Yes, you can do that. Character Edit -> Traits -> Trait.Size
Noice, thanks jhonma! Just what is it with this bloody page not updating my entries or showing replies to my noob questions when they come in...? AAARGH!
Anyway, I just found a very sweet glitch, re-produced it on both v.053 & v.058. Dunno if it's common knowledge, but I thought I'd share my find:
After talking to Kybele, right after finishing her quest, take the keystone, don't open the gate, save BEFORE waltzing back into Homestead. Re-load. Waltz back up to Titty-Pony, stone should be back, ripe for the taking. Rinse, repeat, snag enough stones to get through all gates that are already physically accessible without fulfilling breeding requests.
And about the floating thing: I tested a bit, you'll get hung up on the same small obstacles as when walking, when swimming into deep water MC dives, when going in the lava in Moaning Crags, MC will sink & die. Just as if she was walking.
You can test yourself, go to Sensual Heavens, stand under the spawning shrine statue, in that shallow water basin. You can hang out there under the spawning shrine for hours, the seraphim just walk & float around you, but never get in the basin. Which they should easily be able to, if the floating really was any different than walking, as the animation clearly lifts them high enough to go over the basin edge.
I believe it's only a different animation, just gotta find the "switch" for lift-off.
I gotta test this thing further, maybe pasting different appearance over a "perma-float" species in variant editor will get this thing going....this is fun, figuring this sh*t out. Gonna make this game behave like I want it, one way or the other