1.3.8....Regarding "The Story of Holy Knight Rikka," dozens of bugs have been reported since the v1.3.7 update released in June, and some were discovered during the development of the append version. We are currently creating the v1.3.8 update that fixes this issue, and it is scheduled to be released around Christmas. If you are playing during the year-end and New Year holidays, please update.
You will have to bite the bullet and install 7-zipimpossible d'ouvrir le fichier de téléchargement 7zxa.dll sur winrar, des idées ?
I can't get her butt bigger no matter what I try with this. Her tits already were able to be made into absolute balloons without the editor. Am I missing something? I use the HipScale component. Is fat butt possible?

It's working fine for me (hipScale: 11.0).
Do you perhaps have the body modification tab open? It will reset the parts to the in-game limit.
Also, have you reloaded the modified slot?
bustScale seems to max out at around 2.75, by the way (just slightly above the in-game limit).