Scenes was removed due to someone's absence of balls. There is a story about TakeTwo copyright claim on some GTA ViceCity mod with lawyers manage to close modders youtube channel, telegram channel and apparently even some local social network channel. Next day devs come out and said "you know, our channels was closed, so we have no idea who released new version of mod. Some unknown people apparently." That is what I'd call "having a balls". And Take2dicks-in-the-mouth lawyers is not a joke, they almost as crazy as those nintendo shitsuckers.Those scenes where removed when he changed her character to an 18 old goth chick since the "she is aged up through a potion" was to close to loli for patreon.
You need version 0.18 and earlier to have those scenes
Patreon changed rules? ok, no "dangerous content" on patreon. Only in "unofficial patch" created by some "unknown people from thirdparty pirate websites". But it requires actual courage and imagination.