
Jun 14, 2018
As much beef I have with the game, this is false. Characters have been more or less consistent throughout the whole game so far.

It has been stablished ever since her intro that while she's a giant nympho, she doesn't really care all that much for cock, or at least its not her only priority (unlike Mary, who really wants and needs big dick). She had her reasons to stick with Arato and now that Satoshi scratches her itch in his own way (plus she has some actual emotional connection with him) she had no trouble ditching Arato.

It really makes sense. Ever since meeting Arato has been fixated in getting Mary, and every encounter only had him more focused on her. Hell, his issue with Satoshi isn't even personal, he's just an ass regularly and Satoshi happens to be the boyfriend of the woman he wants, so he takes his chances to fuck him over.

Satoshi's role in the main trio (Mary, Kendo, Satoshi) was to be the one that's losing. Not only his girl leaves him, but first cheats on him, fucks him over, gaslights him, and finally humiliates him before going for his uncle. Said uncle is a piece of shit but also probably the least cold member of his family (and this goes both ways). This is kinda funny because neither of them actually have any reason to hate Satoshi, even Kendo's beef with him is just him projecting Satoshi's dad into him - something that even kendo knows its very stupid.
However the relationship between Satoshi/Mary and Arato/Shizuka is different.
My above comment


New Member
Mar 14, 2018
Fat man. Yeah he was drugged. Great. That is rich coming from the character telling the other two to not take drugs. Now he allows himself to get drugged? Poetry. Ain't this mofo suppose to be the most cautions and smartest of the trio while being heroic?
No, I don't think he's ever referred as smart. Charismatic and suave, sure. Experienced, indeed. But smart? Dude couldn't survive basic office work environment as seen in his flashbacks with Masaru. Dude may be the king of summer but he's also very much deserving of all the shade other characters give him. Outside dealing with women for sex and related subjects, the guy isn't gonna amount to much. His best ending is probably a harem after sleeping with enough women in power, but its quite obvious he would run any actual business to the ground.
Starting with the MC. I simply refuse to believe the MC is capable being like this. Through out the game he simply not written this ways. He is not evil by nature, and frankly he is pathetic. Even when he caught the FMC and the Fat man, he simply couldn't do it. He refuse to kill them.
Why kill them? Why would you even suggest that?
Satoshi isn't a bad person, but he's still Kendo's nephew and everyone else in his family are always hyped up to be cold assholes and supposed to be smart by account of several characters (which is easy to forget since most of the screentime is him being oblivious to his uncle going hanky panky with his gf). Him being capable of retaliating isn't even a surprise, in one of the endings he does in fact spread the vids and photos to ruin Mary and Kendo. And it makes sense that Kendo doesn't see it coming, in his mind Satoshi is just a brat he's cucking and the son of his brother. He isn't dangerous.
It would of makes sense and be more in line with his character, if both the Fat man and MC loses, and he win everything.
Not really. Arato from the start is an arrogant ass and it already had been biting him before whenever Mary and Kendo were at it. Like, way before this were scenes showcasing how terrible he's with it, such as the comparing blowjobs. And the whole bottle game is filled with bits that should have clued you how that he doesn't mind gambling. This time over he just took another gamble and fumbled.

Like, I get what are you trying to say. You were expecting the characters to keep acting the same way despite the different choices and don't like that shuffled roles for this path. I get it, but get over it, its just another branch. Things haven't even changed all that much, Satoshi's balls dropped just enough for him to think for a moment and retaliate, something no one actually expected. He still lost Mary to Kendo but got Shizuka instead and he has more chemistry with her anyway. Arato and Kendo fucked up. No biggie, they are still living the life in their respective paths.
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May 18, 2022
She dosent cheat because she is a slut though she cheats because Satoshi didnt think of her interest and only wanted to do his own, when mary gets angry about satoshi , he calls her a slut because the way she looks and that she have normal fun with kendo which makes her sad, Kendo then talks with her and have her way of fun together and in the end she is starting a sexual relationship with him then turning more and more slutlike xD
she's a slut lmao.


Jun 14, 2018
No, I don't think he's ever referred as smart. Charismatic and suave, sure. Experienced, indeed. But smart? Dude couldn't survive basic office work environment as seen in his flashbacks with Masaru. Dude may be the king of summer but he's also very much deserving of all the shade other characters give him. Outside dealing with women for sex and related subjects, the guy isn't gonna amount to much. His best ending is probably a harem after sleeping with enough women in power, but its quite obvious he would run any actual business to the ground.

Why kill them? Why would you even suggest that?
Satoshi isn't a bad person, but he's still Kendo's nephew and everyone else in his family are always hyped up to be cold assholes and supposed to be smart by account of several characters (which is easy to forget since most of the screentime is him being oblivious to his uncle going hanky panky with his gf). Him being capable of retaliating isn't even a surprise, in one of the endings he does in fact spread the vids and photos to ruin Mary and Kendo. And it makes sense that Kendo doesn't see it coming, in his mind Satoshi is just a brat he's cucking and the son of his brother. He isn't dangerous.

Not really. Arato from the start is an arrogant ass and it already had been biting him before whenever Mary and Kendo were at it. Like, way before this were scenes showcasing how terrible he's with it, such as the comparing blowjobs. And the whole bottle game is filled with bits that should have clued you how that he doesn't mind gambling. This time over he just took another gamble and fumbled.

Like, I get what are you trying to say. You were expecting the characters to keep acting the same way despite the different choices and don't like that shuffled roles for this path. I get it, but get over it, its just another branch. Things haven't even changed all that much, Satoshi's balls dropped just enough for him to think for a moment and retaliate, something no one actually expected. He still lost Mary to Kendo but got Shizuka instead and he has more chemistry with her anyway. Arato and Kendo fucked up. No biggie, they are still living the life in their respective paths.
No, I don't think he's ever referred as smart. Charismatic and suave, sure. Experienced, indeed. But smart? Dude couldn't survive basic office work environment as seen in his flashbacks with Masaru. Dude may be the king of summer but he's also very much deserving of all the shade other characters give him. Outside dealing with women for sex and related subjects, the guy isn't gonna amount to much. His best ending is probably a harem after sleeping with enough women in power, but its quite obvious he would run any actual business to the ground.

That is in the pass. Its the future now, and he is suppose to come off more cautions and aware. Fat man mentions it many times. he has a plan. Way to gain wealth. He smart enough to keep the documents. He is the smarter outta of the trio.

Why kill them? Why would you even suggest that?
Satoshi isn't a bad person, but he's still Kendo's nephew and everyone else in his family are always hyped up to be cold assholes and supposed to be smart by account of several characters (which is easy to forget since most of the screentime is him being oblivious to his uncle going hanky panky with his gf). Him being capable of retaliating isn't even a surprise, in one of the endings he does in fact spread the vids and photos to ruin Mary and Kendo. And it makes sense that Kendo doesn't see it coming, in his mind Satoshi is just a brat he's cucking and the son of his brother. He isn't dangerous.

You clearly wasn't paying attention to the story then? Maybe you forgot. There was the scene where he grab plate, plan on smashing on the uncle and FMC head but he couldn't go through with it. He isn't jagged enough yet. And even after all the way to the ending, he kept his core character. By then I can understand the decent to madness which led to the leaking out the pictures. But his good character still intact. The worse was him being petty.

Not really. Arato from the start is an arrogant ass and it already had been biting him before whenever Mary and Kendo were at it. Like, way before this were scenes showcasing how terrible he's with it, such as the comparing blowjobs. And the whole bottle game is filled with bits that should have clued you how that he doesn't mind gambling. This time over he just took another gamble and fumbled.

That is the Fat man path, and bad guy story ended there. If DEV wants to keep 180 characters, dev can easily do the same in that path like he did in this update. Every other path else Bad guy wants it all. That is why he got his face punch by the wife. DEV can easily say screw it, 180 and let him get Yoshi wife. In the rest of the path he takes whatever he wants and relish at the MC demise. Why else record the video. Why torture the MC

Like, I get what are you trying to say. You were expecting the characters to keep acting the same way despite the different choices and don't like that shuffled roles for this path. I get it, but get over it, its just another branch. Things haven't even changed all that much, Satoshi's balls dropped just enough for him to think for a moment and retaliate, something no one actually expected. He still lost Mary to Kendo but got Shizuka instead and he has more chemistry with her anyway. Arato and Kendo fucked up. No biggie, they are still living the life in their respective paths.

And there lies the character inconsistency. A little? Nah man went full evil genius. Dude literally sold out his GF. Left with the girl who was banging his nemesis. And DRUG his uncle. The characters shouldn't change too drastically without time. The event, the place, or time line can change base on how thing plays out, but not core character. there needs to be build up. Screw that you get with it. And accept that characters 180 is terrible writing. If you admit that then cool that is a start.


Jun 11, 2018
Shizuka with futa going around and stealing all girls xD ye that sounds fun and i will rename game to Queen of Summer, dosent that sound original :D
I Love This Idea. I hope to see that in Future. Or As a new Game, Like a dinner with natsuki. a Spin.Off.
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Mar 23, 2022
Okay this is the problem with character consistency.

Starting with the MC. I simply refuse to believe the MC is capable being like this. Through out the game he simply not written this ways. He is not evil by nature, and frankly he is pathetic. Even when he caught the FMC and the Fat man, he simply couldn't do it. He refuse to kill them. He refuse to go out and start busting nuts. He is written as a losing characters. The most he did was expose the FMC to the world but that is after they left the island which is quite a loser move to be honest, or move on which is actually quite respected. I am okay with him being written this way. Because it establish a core. Him all of the sudden no build up 4D chess, evil characters arch, drugging his uncle, selling out his former lover to his nemesis, and somehow leaving with a smoking hot chick is simply not in line with his character. Terrible writing. Its a pity sell out to let the MC to win.

Pink hair girl. I simply refuse to believe that she wants love. Bullshit. During all of her sex scenes, she talks about big PP energy, good sex, and do deprave act all the time. The MC is suppose to like this? If she really wants loves from the MC then why the heck is there a path where she leaves the MC because he couldn't satisfy her? There are paths where she directly tricks the MC, uses the MC, lies to the MC so the FMC can be stolen by the villain. Sorry but nah, she is written to be the like side kick of the main bad guy who broken her already, it is hard to believe she can 180. I don't buy it oh she wants to dominate the MC and MC is ok with it, because she literally ditches him. That is just absurd. There is no build up. Just accept it type of narrative. Terrible writing.

Bad guy. Nope. I don't care. I read all his dialogues and he simply wants everything. He is your typical bad guy. Being simply being insulted by FMC and willing to give everything up to allow MC to win and leave with his girl just is dumb writing. It would of makes sense and be more in line with his character, if both the Fat man and MC loses, and he win everything. That I can respect. Again whatever this update was, it was lazy and terrible. It feel like a pity excuse to let MC wins something, and the bad guy lose something to win something. And the fat man loses everything. I wouldn't be surprised if in the future, the villain eventually somehow wins Yoshi's wife who punched him. Oh hey maybe he get it on with his own sister. Yeah terrible writing.

Fat man. Yeah he was drugged. Great. That is rich coming from the character telling the other two to not take drugs. Now he allows himself to get drugged? Poetry. Ain't this mofo suppose to be the most cautions and smartest of the trio while being heroic? Now all of the sudden he allows himself to be taken advantage of. Him and FMC could of simply say "how bout NO" Let me guess in the next update, heart of card, power of friendship, talk no justu he over comes the drug? Just great. He should of over came the drug the moment he saw that pink hair girl sweet ass. Shouldn't even be a discussion. I mean dat ass and dem tits tho. Just look at her. No amount drug ain't holding back dah fat man ya heard! This has a more comedic take but that is Fat man character.

Look all I am saying is, story is one thing. But characters 180 ing, especially with no build up and exposition is worse.
She dosent leave because he dosent satisfy her but he starts neglecting her as he did with mary, he accuses shizuka of seeing other people and he wont let her do as she wants to him.
Kendo didnt think satoshi would drug him as you dont belive he could...... it seems you would be a satoshi victim in all this :D
Yes arato wants everything but in the end he was unable to and frustrated he wouldnt walk out of his room and satoshi gives him a chance for the girl xD


Mar 23, 2022
I Love This Idea. I hope to see that in Future. Or As a new Game, Like a dinner with natsuki. a Spin.Off.
Ye right Shizuka having a way to big orgy and all girls swarm her, she alleredy said she would be interested in only girl sex and forget the boys so it stays in charachter :D
The boys where to busy fighting themself that Shizuka made all girls dependent on her dick and when satoshi kendo and arato finnaly come to their senses and enter shizukas room we can see her stroking marys hair like a kitten and tell them they where to late xD


Jun 14, 2018
She dosent leave because he dosent satisfy her but he starts neglecting her as he did with mary, he accuses shizuka of seeing other people and he wont let her do as she wants to him.
Kendo didnt think satoshi would drug him as you dont belive he could...... it seems you would be a satoshi victim in all this :D
Yes arato wants everything but in the end he was unable to and frustrated he wouldnt walk out of his room and satoshi gives him a chance for the girl xD
You're not even piecing all the path together. You're going off one path. Pink hair literally fuck MC until he KO and was not satisfied. AKA allow her to dominate him or whatever you wanna call it. Literally said "you fail Satoshi." Its a different route, but how it is that route she not kool with it and now in this update she is kool with. Context man. You can't be oh she cheated on me but I won't cheat back, to well she cheated on me so now I cheat too with the same character within the same time frame, with the same context. Different path or not it is the same character with the same motives, and same cause and effect.

I don't care what MC becomes or is. But its need context and to be written better. Saying that this game has great story and character is BS when the story is trash in the later stage, characters 180 at a moment notice, and the plot demands it. If MC found out in the early stage and spend the whole saga falling into madness and corruption, like Fatman and bad guy with chapters planning his 4D chess then good! That is how you do it. Literally not even a chapter and what seem like only one or two days later, and MC went for I am the bad guy now. Complete utter trash.

Good you admit it. Then the problem is now why would the bad guy willing to settle with giving MC a path to having an ouce of victory. In every other path he doesn't give the MC a chance at victory why now. He literally should want to win both the fatman and MC to stay in character.

Its not just about the MC. It literally the other 4 character I mentioned. Yoshi is the only character so far who still is consistence. Maybe the wife too and the girl with the glasses. But the five I mentioned are not character bound. They do what ever the DEV wants them to. Whatever to move the plot forward. Its bad writing. Sure the sex scene are hot and what not.

Maybe you just don't care for story or characters consistency as much and that's kool. But i am on the boat of the critic who cares for that. Agree to disagree.


Mar 23, 2022
You're not even piecing all the path together. You're going off one path. Pink hair literally fuck MC until he KO and was not satisfied. AKA allow her to dominate him or whatever you wanna call it. Literally said "you fail Satoshi." Its a different route, but how it is that route she not kool with it and now in this update she is kool with. Context man. You can't be oh she cheated on me but I won't cheat back, to well she cheated on me so now I cheat too with the same character within the same time frame, with the same context. Different path or not it is the same character with the same motives, and same cause and effect.

I don't care what MC becomes or is. But its need context and to be written better. Saying that this game has great story and character is BS when the story is trash in the later stage, characters 180 at a moment notice, and the plot demands it. If MC found out in the early stage and spend the whole saga falling into madness and corruption, like Fatman and bad guy with chapters planning his 4D chess then good! That is how you do it. Literally not even a chapter and what seem like only one or two days later, and MC went for I am the bad guy now. Complete utter trash.

Good you admit it. Then the problem is now why would the bad guy willing to settle with giving MC a path to having an ouce of victory. In every other path he doesn't give the MC a chance at victory why now. He literally should want to win both the fatman and MC to stay in character.

Its not just about the MC. It literally the other 4 character I mentioned. Yoshi is the only character so far who still is consistence. Maybe the wife too and the girl with the glasses. But the five I mentioned are not character bound. They do what ever the DEV wants them to. Whatever to move the plot forward. Its bad writing. Sure the sex scene are hot and what not.

Maybe you just don't care for story or characters consistency as much and that's kool. But i am on the boat of the critic who cares for that. Agree to disagree.
Ofc i am talking about the path where satoshi does this as thats what we where disussing, satoshi has different mood dependent on things happening in his life, does finding out your love of your life is fucking your uncle does something to your mind? well if it didnt change anything i would see that as weird.
Some endings he gave up , some he wants revenge and in this ending he wants another girl on top of that. Its not sudden as you also have said he almost wanted to beat down kendo earlier as revenge but didnt. he is gradually turning more and more pissed xD
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No Try Studios

Developer of The King of Summer
Game Developer
Nov 30, 2022
I have heard you, people. Loud and clear.

From this moment on, I will stop controlling my characters lives. They will no longer do whatever I want them to do.

Sadly, this means the game might need to be cancelled, as Mary has decided to stop studying and dedicate herself to dog grooming, Kendo got weirdly into Magic: The Gathering and Satoshi was hired as an accountant overseas. Their schedules now do not allow for them to come back to 'The King of Summer'. We'll try to re-cast their roles soon.


May 23, 2022
to me the conditions that made this route different are crystal clear:

1-Satoshi this time goes the extra mile for Shizuka and manages to capture her attention, then Arato pushes him into a corner so he offers him his ex-gf and uncle for whom he has no affection at that point. The are methodes are morally questionable? sure but i would hardly call his motivations or even action evil, spitefull and oportunistic at worst.

And for those that think he doesnt have the spine to do it, never has and never will, let me remind you that in one end he exposes Mary and Kendo, on another he get away from all the swaping thing and ends things with Mary and on the only acces to his own route, he punches Arato to get him away from Mary.

2- Both in this route and on Aratos route, Shizuka shows that she feels neglected by Aratos obessesion with Mary. So when Satoshi offers her a different sexual experience that she has been craving and a emotional connection, she goes for it.

3- Arato has been established both in this route and on his, to develope an obsession with Mary. Couple with his more subtantiated hatred for Kendo, when Satoshi offers Mary in exchange of Shizuka it becomes a no brainer for him. Why? Because he is a sore loser and he lost to Mary and Kendo, and regardless of what he decides he already lost Shizuka to Satosh, so might aswell try to get a win where it matters (for him)

4-Kendo and Mary are both under the influence of drugs and being constantly attacked on their insecurities day by day until they finally falter, the text goes through great lenghts to illustrate what aspects of their mentality are being targeted by Shizuka and Satoshi. Kendo has literal ghosts of his past coming to haunt him.
Last edited:


Jun 14, 2018
Ofc i am talking about the path where satoshi does this as thats what we where disussing, satoshi has different mood dependent on things happening in his life, does finding out your love of your life is fucking your uncle does something to your mind? well if it didnt change anything i would see that as weird.
Some endings he gave up , some he wants revenge and in this ending he wants another girl on top of that. Its not sudden as you also have said he almost wanted to beat down kendo earlier as revenge but didnt. he is gradually turning more and more pissed xD
Ok first you gotta under grounded writing. Separate that for realistic writing. Anyone seeing they uncle banging whose mom or GF is probably gonna be traumatic but that is not what being discussed here. We are discussing CHARACTERS. Not real life experiences. No one is asking for realistic writing. At least the ones criticizing this series in terms of poor writing and characters. It needs some kind of grounded writing or the characters just becomes not worth investing in.

No you are not. You are cherry picking parts and fitting it in where only works best as if characters becomes a entirely separate character. You are not combining all paths as if is is the same character is still the same character within the same timeframe is my point. It be like saying Goku from DBZ an establish character just abandon his good quality and becomes evil if Freiza killed his best friends Kirlin in a different way instead blowing him but stomping his in. Or maybe his son Gohan is killed instead of Kirlin. Even in such a scenario, Goku establish characters wouldn't makes sense to just go full evil. He has core characters written to him.

Sure this game is about porn and sex, but even erotic story can use some good writing. The new update literally follows the other endings path word for word, frame by frame up a point. In the ending MC loses, he and pink hair had sex, did exactly the same thing in this update, but she ditches him. In the update they did the same thing, and now MC, but oh talk no justu because literally one dialogue that has nothing to do with pink hair girl, now is convinced. Wow. Lazy writing. Maybe DEV will change and update it later I don't know. But there is simply no impact. It just happens because the demands it like when Goku got lasered.

If this was a create a character or we are meant to inject ourselves as the MC, it would be more excusable. But that would mean MC become a pointless blank character and were just fucking shit up. Maybe that is the prospective your are coming from? Clearly MC is a character was meant to invest in, even if its just his plight or suffering. It is still a character. All these choices having character 180 ing is why I believe there are criticizing from people genuinely. They have no character. Or i guess in this case, they have too much characters, it comes off fake.


Jun 14, 2018
to me the conditions that made this route different are crystal clear:

1-Satoshi this time goes the extra mile for Shizuka and manages to capture her attention, then Arato pushes him into a corner so he offers him his ex-gf and uncle for whom he has no affection at that point. The are methodes are morally questionable? sure but i would hardly call his motivations or even action evil, spitefull and oportunistic at worst.

- The problem is that there is no build up or diversion in the path. It is literally frame by frame, word by word up to the same end, and the only thing that separates this paths is simply one dialogue choice that has nothing to do with the pink hair girl. And the choice is literally scene away from the update? I'm sorry but that is just lazy writing. And Drugging his Uncle? Selling off his GF into slavery? And leaving with Pink hair girl who also plots his GF demise, is the GF of his nemesis who make them took drug, swinging, and literally also just bangs his uncle as well. I'm sorry MC turnt evil.

And for those that think he doesnt have the spine to do it, never has and never will, let me remind you that in one end he exposes Mary and Kendo, on another he get away from all the swaping thing and ends things with Mary and on the only acces to his own route, he punches Arato to get him away from Mary.

- Sorry but that is weak ass fuck. He punch bad guy yeah while he not looking. If Mr. MC is so brave don't just beat him down right there? Even this ending was terrible for me because it makes no sense. Would of been better had he ask the Uncle for help or he goes straight to the authority or something. The one him running away makes zero sense because he was to weak to face it and say "how bout no" to the swinging in the first place. He made his GF swing! It was his fault that she fell. To all of sudden now he got the guts to say no to it all is just lazy writing. His character is suppose to weak in my opinion. Or if he is to become strong then at least let him build that up along the way. Not just, all of the sudden after all that swinging and being pathetic, oh I man up now. Like come on.

2- Both in this route and on Aratos route, Shizuka shows that she feels neglected by Aratos obessesion with Mary. So when Satoshi offers her a different sexual experience that she has been craving and a emotional connection, she goes for it.

- Then update it first or something. Rewrite the build up or something. Because in bad guys route, Pink girl play MC like fiddle. Sorry but no matter how much neglected you wanna say she is, she still help the bad guy in corrupting the FMC in ALL the paths, especially bad guy route. She stay loyal all to the end and used the MC, treat him like a beta cuck. In this update which follows the Fatman route, play exactly same as the Fatman route. The only different is all of the sudden, this happens.

3- Arato has been established both in this route and on his, to develope an obsession with Mary. Couple with his more subtantiated hatred for Kendo, when Satoshi offers Mary in exchange of Shizuka it becomes a no brainer for him. Why? Because he is a sore loser and he lost to Mary and Kendo, and regardless of what he decides he already lost Shizuka to Satosh, so might aswell try to get a win where it matters (for him)

- Bullshit! Again there was zero build to this. Literally scene by scene, dialogue for dialogue the same ending, just talk no justu this happens. THERE NEEDS TO BE A BUILD UP.

4-Kendo and Mary are both under the influence of drugs and being constantly attacked on their insecurities day by day until they finally falter, the text goes through great lenghts to illustrate what aspects of their mentality are being targeted by Shizuka and Satoshi. Kendo has literal ghosts of his past coming to haunt him.

- Sorry man this is just dumb ass writing. Why the hell would Fatman and FMC let themselves get in that situated in the first place, not once but twice! Alert bells should been ringing! Why the hell would they even wanna associated with the bad man after he drugged MC of all people! AND FMC! Then fatman came in punching bad guy and seeing pink hair girl there too! Do you guys understands now with back stories and character consistency? All of the sudeen Fatman and FMC is stoopid!? Oh lets go back to the villains. Surely nothing will happen. What!? Maybe if that didn't before then it makes sense. But no this all already happens and MC still make a deal with the bad guy? Fatman and FMC still associate the bad guy? Really! What character path are we talking about here?
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No Try Studios

Developer of The King of Summer
Game Developer
Nov 30, 2022
Ok first you gotta under grounded writing. Separate that for realistic writing. Anyone seeing they uncle banging whose mom or GF is probably gonna be traumatic but that is not what being discussed here. We are discussing CHARACTERS. Not real life experiences. No one is asking for realistic writing. At least the ones criticizing this series in terms of poor writing and characters. It needs some kind of grounded writing or the characters just becomes not worth investing in.

No you are not. You are cherry picking parts and fitting it in where only works best as if characters becomes a entirely separate character. You are not combining all paths as if is is the same character is still the same character within the same timeframe is my point. It be like saying Goku from DBZ an establish character just abandon his good quality and becomes evil if Freiza killed his best friends Kirlin in a different way instead blowing him but stomping his in. Or maybe his son Gohan is killed instead of Kirlin. Even in such a scenario, Goku establish characters wouldn't makes sense to just go full evil. He has core characters written to him.

Sure this game is about porn and sex, but even erotic story can use some good writing. The new update literally follows the other endings path word for word, frame by frame up a point. In the ending MC loses, he and pink hair had sex, did exactly the same thing in this update, but she ditches him. In the update they did the same thing, and now MC, but oh talk no justu because literally one dialogue that has nothing to do with pink hair girl, now is convinced. Wow. Lazy writing. Maybe DEV will change and update it later I don't know. But there is simply no impact. It just happens because the demands it like when Goku got lasered.

If this was a create a character or we are meant to inject ourselves as the MC, it would be more excusable. But that would mean MC become a pointless blank character and were just fucking shit up. Maybe that is the prospective your are coming from? Clearly MC is a character was meant to invest in, even if its just his plight or suffering. It is still a character. All these choices having character 180 ing is why I believe there are criticizing from people genuinely. They have no character. Or i guess in this case, they have too much characters, it comes off fake.
What I'm getting from this is that you really want to write some Dragon Ball Z fanfiction.
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Mar 23, 2022
Ok first you gotta under grounded writing. Separate that for realistic writing. Anyone seeing they uncle banging whose mom or GF is probably gonna be traumatic but that is not what being discussed here. We are discussing CHARACTERS. Not real life experiences. No one is asking for realistic writing. At least the ones criticizing this series in terms of poor writing and characters. It needs some kind of grounded writing or the characters just becomes not worth investing in.

No you are not. You are cherry picking parts and fitting it in where only works best as if characters becomes a entirely separate character. You are not combining all paths as if is is the same character is still the same character within the same timeframe is my point. It be like saying Goku from DBZ an establish character just abandon his good quality and becomes evil if Freiza killed his best friends Kirlin in a different way instead blowing him but stomping his in. Or maybe his son Gohan is killed instead of Kirlin. Even in such a scenario, Goku establish characters wouldn't makes sense to just go full evil. He has core characters written to him.

Sure this game is about porn and sex, but even erotic story can use some good writing. The new update literally follows the other endings path word for word, frame by frame up a point. In the ending MC loses, he and pink hair had sex, did exactly the same thing in this update, but she ditches him. In the update they did the same thing, and now MC, but oh talk no justu because literally one dialogue that has nothing to do with pink hair girl, now is convinced. Wow. Lazy writing. Maybe DEV will change and update it later I don't know. But there is simply no impact. It just happens because the demands it like when Goku got lasered.

If this was a create a character or we are meant to inject ourselves as the MC, it would be more excusable. But that would mean MC become a pointless blank character and were just fucking shit up. Maybe that is the prospective your are coming from? Clearly MC is a character was meant to invest in, even if its just his plight or suffering. It is still a character. All these choices having character 180 ing is why I believe there are criticizing from people genuinely. They have no character. Or i guess in this case, they have too much characters, it comes off fake.
Pink hair girl left him due to him not learning , if your choice is that you dont accept her for who she is after 6 mounth relationship she will start cheating due to MC not holding his promise and not doing activitys with her anymore.
The choices you do in this game matters , its not the choice that suddenly change things but the consequence of the choice in long term. She stayed with him 6 mounths on both endings but first ending he kept his promised loved her for who she was and didnt complain about her talking with others, and he forgave mary and moved on, in the ending where he dosent wanna change himself, he neglects her, do little activity, blame her for talking with people, never forgives mary and dosent move on, then She starts cheating cause why would she stay in a toxic relationship when she had that with Arato?

Also please dont use Goku as an example of good charachter devolopment i love Goku but he litteraly wanna fight hard, train eat food and fight again. He never changes , never changing personality can be fun but its not good writing xD


Jun 14, 2018
What I'm getting from this is that you really want to write some Dragon Ball Z fanfiction.
Oh no. I love DBZ. And your works. Nothing against you! But DBZ also has some terrible stories as well. Nothing is perfect. Writing my own scripts and tearing my hairs out. My game is light year out. because Im too stubborn with getting the theme and story right. Good luck to to always. Grab some popcorns lol.

No Try Studios

Developer of The King of Summer
Game Developer
Nov 30, 2022
Oh no. I love DBZ. And your works. Nothing against you! But DBZ also has some terrible stories as well. Nothing is perfect. Writing my own scripts and tearing my hairs out. My game is light year out. because Im too stubborn with getting the theme and story right. Good luck to to always. Grab some popcorns lol.
I think we've been through this already, but I'll say it again, just in case.

You can't call me a terrible, lazy writer, and then do a 180° and say you love my works.

It's not very consistent with your character.


Jun 14, 2018
The choices you do in this game matters , its not the choice that suddenly change things but the consequence of the choice in long term.

Also please dont use Goku as an example of good charachter devolopment i love Goku but he litteraly wanna fight hard, train eat food and fight again. He never changes , never changing personality can be fun but its not good writing xD
Then explains this.
Why the hell would Fatman and FMC even wanna associated with the bad man after he drugged MC of all people! AND FMC! Then fatman came in punching bad guy and seeing pink hair girl there too! Do you guys understands now with back stories and character consistency? All of the sudeen Fatman and FMC is stoopid!? Oh lets go back to the villains. Surely nothing will happen. What!? Maybe if that didn't before then it makes sense. But no this all already happens and MC still make a deal with the bad guy? Fatman and FMC still associate the bad guy? Really! What character path are we talking about here? This is literally the path lead ups to this update.

You don't want goku, then how about Obito from Naruto. His fall to evil makes sense because lost everything and he slowly plans hiss arch. Orochimaru all of the sudden wanna suck Sasuke off is dumb. Never understood why he turn good.
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