I'm Still unclear on how to effectively train traits.... i've just started playing around with it ( dancing, performance, starlet ) . From what i gather your "educator" needs the trait and also a strong Factor , pupils will then aquire it over time. What's the time frame your dealing with for that to transpire ? Any tips to be more productive and could you explain "Uniques" like Truls .
Certain jobs have a chance to train up traits like janitor or maid training workaholic but there are certain requirements before it kicks off, like meeting the minimum discipline requirement, house upgrades, etc. So until you meet all the requirements, you'll make zero progress no matter how long you have someone as a maid or janitor.
For educators if you mouse over the template descriptions it should give you the requirements. In every case that I'm aware of though, the chance to gain a point of progress is always less than 100% and usually more like 10%. So as far as timeframe for training a trait from zero progress to 100 you're looking at several months at a minimum.
Using workaholic as an example, training Adrianne from her initial 10 discipline up to 60 and then grinding out the actual workaholic trait usually takes me about 9 months. That means first putting her on guard duty under a good guard captain like Ayden since that's the fastest way I've found to train up discipline, then switching her to maid or janitor duty depending on her affection and my house upgrade status (both can train workaholic).
Some of the new options I haven't had enough time to play around with yet to see how well they work like using footman/butler combo to train up discipline and domestic on the guys. I also haven't trained brawler long enough to train up the full trait on anyone yet but I have seen nonzero progress towards it on the people I've got training under Felix.
It's easier to see when it gives you stats directly like training up intelligence with a high intelligence educator. Harder to notice when you're trying to train a trait.
Also educators seem like they're less effective than slave masters were until you get most of the bonuses maxed out for them. So you ideally want a 35+ age, workaholic, dominant, famous, 100 int, 100 discipline trainer to get all those bonuses. Most people don't have all of that so it takes some work to get your trainers maxed out on those bonuses before they're fully effective.