No, my words don't contradict themselves, you're just not understanding. SG is based on events that have already happened in WiaB. Events in SG are affected by this (the Zane presence). So they are both part of the same overall meta narative. That is what the series is. But SG has a different protagonist, and it remains to be seen if Willi gets any meaningful role in SG. Already we have the conditions that the player can't chose something that leads to Katie's death, and that Ayua is a Zane, Leia, Willi, Kaite, Zoey and Emilio survive whatever happens. Choices that could impact those facts for SG can't be taken, or the game is not connected. It is that simple. The more OCean writes about what happened 20 years earlier in SG, without having finished WiaB, the fewer meaningful choices he can write into WiaB. If for example, Katie does a big reveal of the turf war that leads to the Zane's gaining a business empire that includes the college, he gives away the plot of WiaB, and makes WiaB a kinetic novel. In order for the WiaB choices to be meaningful, he can't give away too much of what happened before in SG.
Now, we know Ocean has said that decisions from WiaB at some point WILL be carried over to SG. I honestly don't think he'll do that though. He has to have coded it in from the start of SG, and he has to have written all the variables in from a finished WiaB. WiaB isn't finished, and SG doesn't have any code connecting the saves that I know about, or any flags related to pre-existing choices. It would be a massive rework to retrofit the changes, unless they are cosmetic script based 'lore' (ie what happened before just being recounted to the new generation)
If I consider a AAA game such as the ME trilogy, each game builds on the previous game, choices made in the first game affect the third. But the series started from the first game, and was developed in a linear fashion. Ocean made a mistake in some ways allowing development on SG before fiishing WiaB. A good example of this is Steven Erickson and Ian Esslemont, writing a series together. Erickson did 6 books before Esslement did his first, so the series is entirely flavoured to Erickson. The idea is that two people can create a more vibrant world, but it requires people to work as a team. In SG's case, that didn't happen, and Ocean picked up the slack. So now we're in a situation where the development is happening in parallel.