I am aware - I did play through building the wagon, getting Pia sorted until both of her quests ran out of released content and ensured that her affection and corruption were both maxed like all the other girlsWithout Ophilia turned to Pia, you won't have the conversation to go to the Old Boar, because without a bar maid, Kate is unable to leave, you need Pia to be able to cover for her.
I then visited Kate and Clair at midnight for 20 days straight trying to get the conversation to start but all they wanna do is pork. So I tried every conceivable combination of porking, not porking, dancing, telling Kate to use or not use contraceptives etc. etc.
The conversation which usually starts with a kind of cutscene/scripted nature never happened.
I then tried to make Kate pregnant again for another 20 days or so, porking her in the wagon during the day, in my room, in her room and even with Ariana while making sure to use the Goblet to set my Lust to 100 before each time. But she never got pregnant again. I was hoping that if I could make her pregnant and go successfully go through the pregnancy events, that it might solve the block on the Old Boar Trip, but no such luck.
I'll try with the save you edited - to see if, once she stops nursing, I can progress the trip.
Edit: She never stops nursing and as such it'll never be possible to progress with her quests, sadly.
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