I agree. Thats why I thought sex drug will be huge part of the game. I am playing this game since, first update. In first updates, there seems to be sexual tension around house and the people. Especially with Isabel(which drug problem hinted with her ex) and Joyce. There were perfect setup for something sinister/devious(english is not first language, can't find the right word for it). If you look up early updates posts lot of people thought the same thing. But it all gone with later updates.Everything is easier when the supernatural is involved with a story because you can reason away the logical steps in starting a taboo relationship. There's a reason why most of the games here have some mind-bending gimmick of some kind in them. It allows you to just hand wave the hard part of story progression.
edit: I am not saying there should be mcguffin to sex with all the chicks but I wish dev saw these problem early, took a break and fixed the story.
I don't know, its kinda sad to see a game like MP, with great potential too, in these state.