I don't care about Vincent, I want to be a part of the story
I guess this is the end. No point for me to play unless @Frxnz adds an option at beginning. I don't want to or acre about a guy named Vincent. I have no attachment to a guy named Vincent. I like to have a connection to a story
I can complain in this thread as much as I want cause it is an open forum, if you don't like it, ignore me, idc.
Well, while I do understand the appeal in what you said there, this being harmless fiction and all that, personally, I'd rather not and usually stick with the default name, especially when the MC is a complete whiny bitch with almost 0 redeemable qualities, like the one in this game is.
Master mercenary, my dick. That fool only got lucky to instinctively remember a few basic tricks in self-defense and shooting, cuz except this small thing, literally nothing else backs up the free ass-kissing he gets from his so-called 'friends' and the story on his dreaded rep. Wouldn't have had so many expectations of him if he was a rookie or a hothead who just
graduated training looking to prove himself on the field tho, but a feared professional acting like he does the whole game is simply embarrassing. He almost got his lady friends killed too in the process, so I kinda understand why those two'd want to
seemingly cut all ties with his dumb ass.
The choices just stopped appearing after a while
You get to actually name the protagonist and I thought oh finally choices again and right after the game ends.
I'll never understand why in a game like this, with a very interesting premise like this, devs don't give us choices to have two different paths, a good guy and a bad guy paths, leaving the players to decide on how the MC acts in certain situations, events and toward the characters he interacts with, especially the female characters he's supposed to romance or just fuck. Never did, never will do. They will start complaining their games don't get enough support or users leave too many bad reviews, but won't change shit about this. Well, no shit... wonder why.

My point is, the player needs to have more control over the story and how it unfolds, not just be forced to put up with some ridiculous things that don't even make sense and for which they're forced to wait at least 6 to 10 months to see how they can proceed from there on out.
The MC in this game is a big joke. Why would any dev think a wimpy whiny lil bitch like that, with amnesia too, belongs in a non NTR game like this one, where there's no femdom or cucking planned for him and our guy's supposed to be one of the best assassins/mercenaries in that fictional world ??

Do ppl really like dumb, submissive MCs or MCs who act like cringe pussies, instead of doing what actual men of their hyped-up rep are supposed to do storywise ??
I am more confused after playing this then MC was in the game
This is a perfectly reasonable observation with which I fully agree, and I think the dev's even more confused than we are about the shit he wrote in his own story.