Weekly Status Report
Good morning,
The week didn't quite go according to plan again, but at least the Imawyn's bonus scene was at last finished and now it is finally time for Arianna's update.
So first I want to talk a little about the last week. I have to admit that it drained me a bit. especially the last few days with the finale on Thursday where I worked until the early hours of the morning to finally finish it. In the end, the whole thing took so long because I simply wanted to round off certain situations. for this, an animation and therefore even more sprites were necessary. In addition, there were some problems with changing views where images were overlaid or when changing partners where animations did not change correctly.
That cost me a few nerves, but in the end I was satisfied with the result. The scene can now be extended even further without too much effort and I've learned a lot more in the process. the realization is now even better than the scene by the fire in Rumah.
In the future, when Mira and Ronya arrive at the camp, it will be exciting to squeeze them into the picture, but I have already taken precautions regarding the code. As for Imawyn's story progression: I had originally planned to rework her whole progression a little (in case of the love route). Right now I don't really like it. Back then when I added it this was something that I had to add quickly in without losing to much time. I think I could do a lot better especially now with the options of including the party scene into the progression. That would make it a lot more believable. I have added that to the list of things I want to rework in the future (You can see that next to the poll result sheet)
Now to the upcoming update. Of course, I have already given some thought to how I would like to implement the whole thing. A few details are still missing, but I think they will come together as I work on the update. The current plan is to rework the cultist camp below the old church in the Darkwood. A further consideration is to make the area to the north of it accessible, which should include an old ruins settlement.
I don't know yet whether I can really complete the whole arc to close the entire chapter on the cult. I'd like to, but at the same time I don't want to spend the rest of the year just working on it. At the same time, I don't want to reveal anything concrete just yet. Personally, I always find it more exciting when you find out such things not from me but through the story in the game.
In the coming week I will start with the basic work. We need new characters and corresponding models and of course character sprites. Then of course the underground map will need some smaller edits and it might even be necessary to expand it a little. Then of course I also plan to update Arianna's dialog images (they are really old and I want to give her a better skin texture (as I've done with all recent characters that I worked on).
So a lot to do next week, I'm exited to begin working on the update!
For now I wish you all a nice weekend!