For everyone interested in MP, patreon post:
Now, I know a lot of you are already curious about what's gonna happen next. I get a lot of questions about Midnight Paradise, but I don't wanna steal the thunder from DoD just yet. My next post on Monday will be all about that, so stay tuned.
E has been dominating the adult only section of Steam on both trending and top sellers lists, and it even managed to climb among the giants in the general lists. I consider this a great success, and this is what gives me the momentum to deliver more awesome content to you in the future.
Basically, DoD is on steam and is popular, and he want's to get cash while he still can. I am pretty sure it will be DLC for DoD and other DoD stuff now. We'll see on Monday, but I wouldn't be too hopeful on your place. MP is a patreon-only product, while DoD makes steam cash and brings new audience.
Best case scenario, he will take another year to turn whatever is already made of MP into a steam release as a first chapter.