Well, I had 4 uniforms to choose from and used the "Gougars" one for a reason...
No idea who Stabby Mike is. I should research.
In the last update there was a (not too) semi-hidden crossover with Dorm Days (I haven't read the comic or played the game, but I talked a lot with the developer and he was so kind to lend me a comic book for Martha to read). I don't plan to do cameos or crossovers. At much, perhaps introduce My Dorm into the Lexiverse (if I get permission to do it). We have a young braided redhead who loves pop music.
Thanks, Ramagar!
I can't see anyone being upset. Surprised yes, but not upset. The wildcard reaction will be Meemaw's, but they have a conversation due since 45 years ago.
I started with the base model for Genesis 8. Added a facial structure I liked (a combination of two models) and changed things here and there (nose, lips, eyebrows, lashes, etc.). Changed a lot of parameters in the body (using one model's body as a base and tweaking the important parts, boobs, ass, fitness, height, nipples, proportions, etc.). Added the skin of a model that was just published (and has a very different facial and body structure). The irises are from another model. The makeup from another asset.
So, the chances of any other dev taking the same 30-40 choices I took while designing Charlotte are almost nil.
Farren is the girl the MC's father fled with. The one everyone thought was his lover.
Ami was the original name of Kate when she was going to be an Asian girl with the same story. When I designed Christy, I liked her more. Ami didn't have a chance "against" Maddie or Christy as the cutest Asian girl, so I changed her into Kate.
I was so focused on hiding Betty (even in the first family trees I published) that I didn't remember to add her name to the list. I wanted her to be a surprise when he arrived dressed as a nun (in the family trees she is in her uniform, black version).