i feel like this mc should be changed since theres no ntr cause he acts like an ntr character
Thanks, that's all I need to know. Instant watch.※This game does not contain any NTR.
It really hints strongly the tilt of where the game was headed.Jeez... Another spineless and pathetic MC whose naivete really gets on my nerves, and the wooden dialogue makes the experience even worse.
Its typically a couple whales that push a dev to turn their game into a commissioned h-game that get a jump on them. Otherwise NTR is pretty saturated and mainly people chasing cuckbux with shitty copypasta writing. As someone who likes different things, NTR has become absolute predictable shit the past 3-5 years. Just swap out the setting/the look archetype of the antagonist with magic pp and if there is blackmail/retarded woman keeps quiet to "protect the MC" or not and you have your "story." I've lost any real interest in it as its boring now. Edgy netori is far better anyhow.maybe people will realize ntr is not as popular as they thought it was
Honestly, the current dialogue needs to be rewritten. MC still acts like a typical wimpy beta male we've seen a billion times in NTR games, and the interaction between LIs and him reeks of cuck vibes. I stop playing it up to where MC finishes dealing with Asuna bc I just feel angry constantly when playing as him.The MC was basically created to be a cuckold .. he's too princessy He is also very weak and always runs away from women. This game has NTR vibes all over it, I would be happy if they put ntr in
If the MC is going to fuck his friend's mom then why not leave Miho's husband alive and make him NTR? And if the game is vanilla then it wouldn't be right for the MC to fuck his friend's mom.
(So, it's no longer enough to put "18 years old" to avoid crazy people and bans? Now it's necessary to put everyone is 20?)
Yeah, i think the start of the game should get re writing so mc doesn't have that cuck type of vibe that crashes with his personalily later on (also mc png should get changed too cuz he looks weak with that pose)Honestly, the current dialogue needs to be rewritten. MC still acts like a typical wimpy beta male we've seen a billion times in NTR games, and the interaction between LIs and him reeks of cuck vibes. I stop playing it up to where MC finishes dealing with Asuna bc I just feel angry constantly when playing as him.
Seriously enough with every dev trying to mix ntr and vanilla together, they're basically oil and water. Despite what some people may say it's not A good idea to add both to the game since A very minuscule amount of people actually like both fetishes which means the majority of your players are only going to play one of the routes and not the other and now you have A fanbase that's diametrically opposed to the other and one side will eventually dominate the other. It also doesn't help that all the time spent developing one route is going to obviously take time away from the other leaving one side unsatisfied because it's getting more attention than the other or there will hardly be any content each update assuming you're only playing one route.
A genuine plea to all devs out there, I don't care if you're making an ntr game or vanilla game, but seriously just pick one or the other and stick to it and maybe you'll actually have A lasting fanbase that's sticks around since they now know what kind of content you actually make, I mean it even makes more financial sense too since why would I throw money towards A dev that makes content that I only like half the content of when there's other devs who actually solely focuses on content that I like.
Now after that rant I'd at least like to say that the animations look really good, but I'm also going to have wait to play it because I'd like to know what the actual plan is for this game content wise before I get invested in it. A dev note stating what future fetishes to expect and what's avoidable and what's not would be very useful too.