
Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2017
Who would play without the patch though ? It makes no sense, or at least makes the writing even worse
Because of age being a seeming factor for some.

now MODS, if my statements like this are kink shaming to you, remove every statement EVER MADE about NTR. Lets not try to be heavy handed about content that is supposed to be against the rules to begin with, just because I said it wasn't my thing.


Active Member
Sep 26, 2020
You mean 3 new girls out of nowhere joining and ALL of them thinking "He is so handsome and charming, I'd love to get to know him better and get into his pants!" isn't immersive? O_O
MC's cock was fully immersed in Vanessa's pussy.


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2019
In discord they are more "civil" because if you say anything even remote to a complaint that don't sit well with the devs, you got banned and or silenced, post removed, etc, so the harsh answers just got deleted there, so you don't see them, it isn't much that they don't exist, but that they mod it there to not seeing it.
...which just tells me you spend no time on the Discord. I think there is little that Dammed enjoys more than arguing with people.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2016
no...because I'm not trying to be a monster (no offense..although you might take some since it wasn't worded respectfully I think )
The dialogue in that conversation is perfectly acceptable if you chose the "be nice to her route" but it's obvious to me they didn't bother, after 7 months of work, to provide dialogue if you chose to be firm with the girl.
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juan palote

Engaged Member
Dec 5, 2017
I like WVM too, it's a great game and is certainly high quality, but the last update had 220 renders and the one before that had just 150. This update to Radiant had 720 with 10 animations and the Vanessa one was 2000 individual images that took a whole month to be rendered. The update was also quite long, took me about 1hr 50mins, and WVM's are short, probably 30mins at most. Also, this game is choice-based with multiple branching paths and WVM is linear which makes coding it much easier.

This is not me bashing WVM, I greatly enjoy it and it's one of my favourites, but if they took 3 months between updates, then you'd probably have 1000-2000 renders with a good couple of hours of playtime, which to me, is better than the short updates. Games like CoBD, BaDIK, Leap of Faith, Timestamps, Become a Rockstar, all take 3 months or more and I think most would agree they're among the best out there, and these are the types of games that the devs are trying to emulate in terms of both quality and quantity of the updates.
I dont know what drugs you are using but WVM creates a lot, A LOT more content than this one, you cant even compare it, easily over double the content, and its made by one single person, in contrast to more than one working on this one.

I wouldnt call any of the games you listed as better than WVM, but that can be just preferences.

In any way, to have a real opinion on time bwteeen patches we will have to wait for next one since this one had many personal life issues as was already stated.

The big problems are still the cop and some story inconsistencies

juan palote

Engaged Member
Dec 5, 2017
Well obviously it wasn't supposed to take 7 months, but even a 4 month update would have as much content as all the WVM updates in that timeframe, so it's about whether a dev wants to do incremental updates or a larger one every few months, and they're choosing to the larger one.
I think your math is off. You said yourself this patch was around 2 hours for you (it was less for me but lets go for 2 hours) and each WVM patch is 30-40 minutes for you

WVM is making 2 updates each month now, in 4 months thats 8 updates of 30-40 minutes which is over 4 hours of content vs 2 hours that this game had

More than double the content
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Ranting Old Man

Oct 24, 2019
- In their Discord a consensus was reached: that despite everything they are in favor of keeping the policeman in the story... Well, the discussion is there for anyone who wants to read it.
- Here in the pirate community, and from what I've been reading these days, the conclusion is the opposite.

Having said that, are you sure that I'm making some claims based on nothing on saying that it is foolish to think that the devs will lose support by "ignoring" those who want the cop out of the story, as

And I'm really tired of reading discussions about Glenn so I'll stop, but come on the devs aren't going to lose any support for that decision, in fact their income is increasing since the update came out (obviously not thanks of the cop xD but making it clear that his addition doesn't affect the potential patrons at all).
No one actually claimed that the Dev would lose Patreon supporters. The claim was that if continuing the Glenn path it could hurt the game and cause people to walk away from the project. That point has already been validated if you have been paying as close attention to the thread as you claim. When analyzing this you need to keep future supporters in mind. Not just current supporters whom are already invested. People who invest in something tend to be more forgiving versus people who haven't. But future Steam sales could easily be affected by this, as well as people who would otherwise have subscribed as a Patreon.

Yeah it should be easy to remove him now, but they don't want to because they don't want to change the original script they have in mind, and in discord many of their patrons are in favor of keeping him even though almost nobody liked his addition so that's it. And I'm with all of you, I don't want him in the story but hey if he has to be... bad luck for us.
Yeah, they can't change their script because it would change too much and make a lot more work. Which really means that Glenn is as every bit something that will be annoying and intrusive as everyone thought so when we are told it's a nothing burger. It's literally lying to our faces.

Also, i would bet that Glenn ends up injuring the MC in some way, repeating a mistake already made before in Polarity.

The thing is, it is irrelevant if Glenn Arc is as bad as we think, because the problem is that its already bad for the story and that wont change, the best possible outcome is that it gets taken out quickly, and then it would have been a waste of valuable time and resources for nothing
So here we have someone who has played Polarity and sees the same potential garbage that I do. For a character we shouldn't worry about the ramifications are severe and i don't care if it ends up a "We almost lost Daddy so now Maddie is showing her feelings more Arc." Or anything similar. None of that gooie goodness that SirD wants us to see and feel later on matters because like stated above the Immersion of how we got there is terrible. The Entire Glenn Arc is just bad. It can't be fixed moving forward because the Immersion is already killed.

To be fair, there are stories out there of off-duty cops harassing their neighbours, and there was that prolific one a couple of years ago of Amber Guyger who shot and killed her neighbor Botham Jean for no reason, but it is actually against police regulations to wield their power when off-duty and it's therefore technically illegal. So right there, the MC has a potentially swift resolution by either reporting them or even just asking to see their warrant card which an off-duty cop would't have on them and effectively making them powerless.
The Police Chief works directly under the City Administration and City Council. The rest of the officers work directly under the Chief. A year budget is set for the police by the council, the chief organizes it and makes requests on what they desire each item for that budget should be. The County Attorney and in larger cities a City Prosecutor is in charge of court cases and legal proceedings. Their Budget has been set and needs approval to go over. None of these people will dedicate their budget to fighting people with money if some huge crime wasn't committed and even then they approach it cautiously. So yeah there might be stories out there where police officers are dick around their neighbors but not in situations like this.

The swiftness isn't going to happen. That's why so many of us are dreading Glenn. As far as logic goes. SirD has no comprehension of legality, how law enforcement works, or anything else related to the matters that he chooses to write about and doesn't take the time to look it up or even care. His police end up being something similar to cops from a soap opera. That's not my opinion that's a fact. Go play Polarity and tell me. I'm wrong.

About the cop, the things that is wrong is how he was introduced, no one would give their id or anything to a guy that says he is a "cop" without showing his badge and without you doing anything illegal and what is worse being in your property, so it was a bad writen character, people gave the criticism, and they still ignore it, because they have plans for him, but also says that he isn't that importat to the story, so consider me confused.
Rightfully so. Because he is an important character. His sole purpose is to bring people closer together somehow. But since Glenn isn't a believable character, whatever pay off they were aiming for isn't going to be as meaningful to everyone. Several of us are still going to think it could have been handled a lot better.

As for hiring someone else, right now they earn around $6k between them with around $5k coming from this game and the rest being made up from their own games. When split, that's around $3k each, especially when you factor in that Patreon takes a 30% cut from content creators, giving them a yearly salary of around $34-35k which is about the median income level and just barely liveable with, particularly in the US where I believe they both are. So they really can't afford someone else and would probably need to increase the funding overall to at least $9k to be able to afford another person.

As for the cop, yes, he was introduced in a poor way and his actions certainly seem outlandish, but we have to keep in mind 2 things:
  1. This is a porn game and as such they tend to work on different logic from what we do in the real world, and there are games out there that take it to the extreme edges of believability, yet are immensely popular despite that. This cop aspect stretches believability a bit, but it's not as bad as many other games.
  2. We are still very early on in this game and there is plenty of time to right the ship and for things that are as jarring and seemingly out of place as this to improve and be resolved in a satisfactory way, so all we can really do is give it time and hope for the best.
I actually agree with you here. They can't afford to higher more help. Something people forget is these games cost a lot to make as well, so you can probably half that 3k to about 1.5k each, after all there is hardware/software expenses as well as asset expenses. So in reality they aren't actually making that much. But like I said before they won't improve those odds if they keep their eyes shut.

About 2, the introduction to Glenn needs to be redone for him to have any positive meaning to the game later on. OR they need to smack Glenn with reality for his actions when the MC finally decides to do something about it. I doubt either was in their plans.

Seriously, play 200+ of these VNs/games like I have and you'll find that there's not a lot of realism in them and there are lots of side characters, antagonist characters, etc, who behave in ways that seem very unrealistic and then go read the comments and you'll find that most people don't give a fuck because, as long as the main LIs are hot and are given decent characterisation, then that's all that matters to most folks.
Yeah I agree there are a lot of bad games and stories out there that aren't immersing. And I dislike the majority of them. Not all but the majority.

See Immersion is an important part of a story. And it doesn't mean that the story MUST match reality. It means that the story must be believable. If I lived in this world would I believe in it? And right now the answer is no. If MC wasn't as well off as he is, that would actually change things significantly. At that point, I could believe in Officer Glenn's reaction to MC and I could believe that there wouldn't be a negative outcome for his behavior. But I also didn't set the stage. They did and they set it against the story they wanted to tell and it breaks Immersion.

In the discord, you got amigos that say yes to everything the dev says and don't offer criticism, and if they do, the devs tell them to just wait a bit to see more and they are on board with everything they do and forget about the criticism they offered, so maybe the dev based the way the MC complied to the cop in his interactions with his fanboys on discord, now all makes sense :ROFLMAO:
Yup, and once you move on from discord and Patreon to places like Steam. A rude awakening is coming.
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Engaged Member
May 9, 2018
There sure are a lot of hyper-masculine alpha males in this porn forum. Why would the average person argue with a hostile man who claims to be a police officer? For the most part, people want to avoid confrontation.
It's got nothing to do with hyper-masculine alpha male type, it's knowing the law and what cops can and can't do.
Considering I've come within millimeters of being arrested for arguing with a cop in uniform because he was being a dick and preventing me from returning home just meters away, I think the MC's action where pathetically cowardice.

Even knowing the guys was a cop means nothing. He'd done nothing wrong, Glen wasn't in uniform or on duty, Glen trespassed on private property with a warrant or cause... every single thing was in the MC's favour adn they was absolutly nothing in Glens favour.
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Engaged Member
May 9, 2018
This update to Radiant had 720 with 10 animations and the Vanessa one was 2000 individual images that took a whole month to be rendered.
Seriously 2000 images and a month wasted on a side chick and we're supposed to be happy about that? I my not impressed by that at all. Honestly I had been supporting I'd have been freaking livid that so much time and effort was wasted on her instead of the girls. Hell from that count she probably has more images in one scene than the girls in all theirs combined.

I don't give a toss about her, I didn't even bother checking out her scenes, just to check them out. I wanted to get back to the triplets, you know the girls this game is about?

Edit: Dispite my critisims I'm still incredibly positive about this game and seriously looking forward to future updates and seeing how it progresses.
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Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 8, 2020
The cop did, stopping MC in his property, illegaly at that, harassing a civilian in his property, while being off duty, without showing a badge and asking for id, which he should already know since they are neighbours.
What?! A cop abusing his authority and illegally harassing someone? No cop has ever gotten away with that. Cops are prosecuted everyday for harassing people, or illegally detaining them, or killing them. Right?


Apr 8, 2020
What's the difference between pure and lust? I understand with dark is but I don't know what's the difference between pure and lust


Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 8, 2020
Well not everyone is simps. Some folk don`t react well to authority.
Much like myself when I told a Major to Fuck Off during basic training in the infantry.
I guess you were one of those people who joined the military rather than going to jail for something. I can't think of any other reason someone would be dumb enough to voluntarily join the military and then, within the first few months, do something which blatantly goes against one of the first things drilled into your head upon arriving.

Personally, I don't even remember seeing any officers while in basic. Maybe when we had to do those stupid parades, but you'd have to be a really special kind of stupid to shout at the officers watching everyone march past them. My training was about 30 years ago, times change. Maybe officers like to hang out with the fresh recruits now.

Deleted member 2093814

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2020
I guess you were one of those people who joined the military rather than going to jail for something. I can't think of any other reason someone would be dumb enough to voluntarily join the military and then, within the first few months, do something which blatantly goes against one of the first things drilled into your head upon arriving.

Personally, I don't even remember seeing any officers while in basic. Maybe when we had to do those stupid parades, but you'd have to be a really special kind of stupid to shout at the officers watching everyone march past them. My training was about 30 years ago, times change. Maybe officers like to hang out with the fresh recruits now.
Eh? You know MOST people do not sign up to avoid jail...where the fuck you serve, North Korea...?

Training in the barracks, you would often see CO`s and NCO`s around...were you in the Salvation Army or something....

So, anyways yeah if some cunt driving a beatle blocked me in my driveway, got in my face and demanded my documents while out of resounding answer would be "Fuck right off!".

Maybe you would be intimidated by this dodgy cop, many would not though.
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