Rating v0.4.1 of the game
Usually I don't like rating games this early in the development cycle but I feel like this one deserves a little push so more people can see and enjoy it.
Models, backgrounds and overall graphical presentation is outstanding. The developer has a very firm grip of DAZ, the facial expressions and poses are extremely well done without feeling too stilted like many other AVNs. I assume that during the course of this game he will improve even further as there are already big improvements to be seen between the earlier and later chapters.
Animations still need a bit of work but I appreciate that they exist and they are servicable.
The MC is faceless in this one, which is a thing that I appreciate, but it can cause problems down the line. You just can't pose certain actions without the character having a head.
The UI looks great, bit of a departure from the standard Ren'Py formula but still recognizable.
Early on in the game you get a warning that you can't roll back certain decisions and you should take that seriously. You could still save edit to remove the variables but in gameplay terms you just can't walk back some choices once you've made them, which is a very interesting mechanic that I haven't seen widely used in Ren'Py AVNs yet. It's introduced like you would in a real video game, with some low stakes choices that show you the process. Great design.
The girls all look amazing without exception (okay well, maybe one exception). Fans of the itty bitty titty commitee may struggle a bit though.
They are all very charming in their own way, have their own personalities and believable agendas and the writing is well above average. No chinglish or typos that I would've come across yet.
As obvious by the tags, this is very much not a harem game and right now it looks like most of the girls are mutually exclusive. Throughout the game it's really hard to decide who to go for. When this is further along I assume it will be save game galore for me but I don't mind that.
There's a certain girl that seems very jealous and protective of you right from the start and the way that this is shown is nothing short of impressive. She just shoots you a little look from time to time after you talk to another girl and you instanly know you've fucked up again. And again. And so on.

Genius presentation that wouldn't be possible if the devs grip on facial expression wasn't that great.
Can't say a lot about the update schedule yet as this is the first version I've played but there is already a good hour+ of playtime. No major amount of sexy time yet but lots of teasing, and I like slow burners that build up their characters in a realistic manner.
I'll be keeping an eye on this for sure and I recommend everyone to do so too and support the dev if you happen to like what you see. This could be big.