Good Points
+ Prologue was well-written and emotional, especially MC's accident, and how it's connected to his job was pretty interesting.
+ Characters in this game have unique personalities, backstories, and developments, and that's a pretty good point, even some characters you might think bad about can have very deep and sad backstories in this game, which makes things immersive and good.
+ The story about how MC and Bernie met was touching and funny.
+ Your choices matter, you can kind of have your own character with the choices (Pure, Lust & Dark choices affect your personality), and not just that, you can choose to have a relationship with girls/women or not, you can choice what kind of relationship you want, you can even choice the action you gonna have with them like you can refuse to get BJ, etc, and be ''pure'' and having choice over your actions as a player/MC is always very good point, something a lot of games out there lacks.
+ The art style looks good and the girls/women are kind of good-looking, but this game is nearly 4 years old so at this point visual parts are looking kind of bad.
Bad Points
- MC not giving girls any pocket money, not paying the money they spend on the groceries, etc, makes no sense at all, in episode 4 we even saw a scene where Maddison had no money at all, and couldn't buy anything, and because of that lady in the shop make her peanut butter sandwich just for feeling bad for... Like seriously?
-General quality needs improvement, especially the bodies of girls/women look kind of low quality, considering the game is 5 years old, and we are really in need of graphical improvements for sure. And same goes for sex scenes, 5 years ago sex scenes were good, and sex scene animations were decent, but now they are not good enough, they need some improvements as well for sure.
- MC's relationship with Maddison was too rough, sure with episode 4 things kind of calmed down at least a little bit, and the kiss & hug in episode 5 was cute, but still it doesn't change that things were too rough with her from the start for no reason at all.
- The game is 5 years old, but it doesn't have enough content for that, I mean this game should have finished after all those years, should have enough content for having an ending, yet we didn't even progress more than weeks, the content level gives the impression of a game out for less than a year. The game's sexual and story content balance is not good at all either, aside from the sex scene in the prologue with Gracie (She is not even a love interest, since she is dead), the sex scene with the waiter girl, and Jade we have no sex scene at all, yes that means we have no real sex scene at all with ''the girls'' as well, 5 years and still no real content with ''the girls'' that's almost like a big bad joke...They are supposed to be the main focus of the game, they are our three main love interests, yet they have less content (especially for sexual progress) than even some random girls, which is a very bad point, at this rate, I'm not even sure we are going to see this game getting finished...
- Most girls/women look unattractive, some have problems with their bodies, some with faces, and some with both. Olivia's face doesn't look bad aside from some certain scenes, still can use some changes, but the actual thing really needs to change is her body, it would be great if she got some changes for sure, and for Jade, she have a cute face for sure, but her body needs improvements for sure, especially her tits (Nipples most likely) looks pretty bad, low quality even. Alita looks fully bad, her design is not good at all. And Rachel could have filled the role of milf quite easily, but her design is not fitting for that, if she was a little better looking than she currently is and hot it would be great, her content and how she looks is another wasted opportunity for sure.
-Glen's existence is nonsense, not needed for this game or story at all, and pretty annoying to have, he shouldn't existed at all, we already had a lot of problems at our table, can't see any reason for adding more.
- Olivia's jealous act was quite annoying, I guess making one sister (Maddison) annoying wasn't enough writers wanted another thing to bother players/MC? Beats me...
For The End
Honestly, this game started pretty great, but considering it's 4 years old, despite everything is doing good for the game financially, etc, still having content like some 1 years games is not acceptable at all, this game deserved better, but it seems it's never going to reach that full potential, I gave 3 stars 1 year ago, but considering it's 5 years old now it doesn't even deserve 3 stars at this point...