored at least 5 of them. the dialogue had me thinking i made a mistake indulging in this but after the accident or after the prologue and when the game actually starts i loved every bit of it. i suggest giving this a try to anyone, really. im not sure where this guy came from but he is far from a noob when it comes to making this type of game. the story in 0.1 was the only real issue he came across and i think it's already solved. i wouldn't put it past him if he even wanted to delete this thread and repost just to clear that from this game because this should really be the 0.1 imo. i've played a lot of games but for this being a 0.2 is impressive.
add a humor tag because this shits pretty funny at times ngl(even found humor in the semi-gay bathroom surprise *no context bc spoilers but dont be scared by the word gay*)
some minor complaints or suggestions really:
-idk if i missed it somehow but i expected a face reveal after the prologue since u kind of build it up 'i am not ready to see this yet this is too much info' but when u finally see his face it was when he was in the mansion and anti climactic(also when u finally meet rose she isn't shocked by ur new appearance whatsoever so its weirdly inconsistent storywise)
-i know u stated somewhere this game is supposed to be anti-grind but i feel like how quickly you can just hop in and fuck pamela was almost too easy xDD and the mc was just cool about it, like he has some areas where he acts like a virgin still even after being 'trained' or maybe i just waited too long to explore her character but it was a bit surprising imo even tho this is something most people wont complain about
-trying to trigger things i think are supposed to happen are kinda confusing or i feel like dont happen naturally, currently trying to give hilda her liver going to hospital all i can do is look at ladies tits and when i go to home i had talked to emily and right after convo and me saying i'll help her she says goodbye and instantly starts new dialogue by force with new clothes on without me timeskipping or doing anything so wasnt sure if intended like that.(EDIT; just realized thats all for hilda atm but still emily thing threw me off)
only errors i found:
-(semi typo) ; in hospital by hilda she says 'cheque' i knew it meant check but im american and google translator says thats the british term for it so not rly a typo but including it anyway xD
-staci ; im still just getting out of prologue so not sure if this was meant to happen but when i met staci for first time randomly in the convo it changes her name to emily for the line 'i don't fuck with strangers mister new guy'
-randomly when exploring the school when i tried to go back to schoolfront after getting caught peeing the pool for the fuck of it, it crashed and gave me a notepad error. luckily ive been on these forums for years and learned to save constantly tho so nothing groundbreaking to me but was during the 'evening' if that helps at all
-(actual typo) ; pamela sex scene MC says 'This is a bit weird, she's like a robot and *here* movement makes it seem like she's very inexperienced' im sure you meant HER instead of HERE small just adding here since i havent seen other posts about typos
-when fucking rose and having option to choose where to cum, while she's still in the animation of riding she starts moving in a very fast/glitchy pace
personal requests:
-everything is great really, there's decent amount of variety. i trust you will maintain writing things out for all characters especially hopefully pamela ntr-less routes as ive seen with the options with rose's final scene(wont go into detail bc story spoilers)
-all i really can ask for is more thicc mommys like hilda / pamela / whoever the tall black haired girl was at school. (i love anything thats taller/thicc even if looks semi bbw xD) i know a lot of people like loli but nearly all church girls i did not care to explore >yet< or most schoolgirls so i mention that in case if ur wondering y i ask for more thicc variety.
-for more scenes to have good POV angels in animations (not that it was lacking) but just keep doing what ur doing man.
-only other thing i can really think of is later down the road i hope someone even if not urself can edit in some incest patches or just make it so u can change names to ur 'family' so u can avoid patreon on ur ass but still deliver the incest tag
sorry if this is way too long ive written most of this real-time with me playing the game this and during this final stanza its now currently 6am for me so sorry if things are out of order for how the story is written and i tried to leave out spoilers or even if my drowsy english confuses u as im getting too tired to even fap atm but wanted to finish this up because im a man of my word and truly felt bad for not trying out 0.1 but it was damn well worth the wait homie. good shit.