Wow, i'm so disappointed... I felt that since he was so set on using unity that he must have had good plans to do something new with the game play. I trusted that he would deliver something amazing because of how perfect DoD was, but sadly he almost did.
This game is a complete copy of DoD's gameplay only with a group of new characters, along with a new story, and yes, that may seem fine enough, DoD was great so this must mean this one is as good if not better than it's predecessor, only its falling short.
It is very VERY clearly a ren'py vn game but just born inside the wrong engine.
Lewdlab himself explains it in the first screen of the game, "There is no rollback, So make sure you read everything carefully and if you like an image or animation, take a good look before clicking away."
someone had said something along the lines of "Well look at something unlimited its Unity and its good." (not an exact quote) and while that's true games like SU and Man of the House being perfect examples those games have two very clear distinction's
1. An Overworld to return to in between/after each cut scene.
2. A built in mechanic to return to (most) scenes.
The overworld allows you to save in between scenes and important decisions so you can reload and experience the multiple routes/variants with out having to replay thee ENTIRE game to do so. Something that is inherently a nuisance in a unity game, due to not having a 'skip text' feature as I know (if anyone can find a control layout or tell me if there is one ill eat my words on this issue). And yes, I saw that in the first screen he also say's "This is the BETA build and many features are disabled or haven't been added yet." and so, even if there isn't one in place currently, there's the possibility of one being added later, which is exactly what i'm hoping for.
The matter of the overworld, I can only think of two possible fix's. A way to save at any point (Another +1 for ren'py) or Refitting the gaps in between scenes/interactions of the story so the player gets control and is able to save if they so wish. allowing them to return to make different decisions or rewatch scenes, "Oh but eventually he'll add a gallery and that wont be needed! Didn't you see the 'extra' tab on the main menu?" some could argue, And yes I did see, but did anyone else notice that there is no way to get back to the main menu except for quitting and relaunching the game? "...He'll probably add that in to UI eventually!" which at the base level is the overall point i'm making here... aren't these the basic things to nail down first when making a game? The UI, save/load system, and the overall game mechanics? 4 months and its still just feel's like a overly ambitious rush that overlooked some (objectively) core features, something even further punctuated by the early typos at the beginning of the game.
As for the mechanics I mentioned, in SU your'e made to redo scenes and each time you do you get slightly different and different variants until it locks and you just get the same thing over and over again, something that work out quite well and is still enjoyable for the player without get overly draw out. Same with Man of the House you keep replaying and replaying gaining stats with the girls until you unlock something new, the game keeps giving you plenty of opportunists to watch the scenes so your'e able to get full satisfaction before moving on. this game just isn't like those other two. its really just a vn at its base while the other two, SU and MotH are more like glorified trainer games.
I just see this all as a missed opportunity at something great. Of corse these thing could all still be fixed, and by no mean's do I, or do I assume any of us think its a lost cause.
But even something as common place as a nameable protagonist was cut or decided against. (possibly overlooked?)
I have no high expectations at seeing it officially being migrated over to ren'py, and I wont deny that it can be fix and still come out as a good game when its said and done, but i also wont deny that it is plain and simply crippled by its engine.
TL;DR Game Needs Rollback, Nameable protagonist, Skip text feature and a way to save and load at any point. the summary is it shoulda been ren'py. (ps. the Renders, image quality, models and poses for all the females are amazing obviously. something I could never fault Lewdlab on)