Carnal Contract by Dotty Diaries
This one started out fairly promising, with a nicely done intro and some decent renders. Apart from one thing that I personally would call a big error in judgement, I was quite enjoying the early stages of the game. There is an intro screen that asks you to input your chosen name for the MC, however, this only comes up after the prologue, and in that prologue, you have a conversation with a key character in which she calls you “MC” several times, because you haven’t yet chosen a name. In the script, it does refer to “[name]” here, so it’s set to take the user-entered name, even though the place you enter it doesn’t come along until later.
There are some nice LIs in here, and you try to build relationships with those in the household, but there are hints of things going on that have yet to be explained, and it makes it difficult to get too close too soon. As is common in these games, that means the majority of the sex scenes so far (or at least, the ones that involve the MC) tend to be with girls I would consider side girls or even just one-offs.
Not far into the story, the MC gets involved in a mysterious game that plays out through messages to his phone. A task will be set, with a deadline to perform it and a monetary reward for completion. As the game progresses, these tasks get increasingly more dangerous, at least in the “risk destroying your relationship with everyone you care about” kind of way.
I didn’t really like this task-based game, which is a shame, because it’s pretty much the key element of the actual game itself. Whoever is running it seems to know everything, and see everything, and there’s no way I can think of to explain how that is possible, without it being some sort of chip implanted in the MC (and other players?) so they can see through his eyes. It just makes no sense to me how they can see literally everything. I presume (would hope) that it will be explained at some point, but it’s too late for me as the game has lost me, so I won’t be around to hear that explanation.
The last piece to report on is something that I dislike, and I know a lot of other people do as well, and that is a choice that isn’t a choice. At one point I was given the option to go to the club or not. Conversation before this choice makes “not” the correct choice, as I would want to build the relationship with the person I was talking to, and going to the club would damage that. However, if you select “not”, the MC’s thoughts say that he won’t be able to complete his current task if he doesn’t go to the club, so he goes anyway. I hate when games give you a “choice” when it’s only one option so you just have to click it to continue, but I might hate it even more when you get a choice and the game ignores the selection. There’s no point in either of these, devs should skip putting in a “choice” and just send you where they want you to go…
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