Would you be willing to share how you got Marston Fort/Sera income that high? I have 150 standing and my income is under $1,000 a day.Income from factions you own or the Mosque scales linearly with their Power Value. As I said, I pumped over 1,500 days of food/rations earning from Zapin Fields into the Catholic Church. It was around ~5,850,000 rations by rough calculations (3,900 x 1500). I had no other uses for that much food and my market supply for food was already way capped, so sell price was very low, so it was free power value.
I also pumped a lot of swords into Fort Sera (labeled Marston Fort in the income screen), but this is mostly for the Masters of Raana achievement, because the power value to income conversion for Fort Sera sucks balls compared to Warrior's Hall (labeled Odensborg in the income screen) and the Catholic Church. My Warrior's Hall income is not high because this method of earning money is worse than just outright selling the items your Workshop made, so I did not pump swords into Warrior's Hall.
(This is a 2,500 days in-game save. Don't overthink your business income too much at Day 100 or even day 300 based on what I have at day 2,500. Craft knives. Craft rifles. Sell them. You will have time enough later to pump swords into Warrior's Hall when your market supply is at 15,000 and you are waiting for it to go down and you just want to see some passive income.)
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Is that just giving food to the Catholic Church until you reach standing 100 or did you do anything else there?