Gonna be honest, its because he's kind of a bitch. All of the girls are of age. He's fantasized about them all and they him. None of them are his actual daughters and while yes, good writing requires him struggling with this and for it to feel earned, the dude is acting like every time something happens he's gotta turn into the biggest bitch about it. If the Abby or Becca stuff wasn't already happening then the Lilly stuff would make sense. It doesn't here because she's had the most fleshed out arc to the sex stuff. This is the level of consent porn only 4th wave feminists dream about. Like dude, if shes jerking you off and asking to be fucked, then yes shes sure. If she tells you she got herself off while her sister was blowing you, then yes shes sure. IF she's having conversations with your fucking dick, shes sure.idk everyone hates on frank so much, he is basically the wife of every NTR game and comic. but instead of some dude named Tyrone trying to get him drop his panties, its his teenage daughter trying to get him to dick her down. Frank knows the moment he does he'll be nothing more than a whore being passed around by his daughters, the lesbians upstairs, the bartender down the street, the little asian girl that works the register at the local bodega. hell even the girl in the gym is gonna fuck him behind her brothers back.
imma be honest, when i was in my teens early 20s id be down to be frank, but at my age i would run away from all that noise.
He's also playing 2nd string to every female he's ever been with. Jessica was already banged out and knocked up, Shannon was still banging her ex, Becca and Lily are apparently both giant sluts (Lily's side story basically paints the level of fuck meat that girl tends to be), and Abby has been getting fucked by Lilly for years. Even with the lesbian couple, he's the 4th guy they did this with. He's 100% the nice guy troupe but women think he's attractive and he's got a massive dong. I don't want the guy to run around like super chad, but quit being a passive bitch that sexual situations just happen to.