VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Dreams of Desire [v1.0.3 GOG DE] [Lewdlab]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The combination of lust and mystery-horror that I found really appealing, the music really helps to set the mood and keep the player hoping for the unexpected or even expected outcome with giddiness. The game really brought the player in an interesting roller-coaster of feeling
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Story 3/5
    Renders 4/5
    Animations 1/5
    Length 4/5
    Overall 3/5

    An interesting story that was somewhat captivating from start to finish. The ending felt a bit meh and was over a bit too quickly. The sex scenes felt forced and the story element to them really felt like an excuse to put the characters in sexual situations. It would have been cooler if the scenes came as a result of genuine desire or in situations where they had relevance to the story. Every "plot twist" except the last one could be seen a mile away and was telegraphed wayyy in advance.
    Overall, this game is about showing off the main characters in a variety of interesting poses rather than being a "game". If you like well rendered still pics of hot women with fantasy sized chests then this game is for you. If what you want is a good reason for the characters to fuck then don't get your hopes up. The only reason the story gets a 3 from me is because most of the writing in the adult games genre is absolute dogshit and this is what we are comparing to. In a "real" non-adult game the story would easily be classed as shit. But beggars can't be choosers as they say and the story is at least half passable in the adult genre.
    The animations in this game consists of 2 pics in a loop. Honestly I don't think that it's even worth bothering with this kind of "animation". Only stills would have been better as it would have not annoyed me as much. The cum "animation" consists of the screen blinking 3 times. Creampie scenes are just the penetration scene with the screen blinking. Dissapointing.
    I don't regret playing this game, but I also probably won't play more games from this author unless something is done about the writing and "animations".
    I get that the old 5/5 scores were when there wasn't much to compare to, but now it's 2019 and with quality games like Being a DIK, City of broken dreamers, Waifu Academy, Summertime Saga, Mythic Manor, et c out there, this game simply does not compare any more.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good game, the story is really cool and not too fast but the reward are here and that's what this game is great. I particulary liked the scene with mom . but the end seems a little too fast like the creator wanted to finish this quickly but that 's not great importance
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the best game on the market.
    + An interesting plot
    + sexy girls (maybe a bit too vulgar)
    + original places and locations
    + wild sex / rapes
    + great and natural incest
    + graphics and renders
    + different clothes
    + Feet !!!!

    - It's hard for a good ending without hints
    - no pregnancy
    - the women were too perfect ;) xD

  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is really one of the best on this site. I Loved every second of it.
    Story in this is really good actually it's so good that i was skiping some of the Sex scenes so i could progress with the story. Characters are really well written.
    Visuals are good only thing that i didn't like was the UI because somtimes it was in the way and i couldn't fully see the scenes.

    - Great and original story
    - Well written characters
    - Nice sex scenes
    - Multiple Endings


    - UI that was sometimes in the way

    If you haven't played this game yet, then you need to give it a try. You wont regret this because it is probably one of the best games on this site

  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games in the site, and one that's completed for a change. Interesting story, interesting characters, very good renders.

    The girls are hot, the sex scenes are good. This is a game that will stay around for a time.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Most impressing adult game that i have played. This is a masterpiece, i wish it was more long. Awesome graphics, very hot girls, nice and fluent story. Choices matters, this is which i like most apart from the other ordinary VNs. And you have good relations with characters, not just "oh what a sexy girl, i wish i could bang her, what is she looking at my boner" :D
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is a must-play.
    i love the graphics. it has nice and smooth story.
    this games shows the experience of its maker.
    and that game completes its story unlike all the fap games. thanks for that. :)
    ps: not a native speaker.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Disabled Account #1278362

    One of the gold standards of 3DCG Visual Novels.


    - Excellent story (though some people might not enjoy the fantasy and/or mind control elements
    - Good variety of characters
    - Sex scenes are quite good
    - The free roaming elements are manageable without feeling tedious
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    You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.

    Seriously, if you haven't played it, do so now. Your adult gaming journey will not be complete without playing this game.

    Final Rating: 5*
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the better ones out there, so much to do, so much to see. So what's wrong with taking the back streets? You'll never get hard if you don't grope, you'll never cum if she isn't choked. Awesome character models and a really engaging story to be honest.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    It was an alright game. The scenes could've been done better, but the overall story could've been better. The designs of the girls are pretty good. The gameplay was enjoyable and having different things to make decisions that felt impactful for different routes was appreciated.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun game - Good graphics and original story that keeps you wondering. Hours of entertainment. A liittle much on the foot fetish but bearable. If your into foot fetish you will surly like this game. Nice to see completed content, so many games started and abandoned. Good job. gave 5 stars.
  13. 4.00 star(s)

    The secret worms

    I must say that the visual are great. Every women have her little something that make them stand-out. Except Alice that I find too young so every sex-scene with her are weird. She have her good moment but in general her design make me cringe.
    The beggining of the story feels great but the further along you go, the more you are disinterest by the story. And I was finding myself playing this like you watch a porn movie. Not for the plot and only for the action. But the actions are great so I gess it's ok.
    The end is a bit harsh and unexpected so I recommend you to use some cheat mode just in case.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Game that introduced me to VNs. Before this game, i never thought that reading a text while some pictures are changing in the background would be so interesting.

    Renders are great and so are all characters.

    Story overall was good, it was something new for me so at the time i enjoeyd every bit of it (that was until kind of dissapointing last chapter) but overall it was very good. It had very big plot twist i would never expect to happen, and its all up to player which ending he'll get. Yet sometimes when i went through the game again to get other endings it was bit confusing. I didn't know what to do to get to the ending i wanted. Which was laster fixed by some mod that let you pick the endings at the end so you can watch them all.

    I would give it 4,5/5 stars but since i cant then i will give it 5/5.

    I'm really interested what will Lewdlab do with Midnight paradise which should be in the same world as DoS.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    This game starts off great but then the story line sort of falls apart into just a bunch of sex. The renders are good and the situations are sexy at least so it holds its own as porn but it's hard not to be disappointed in the decline of quality as the story continues. Definitely worth playing however and easy to recommend.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    I dunno man, reviewing this game has me torn. On the one hand some aspects of the game are some of the best in the genre. But on the other hand those aspects build up such a huge amount of expectation right from the start of the game that the disappointment the game leave you with once finished was devastating. That for me is the worst feeling a game can give you, when such amazing potential is squandered.

    Before I get into a bit more detail about the game, just to explain where I'm coming from I'd like to briefly talk about a non porn game that made me feel this way. My score and how the game made me feel overall are centered around this idea of wasted potential, and I feel I should give another example. (Ive put it in a spoiler given it isn't entirely relevant to this game)

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    Now this game hit me in a similar way. It wasn't that I was really hyped to play it, I had waited until it was finished before even trying it. It was that the game sucked me into its world and got me invested. I was enjoying the game not just for the amazing models and renders, but because I was engaged with the story as well. The story and the situations and the relationships were the key to this game. The renders were a great bonus and the scenes were decently posed, but it was why those scenes were happening and how they affected the world that elevated this game.

    The beginning of the game had motivation, it had focus, it had characters, and it had momentum. But as the game went on all of those faded. The characters largely lost their identity, became less the unique people that they were and morphed more into the standard incest game stereotypes. They even morphed together somewhat, everyone became hungry for sex without the buildup and explanation that was there in the early chapters. By the end most of the characters were all just nymphos, with one or two major and unforgiveable exceptions. Those exceptions are cheap, one of them punishes the player for playing the game in all but a single way, and the other just punishes the player for playing the game at all.

    Before entering into spoiler territory let’s talk about the art. It’s good. The rendering is in the top 5-10% of 3dcg games on the site. The character models are pretty varied and universally sexy. The posing is generally pretty decent, with some minor exceptions here and there. The animations are definitely the low point of the art. Theyre generally just two frames, and theyre often a bit wonky or stilted. In particular the orgasms. The penis jerks back and forth in two frames, often moving faster and with more weight outward rather than inward. Also the game talks about the immensity of cum released every bloody scene, but the cum itself is absent in probably ¾ of the related renders. That was a real immersion breaker in otherwise stellar scenes.

    The spelling and grammar are quite good. There are reasonably frequent errors, but they are usually minor, and you are never left not understanding what is meant. The writing is good particularly at the start of the game, but as I mentioned earlier after your first vaginal sex act with each character it pretty quickly devolves into the same thing over and over again. “Gee I’ll never get over how big your cock is” “Yes MC, fill me up with your hot seed” “Her *insert orifice here* is amazing and is sucking me in” “I don’t think I’ll last long” “Wait, let’s cum together”. Just change the words slightly and you have pretty much every sex scene in the latter half of the game.

    Now here’s my biggest gripe with the game. It loses all direction. You start off trying to build power by learning about the spell, reading the book, and then using the spell. Then you just sort of stop using the spell. There’s the apparition character whose motives are teased the whole game that has all this power to help you that is used arbitrarily for ease of writing. His goals and plot don’t get any conclusion at all. Most of the plot twists are visible a mile away, but even then the author fucking shows you whats happening outside of the MCs perspective to remove all doubt and mystery anyway. That happens in at least three major points in the second half of the game and there is no reason for it.

    There are alternate outfits for scenes early on that actually effect what scenes you get and some character interactions. About a third of the way into the game they just become alt costumes that often don’t fit the character that change nothing but visuals. It’s just annoying and obtrusive.

    The ending is beyond rushed, and has multiple cheap stunts to make it seem more emotive or deep when it really, really isn’t. People just show up deus ex machina style like 5 times in the space of five minutes. Then the game just ends.

    But here’s the fucking kicks in the teeth. If you weren’t perfectly nice to one character AND made the arbitrary and untelegraphed decision to enter their dream, then
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    THEN if that weren’t enough, your innocent sister is (obviously for the last quarter of the game)
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    It literally makes all of the content with her and relationship with her bullshit. It was all fake and any emotion you had for her is spat back in your face by the dev for some cheap intrigue. If the game was made for a little longer it could have been developed meaningfully. It wasn’t.

    Then we have the plot holes, or chasms.
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    . It’s just all intrigue for the sake of it. It’s like lost, or any other JJ Abrams diarrhoea spurt. You write the plot to be interesting in the moment. You write it to sell now. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have any idea how to end it, or what any of it means, it’s interesting now so do it. It’s amoral. It’s incredibly dishonest.

    So I don’t know whether to recommend the game. The Cgs are definitely worth it, but getting invested in the story is a recipe for immense upset.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, high quality story, amazing renders.
    It was very fun and exciting to play the whole game.
    All models are very different, so everyone will find their preference, i really enjoyed different interaction with every model considering their personalities and looks.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Cool thriller/suspense/fantasy story.Based on the tons of categories in the genre there were tons of sex scenes as well as sluttiness.
    Models were done good and were very likable but i wish they presented a bit of challenge to get under their skirts( coz i played with the incest patch).
    Great visuals although it needs refinement on the light works for night sessions coz its too dark.
    Good work on the tons of new costumes too which was very refreshing through the chapters.
    Great sex poses and had tons of my fav poses too.
    Thank You for the game \m/
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    The score is, as the concesensus seems to be, a semi-solid 4. Which can go up or down depending on your preferences. The end isn't especially satisfying, and the plot when it comes right down to it; is super hokey. It stars somewhat interesting, with magical mind control and all that. But then it goes all weird on you.

    It's not a bad game, the art is pretty great. Although in this case it's more of a case of someone using stock models and knowing how to render and light them. This is actually pretty rare, as it happens. You can do a lot to save a bad model with bad lighting, but almost nothing helps in case of a bad lighting.

    Just something to keep in mind for future developers, always and always prioritize proper lighting. And I don't mean realistic, I mean lighting that looks good.

    Anyway, the game is let down by it's plot, really. And what it's saved by is the renders. Depending on how you weigh those in your own personal taste, it can go up or down in score.

    But I'll settle on 4 this time around.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a very good example of a mind control/harem style game, with the added bonus of a good backstory and current issues related to the mind control ability. The art is quite good, although I'm not a fan of enormous titties.