Version 0.1.2
Overall, I enjoyed the game - there's lots of potential and the devs seem quite ambitious, the renders are really nice, although so far quite generic (no surprise given the mum + three triplets angle).
Game progression is slow and steady; there are a couple of H scenes straight off the bat but it feels like there's an invest and reward style of play ahead.
A lot of the dialogue is interesting and well-written (no engrish), but I really struggled with the girls calling the MC 'Daddy' within the first 5 seconds of meeting him, then it's tears and hugs all round. Everyone is just far too accepting of the whole situation. I was expecting some conflict to spice up the interactions, but maybe I'm being too picky.
Time will tell on how the points system will work as the story progresses, but so far I can guess where the story is going.
I'm gonna keep an eye on this one.