He couldnt get it up after getting heavily drugged which made him sick , after the ending he still almost arent able to get out of bed,
The pink hair dosent really care for biggest dick she cares for different type of sex , satoshi could fulfill her dominant side which is her main side she holds back to please arato,she also stated she may have sexual interest in other people as well , also Satoshi was the only one to actually tell his feelings to her and she wants love as well,
Arato couldnt get Mary since she was to in love with kendo, satoshi gives a deal where he will ruin Kendo if he gets to keep the pink hair, after pink hair said clearly she didnt want arato anymore he got pissed that he took the gamble
In the end Arato couldnt withstand a broken FMC and lost, satoshi used his wits to trick everyone, he knew kendo and mary both, and used their nice side to drug and emotionally break them.
Satoshi dosent gain sex powers but he gets to be a romance partner to pink hair and she can use him sexually how she wants.
Satoshi also did this because he gave up hope but saw a light in pink hair which made him go fuck it i will risk everything for her so i dont loose everything i love. Satoshi started to like her way back after each talk they had
Okay this is the problem with character consistency.
Starting with the MC. I simply refuse to believe the MC is capable being like this. Through out the game he simply not written this ways. He is not evil by nature, and frankly he is pathetic. Even when he caught the FMC and the Fat man, he simply couldn't do it. He refuse to kill them. He refuse to go out and start busting nuts. He is written as a losing characters. The most he did was expose the FMC to the world but that is after they left the island which is quite a loser move to be honest, or move on which is actually quite respected. I am okay with him being written this way. Because it establish a core. Him all of the sudden no build up 4D chess, evil characters arch, drugging his uncle, selling out his former lover to his nemesis, and somehow leaving with a smoking hot chick is simply not in line with his character. Terrible writing. Its a pity sell out to let the MC to win.
Pink hair girl. I simply refuse to believe that she wants love. Bullshit. During all of her sex scenes, she talks about big PP energy, good sex, and do deprave act all the time. The MC is suppose to like this? If she really wants loves from the MC then why the heck is there a path where she leaves the MC because he couldn't satisfy her? There are paths where she directly tricks the MC, uses the MC, lies to the MC so the FMC can be stolen by the villain. Sorry but nah, she is written to be the like side kick of the main bad guy who broken her already, it is hard to believe she can 180. I don't buy it oh she wants to dominate the MC and MC is ok with it, because she literally ditches him. That is just absurd. There is no build up. Just accept it type of narrative. Terrible writing.
Bad guy. Nope. I don't care. I read all his dialogues and he simply wants everything. He is your typical bad guy. Being simply being insulted by FMC and willing to give everything up to allow MC to win and leave with his girl just is dumb writing. It would of makes sense and be more in line with his character, if both the Fat man and MC loses, and he win everything. That I can respect. Again whatever this update was, it was lazy and terrible. It feel like a pity excuse to let MC wins something, and the bad guy lose something to win something. And the fat man loses everything. I wouldn't be surprised if in the future, the villain eventually somehow wins Yoshi's wife who punched him. Oh hey maybe he get it on with his own sister. Yeah terrible writing.
Fat man. Yeah he was drugged. Great. That is rich coming from the character telling the other two to not take drugs. Now he allows himself to get drugged? Poetry. Ain't this mofo suppose to be the most cautions and smartest of the trio while being heroic? Now all of the sudden he allows himself to be taken advantage of. Him and FMC could of simply say "how bout NO" Let me guess in the next update, heart of card, power of friendship, talk no justu he over comes the drug? Just great. He should of over came the drug the moment he saw that pink hair girl sweet ass. Shouldn't even be a discussion. I mean dat ass and dem tits tho. Just look at her. No amount drug ain't holding back dah fat man ya heard! This has a more comedic take but that is Fat man character.
Look all I am saying is, story is one thing. But characters 180 ing, especially with no build up and exposition is worse.