2 questions:
- I understand opinions, or at least some of them, are related to traits/skills/abilities/jobs: an NPC with high lewdness would probably like/love "hot weather" and "revealing clothes", an NPC with high endurance/strength would probably like/love "running", "swimming", "working out" and so on. But I wonder if the opposite is true? I mean, if NPC's with low lewdness change opinions from hate to love "not wearing underwear" shouldn't their lewdness change? Or, if cooks go from like to hate food prep" work, shouldn't it more likely for them to change job/be fired?
- I (and some other people) already asked this, but never got an answer and it makes me curious: how does the game decides how NPC's are dressed? I'm referring in particular to the check clothing interaction, either because an NPC is breaking the law or because an employee is wearing conservative clothes. I remember having a bartender with lewdness 100 and likes/love "revealing clothes", "not wearing underwear" and so on, and she never went past "undress 2" (at least in public); a couple of months later I hired another bartender with much lower stats and she dressed like a slut at least once a week.
1. No, attributes affect opinions, but opinions don't change attributes. If they did, there would be a positive feedback effect and everything will end up at the extremes.
2. That's a very long answer. There's a lot of code that deals with that, and it handles different situations differently. Every outfit (essentially image in the game) has a revealing factor, higher value means more undressed, so 0 is fully clothed and 9 is naked. This is the number that follows the z in the image file name. Each character's opinions and attributes set the characters maximum revealing factor they are willing to wear in public. This value depends on their lewdness, age, job and opinions regarding attention, revealing clothing and public nudity. This value is further modified by the laws. So if they are willing to wear a 4 in public but the sexy clothing law is not passed they won't wear anything above 2, unless they don't care about laws (honor is low enough). So when a person is getting dressed it picks an appropriate outfit that meets those rules. Also, characters don't have an infinite number of outfits to wear. In your example, it could be that the first one doens't have any undress 3 or 4 to wear so would need to either wear a 2 or a 5 for example. I try to avoid those situations but there's a few characters with missing values that screw their ability to pick sexier clothing.
How can you make someone your slave?
Wait for a patch that will fix it.
I always wondered whether these personality types (I call them "archetypes" in my headcanon) have any further significance once a character is created with attributes and preferences according to them. Will it make certain changes more or less difficult? I guess now is as good a time as any.
I do not have explicit proof since I never kept tabs but I think likes sometimes change without player interaction. It seems to me that workers of opposing nightclubs got better opinions for working. I always thought this was due to their bosses talking to them. It of course is probably way lower than what a character can do (who will go along this organized, seek out potential victims to an opinion change intentionally, maybe start with "following orders", while an opposing club boss randomly meets an employee, has nothing else to do and tries stuff, probably even with a lower opinion). Just as the recruitment to the Society for Decency, at least in my headcanon, comes from people randomly meeting, and not as a scripted event. In the latter case I think it would be more regular. But as I said, I do not have proof and may be mistaken.
They are called archetypes in the game too! In general, they only matter for creating the character. After that it doesn't matter much except when trying to assign a new opinion. If they have no opinion, the difficulty of setting it to a new value depends on their archetype. But I can't think of any other place where it matters.
NPCs do change opinions without the player interaction but it's not common. Other club owners can also attempt to change the opinions of their employees. This is not done in a particularly directed effort, but they will try to get them to like their jobs and like revealing clothing and a few other job-specific opinions.
I have an interesting bit going on. One of my singers, stripping not yet active, has a lewd rating of 69, I've made her love revealing clothing and public nudity, and she still refuses to wear the clothing expected of the job. I'm not sure what levers to pull, at that point. I've warned her maybe a dozen times so far, and a second has started now, identical except her lewd is 56.
Anyone seen this before?
Two things I can think of. Like I mentioned earlier, her sexy options may be too sexy for her to wear. This can happen with some characters that I screwed up and didn't create proper clothing options for every level. The other option is that she has a negative opinion of attention or has a very low rationality in which case she will act in unpredictable ways. Not sure if following orders also plays a part here.
But in general that should be enough to make them wear anything.
not sure if im being an idiot, but done this and not it just says loading game assets and nothing else?
You must have screwed up something when you edited the file. I suggest you put it back and then enter the data in the in-game options menu. You will need to restart the game after setting it so that it loads all the images.