VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Dreams of Desire [v1.0.3 GOG DE] [Lewdlab]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Such a good game. I had a very good time playing it. Top notch renders, top notch story, amaizing plot twists. Congrats to the maker for making such a good game.
    I only didnt liked the "inner" talks, i think they were a bit lengthy, but that itself brang its mojo to the game.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Quite a different game than the other games that I have played and liked (also made with the Ren'Py engine). At the beginning I did not like at all the magic in the game and those black ghosts or shadow guys. Anyhow the story kept me going and playing the game completely. The game has a big amount of content, that's a huge plus for the game! Graphics are not so good, nice but not the best.

    After all I can say this was a good game! If you're like me and don't mind super power magic and stuff like that in games, just still should give this game a change, you won’t regret it!

    Rating (out of 5)
    Graphics: 4
    Story: 4
    Content: 4
    Gameplay: 4
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Visually, the game is one of the best, with only two of the ladies (the two mothers) being subpar in one way or the other.

    Not into incest, so that part of the story felt forced and was a huge turn off (in more ways than one), getting in the way of the story. Kinda wish I knew it would be so prominent before going in.

    The story seemed to be a bit all over the place, as if it wanted to go somewhere but never did. Only becomes slightly better with The Lost Memories taken into consideration.

    While several of the girls are quite hot, the one that is not related to the MC (Aby) is not even an option in the end...
  4. L
    5.00 star(s)


    This game is just f***g incredible. I enjoyed every minute of it. The graphics are high quality. The story is exciting. The characters are awesome (Alice is best girl btw). This game is easily in my top 3 .
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Just a run of the mill corruption game. Nothing really sticks out or seperates itself from the pack in this game. Some weak decision options at the beginning that affects the out come of the game that makes it feel somewhat like a linear story line in the end.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    The Good: Outstanding Renders, decent story with a branching path, great pacing.

    The Bad: Some characters could use more development, and more scene, story feels a little cut short at the end.

    The Ugly: Some other worldly characters look absolutely ridiculous (more in spoilers)

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  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Some of the character design is ugly. I found the landlady/mom character and "Latisha" incredibly unattractive; yet there were no game options to avoid them. You must pursue, stalk, grope, etc., every character.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Game all around. Good story, immersive plot with a good measure of twists, interesting characters, fine women, and in good variety, all very attractive. The stunning visuals and great animations make them all the more appealing.

    Adding a fantasy element, action and thrill to the typical incestuous family daily life type of game, which is abundant here, gives it an edge that makes it stand among the others. Written in a clever fashion, the game spans several endings that are achievable according to the player's actions during the course of the game. There is no clear indication which will be obtained, however, since there are some factors that can take us out of track. But it is entertaining in itself trying to discover all of them, which just adds to the replay-ability value.

    Recommended to those who like the incest family setting, and all those who simply like to enjoy a fairly interesting story, where the focus lies in the happenings of gorgeous character models.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Ahhhh... Dreams of Desire. So much to say and so much to learn from it. Where does one start from?

    Heavy spoilers bellow!!!

    I'll begin with a tl;dr of the game: It's the best bad adult game in the mystical genre I have played so far. I know, a controversial opinion as a whole - most people love the game. And I do love it. Even if in a critical overview the game is actually not that good. But let's start from the beginning.

    Graphical stuff.
    I'll be honest, I'm not crazy about graphics in game as a rule. That said - the models are ok. The animations are decent. Most characters look good. All in all - they do the job they are set to do. Mom looks kind of young, but hey, maybe she had Tracy at 15-16.

    MC. We have quite the expression-control over the MC. While there is little development on his part. He is dumb, tho. Like - dumb on an epic level. The whole story could have been 3 episodes shorter (at least) if he actually followed the clues in the first days and thought about anything else but fucking every living thing around him. It's not that annoying, so we can just assume he is ok.

    Marcus (Best friend): He is cool. Way too cliche at points (who knows how to find a gun - well, the black dude, who else?) but felt like a friend and not a plot device.

    Mom - as with most mothers in incest games she is not exactly the most interesting or developed character. She does provide the most feedback of how much the spells can mess with people. A lot of early plot points for her seem to have been cut (keep that in mind, you may notice a theme) as the dev moved from "let's have fun" to "people prize the story, I must deliver more!". Her different routes didn't actually provide that much nuance, sadly. Still, does the job.

    Alice - cute, sweet and loving Alice. I loved her. I still do, but her actual development seemed kind of rushed. Still, it was really nice going both routes with her. I could even understand her final arc in a way. Still, after I finished the game... is she 12? Like she does behave like she is 12. I can imagine a 12 year old falling in to that idiotic trap. But now I have to deal with the thought of her being 12... ugh... moving on. Biggest problem with her is that we are told how close the MC is to her and yet... he knows nothing about her. It works to explain her behavior if she has the mental capacity of a child (I get it, she is an outcast (somehow) and her closest person actually manages to neglect her to the point he doesn't know she has any friends. Still, there are problems that the game doesn't address in any way.

    Tracy. Bitch-big-sister. Well, not so much, as we come to realize. She is the strongest character by far. Considering she is really important for the story - not surprising. Her story arc is good. Her model is sexy. She is good. Sadly she is also the most fucked up by the problems this game has. And I don't mean the big shock of her being shot. But more on that later.

    Aunt-whatever. Yeah... aside from MILF-sisters-incest-threesomes she is kind of boring. The only character who actually grows a lot in the last episodes. Still, through most of the game she didn't tick for me at all.

    Best friends mom. Um... she is there. Nice MMF threesome as an option with her. She still seems to have suffered from plans getting hacked off. (yup, second character having that problem).

    Abby or whatever. Fucktoy extraordinaire. aside from her willing to fuck some guy on her friends request... she is actually a cool character. She is a plot tool, but a plot tool that makes you like her, actually. Again, how exactly the MC missed the fact she is his little sister best friend is a mystery to me. Maybe the MC is just a fucking dick.

    Bad-blond-chick. Should be one of the antagonists in the game, but she gets so little screen time, that you can only not like her. Suffers really badly from the same "cut content" syndrome as all the other characters. Still, the funniest way to deal with a boss I've seen in a game. I just can't help but feel there was more to explore about her (there are hints she may not be beyond saving).

    British Petroleum Spill Dude. Known as apparatus or something. Man, was I annoyed with him at the start. Him not turning in to the bad guy was actually something I did not expect. Still, that twist was well done and stable.

    Main antagonist. I didn't even remember his name. Bland as fuck. Evil for the evilz. Did not work for me. He should have been some sort of a chessmaster, behind-the-scenes guy, but turned out to be a blunt instrument. About as smart as the MC.

    As a whole the characters are good (except the bad guy). Even if they felt cut short at places, they do their job. The real problem with them is that you start the game with the feel it will be character driven, when it turns out it's not... at the last quarter. But you will have fun with them and will want to replay the game to everything about them. They are probably the best thing about the game.

    The Story.
    Man, people will hate me if they read this. Still, I'm always brutally honest as I believe we can learn from critique, even if it's not positive.
    Don't get me wrong. 90% of the story is top-notch. Has enough mystery, intrigue and logical twists to be prized. Where it falls is the last 10%. And the last 10% is what wanted me to puke.
    No it's not because Tracy got shot. No. Many things are gameplay problems, not story problems... but still, at the last part of the game, the part where an epic story must shine the brightest... it failed miserably.
    Where can I start? From Marcus turning from a computer nerd in to a gangster (or whatever, him coming in guns blazing was NOT a good moment) to the fuck machines...
    Like really? Fuck machines? I get that it's a porn game, but still... come on...
    Oh, or how the fuck does my aunt have the resources to hire security but not the resources to get a small hit squad? Not even a bodyguard? Nah, lets run in to the den of the people who tried/succeeded to kill Tracy whit no backup. I guess all those spells made her totally nuts.
    Or the part, where the MC spends a bunch of time wondering what to do, before using his powers to rip a guy in two. Ok, why not use the shards at the very fucking start and rip all of them? The fuck?
    Still, aside from those stupid moments, the story is golden. The endings are well done. You won't be disappointed. But good luck remembering it for the drama at the end and not "the fuck machines". God...

    The story has problems and the characters have problems. But all is covered very well by the pacing. The pacing in the game is great. Perfect, even. Starts slow enough but picks up the pace and doesn't drop it for a bit. You don't have the time to thing about things. You just want to resolve the shit you stirred up. Because the characters are so well-done in the first parts, when you go in to "story mode" you care about them and want to help them, so the restriction of your actions and so on doesn't bother you.

    Probably the biggest problem of the game. Now, don't get me wrong, until you actually go deep and actually find out how the endings are determinated you won't have problems with it. My biggest problem is the good ending for Tracy, to be honest. You have to do a very specific, very tailored choices with her to save her. And no way of knowing that. It's a big problem with the game - a lot of choices don't really make sense in the end, not because the consequences aren't logical, but because you get pretty much locked in to a path from the first choice you make with a character... while having no way of knowing what the consequences will be. Latisha is a good example - when you make THE choice for her you have no fucking idea how influential it will be. Tracy is the same - you must do the illogical choices to keep her safe. On the second playtrough they are no longer that illogical... but I still think this is not a good way to make a game. Good puzzles follow logic. Playing Dreams of Desire is like putting a puzzle together, while it's upside down. Yeah, you can get the shape, but you have no idea if the picture on the other side is what you aim for.
    A little bit more content. A little stronger foreshadowing and a little more choices (no need for perfect plays for good endings) would have made the game a much better game. Currently it's actually not that good of a game. Or an interactive story, honestly.

    With that said, playing the game is not a waste of time and you may be satisfied, tho the freakishly hard way to keep Tracy safe may make you mad (use the walktroughs, honestly you will be mad if you don't).
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The best adult game I've played so far and I have played my fair share. A very nice game in general (adult and non-adult games included). The story is very engaging, the renders are great. I highly recommend this game.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Very good game at the start... but we advance and more the game turns into "What the fuck?". The story is about the power of corruption, a mysterious organization that wants to rule the world, but no matter, you play a jerk who has no brains and who only thinks to fuck all that moves... ALL. (whatever the choice)

    The end game is not bad, but i do not stick to the rest, especially the main character.

    If you like to play a jerk, it's for you, if not, forget the game.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    -Meaty wonderful story!
    Language: English
    -Overall Rating 3.5oz cream pie out of 5oz

    -The story here is very strong in this game. If you love strong story telling this game is for you and if you like to just see tits and ass this one is for you. It really has everything. Basically your hairy fucking potter (sort of) with some book that allows you to go into dreams or some shit get some crystals and fuck chicks...I don't know it was pretty good stuff. But really it's all mind control stuff so in my mind what's the challenge really? I didn't find it challenging to bang anyone, again mind control. You get into the sex and nudity pretty quickly and easily so have lotion and tissue nearby.

    -Top notch renders throughout but aside form Abigail, the youngest sister, and maybe the neighbor the ladies were't anything fantastic to look at in this reviewers humble opinion. Now a lot of that comes down to personal choice but render me this batman why is the older sister brown while the rest of the family is white? Everyone has huge boobs aside from the youngest sister so if that's your thing you score massively. Good use of fade and animations and you get some control over sexual scenes which is always a plus! You should be able to bust a nut if you find the girls attractive without straining the space bar too much. Playability was pretty good.

    -Overall I found the game to be just ok. I really wanted to like this game especially because it came highly recommended to me from a friend. You can tell the author/dev really put a lot of time and effort into the writing and game in general. The incest angle is excellent but corruption does't work much here, again due to mind control. You just have to click to get there. Some task driven stuff that tends to annoy but not terrible or overwhelming.

    A solid game worth your time if not your money!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game was really good. I liked the characters. Possible Spoiler warning: I felt really disappointed in my sister at what she had done at the end. That is how good the story is to me, I really felt betrayed. Can't wait to play more from this Dev.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    quickly (this review after completing the game)

    for people who want quick review:
    this sign + mean good thing
    this sign - mean bad thing
    this sign ~ mean not good and not bad

    choices (+)
    musics (+)
    voices (+)


    about 20-22 hours (and i like the long games that make you care for the characters)

    the story (+)
    one of my best ever although i don't like mind control (i choose the mother route of course)
    nice thing that i found some romance in the story

    the render(+)
    you should know that the render is one of the best ever
    (the details when you look at the mother's body is enough)

    the animation(~)
    okay not good (just two frames) and that is the only bad thing in the game from my view
    but the sex scenes wasn't boring at all

    the choices/decisions(+)
    finally i can choose one route only from the start till the end
    (i know there was scene i have been forced to do )but overall
    i choose the mother route and it was perfect

    the music and voices
    it's normal to find music almost in all the games nearly
    but the voice acting in some sex scenes was perfect (don't expect much by the way)
    it's just ahhhh ohhhhh or something like that :D

    so should you try it ??
    what??is this even question (of course yes)

    why 5 stars???
    -the only thing i can complain about was using 2 frames (2images) only for making animation
    but the animation wasn't boring at all
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    As for now this is the nest game i've played so far. Games has incredible graphics, good plot, nad some mistery. Its quite long, but its worth every one minute. There is enough sex scenes, htat will bring enjoymkent to all players. There’are some decisions to make and see few end scenes. Appriciate the hard work that was put into this title.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Strangely the creators of this game claim they don't want you to commit save abuse where you save and resave to get what you want - yet they put multiple end states in the game that require you load game.

    Example - peeping on someone changing. If you get caught then its gameover and you have to save game - which kind of takes you out of the moment.

    Either its a visual novel to get immersed in, or its a trial and error game - if you try both you take people out of the moment and frustrate them.

    If you're looking for a porn game - run for the hills - if you're looking to play pretend and read a dictionary's worth of dialogue, play this game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    What a great game even thought it took me some time to get the ending I wanted (perfect harem for some reason when I followed a guide from this thread for the perfect ending the bad ending happened instead) I really enjoyed the game the replayability is great so it wasn't really a problem. Thanks for the game and I hope the developer is going to bring us more such gems like this.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Really really of the best game i ever played here. Im new to this site so im still exploring but this one is definetly in my top list. Lots of sex so you wont be dissapointed.

    Story is pretty good and the characters are as sexy as ever.
    Also if you have a foot fetish like i do hehe then this game is definetly for you. Oh one more thing it's completed aswell...meaning there is an ending so there is that to look forward to.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Dreams of Desire is one of my first amateur adult game I played and because of this it left me with quite a impression (I started playing when 9 episodes were out already). The game renders are amazing and although the story isn't excellent (as I find the MC to be to naive at times) its still really good. The narrative was entertaining and kept my attention through the entire game I never skip through it (except maybe a few parts but I will get into that later).

    Like I said the render are amazing just look at them they speak for themselves. We get a variety off characters multiple milfs, 2 older sister characters and a younger sis too. And they all have animated (sex) scenes!

    The music & sound effects are also pretty good and give you a better feeling of immersion. The dev's even got a hold of some VA and added moaning for certain characters!

    The gameplay also offers choice with regards to fetishes which is also great! You can choose between Footjobs, Spanking, Anal and Titty fucks etc. You can even choose if you want to be more aggressive in your approach or more loving.

    The only 2 things that I disliked about this game was the fact that extra scenes sometimes got added at or near the end of a episode. These events happen outside of the main story so it takes away the immersion when your in the middle of the story. In fact it can even create confusion as too what is happening in the narrative. I usually skip past these on my replay. Another thing was the fact that sometimes you would be in one place following the story and then all of a sudden for no reason you are somewhere else with no indication of why you went there or how you got there. Ow and one last thing, which didn't bother me as I like most of the female characters, but you don't have a option to avoid the character that you don't like. For example you are not into younger sisters well that's to bad your gonna have to skip past those scene's then.

    But if you can get past these minor things then you still have a great product that leaves you wanting more! Ow and before I forget there's even replay value because the choices you make matter. You get different endings based on the choices you make.

    Overall I give this a 4.5/5 as it does have a few negative points
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible game.

    Unlike most of the porn games, the story is actually really well developed, the girls are hot and there are a lot of sex scenes. The footjob scenes are truly the best. The end does seem a bit rushed, so I only give 5 stars instead of 6.