Lillith491 What are you finding a struggle in it? As the first boss is extremely hard and honestly requires you to save all ammo you find for it and aim for it's head most of the time along with getting good timing on basically "dark souls" rolling through it's attacks to get past it and thus get it to "train chase" you.
If it's dealing with using the broom on enemies and dealing with stamina then it's very much the case of you take fights slowly and safely, if you can't then running past is the best option even if that means taking an hit (as was my strategy for parts of the Sewers and after exiting the tunnels/sewers) since you can often find an medkit if you are managing yourself well and if your HP is low then you can surrender to avoid the HP lose that just requires you to struggle out before you orgasm to avoid the HP lose.
Hope this helps despite myself not giving any game alternatives. (none appeared off the top of my head that aren't harder generally than this in my eyes)