I love the character designs in this game, but man, the story right now is a really disjointed mess and not even close to the same cohesive level as Dreams of Desire.
None of the sexual interactions/thoughts the MC is having really feel earned, with the exception of his teacher who we at least have some build-up with, but this is severely lacking right now with all other characters. I know it's still early days, but things like the Mom kissing him when she's drunk just feels too soon. Like, where was the build-up? Where were the other interactions the MC does that causes her to develop these feelings? So he complimented here a few times, big deal, that's not really enough to make her want to passionately kiss her son, even if her inhibitions were lowered.
The MC too feels like he's gone from 0 to 100 on the deviant scale without any clear reason why. Sure, he seems like a stereotypical fuckboy who doesn't care where he gets it from so long as he gets it, but the fact that you can molest each of the women in their sleep just days after arriving home seems way too quick for even a fuckboy like him to be doing sex stuff with his family members.
I really hope this is all just beta-level stuff in the sense that because it's so early on in development that all these issues will be ironed out as the game progresses and that the story and progression with each character will feel far more cohesive and earned.