Ren'Py - Completed - Midnight Paradise [v1.0f Extra] [Lewdlab]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This should be renamed to: "I Better Clean That Up and Get the Hell Out Of Here!"

    This is actually a very good visual novel with a moderately intriguing story.

    The general world is cliche... guy perving on his two sisters and mother. But it's really well done. It has a lot of hot situations. The characters burn at the appropriate pace. Their dialog is fitting, isn't pun-laden or entirely juvenile, and generally remembers past events. It's the same old situation with a refreshing avoidance of tropes and immaturity.

    The MC is a consistent semi-alpha guy... he has smart ass remarks, stands up to people in touchy situations and isn't shy about his feelings or motives in his inner dialog. He knows he wants to bang these girls and he isn't terribly indecisive about it. All this is good... he may not be entirely likeable but the consistency is huge... and he really needs new clothes. His shirt is arguably a woman's blouse... and those skinny jeans. It's hard to take his charismatic come-ons and tough guy stance seriously when you see him.

    It would have been nice to name the MC, too.

    I give this author props for not only avoiding the trope of accidental boners, but specifically providing dialog of the MC controlling his erection. This has been one of my biggest gripes and immersion killers in other titles. Men can control their erections... morning wood excluded.

    I also give the author props for their MILF... she realizes right away her feelings and says to herself "I might be a bad mother, but this is what I want and I'm going for it..." and then she tactfully goes for it, not flat out raping the kid... in other titles the "Oh-I-don't-know!" schtick gets really old. And so does a hyper aggressive taboo character... This never really goes there with any of the characters. Generally they all burn at the right pace and they are all aware of their situation (well... except when they're asleep).

    And the models are gorgeous. They're all models. All the girls are idealized to match the latest catwalks and magazine covers. The older sister gives off a strong Jessica Biel vibe... oh, man... It's all well lit and beautiful... his skinny jeans and blouse aside, even the MC works when I usually don't like seeing them at all. And the animations are really well done. It's a professional visual experience that doesn't even attempt reality... for the better (for this medium).

    The story is really why I stayed with this... not that anything else was really driving me away. I wanted to see the competition with the brother to it's end.

    Choices don't really matter but they aren't really supposed to. This is a linear story, meant to go from A-to-Z in order. The choices are designed for flavor. They are meant to impact the character response and your immersion, but have little effect on where the story is going. To make this good, the story has to be captivating enough to immerse the player without a bunch of choices, and this is a compelling enough story. It works. I'm not knocking the choice system... it works as intended.

    The only reason I take off a star here is the utterly confusing quest system and the "objective" tab in this game. It's a lot of clicking around just to find your way through this story and there are times when it seems like you've done everything for the story to advance but nothing happens for days on end... until then it does. As if an arbitrary number of days had to be met, but it never tells you this. And the objective list is often vague or just not even relevant to where you are in the story. It's buggy and unclear and at one point I was very frustrated. Being an otherwise linear story, this would have been better served to just guide us beat by beat rather than presenting it in an open world with selective time slotting. All the greatness this has comes from the visual novel side... the game-play elements only detract.

    And it's always a serious immersion killer when the MC (who is supposed to be you the player) makes a plan and you the player aren't aware of the plan until it happens. This does that and it almost killed my impression that this whole she-bang was very well thought out... almost.

    Otherwise this is pretty f'n good. I thoroughly enjoyed it, in spite of the vague quest system, the use of "boi" once in the early dialog, and the obscure reference to another author in this genre of games.

    It's worth noting that this requires nightly visits to sleeping family members to advance (I think it's required--it's vague)... it's a little rapey... I dig that stuff (providing it's consistent with the story and/or MC) and I loved it here... you might not, so you're warned.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    [v0.9] 8/10

    Waitaminute, 8/10 but a 5 star review? Don't they teach math in Grimtown?

    Weeelll, they do, and I struggled a bit with the rating, but I decided on a bonus star.

    I'll start with the CONs

    Like in many other games, the MC can creep into people's rooms at night and sexually assault them. Finger them, grope them, use their hands and feet to masturbate (etc). I don't like that. Non-consensual stuff like that and rape kills my mood.

    I don't like the MC and have a hard time identifying with him. He's a douche who got kicked out of college and gets into selling drugs.

    Which brings me directly to the PROs,

    because MC is a very well designed douche. He smokes, he is no stranger to violence and obviously questionable morals, otherwise he wouldn't steal a car or want to become a drug lord. So I don't like him personally, but trying to be a bit more objective, he is a good character.

    The story so far is satisfactorily mysterious. I would like to know more. The quick foreshadowing (1 year later) is a nice touch.

    It has a sandbox that will be improved in the next update. Not very sandboxy at the moment, but I'm optimistic.

    The characters - while pretty standard relationship-wise (mother, aunt, 2 sisters to seduce (no, unfortunately there is no way to seduce your own twin brother) + non-family characters) - are well designed and the artwork is very good.

    And by very good I mean foreskin physics and good skin textures that tastefully add a bit of age to the older characters. And these little details made me give out an extra/bonus star. I have never seen the skin of a penis in other games move realistically. Well done!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Not only fantastic characters, this grafic look outstanding and the hints in game are easy to follow for people like me that understand english so-so..
    Dude you made one of the best game i've played until now,
    thanks for share.
    keep going this way!
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    You know, I really want to give five stars to Midnight Paradise for one reason. The models and animations are absolutely stellar. Nicely varied models, the mother/aunt actually look older and the younger sister doesn't look 12. Every single one is incredibly hot, and that alone makes it a worthwhile investment of time.

    Also, the story of Midnight Paradise is developing nicely as well. The MC has a nice arc, starting as an unlikable twit and growing through the updates. There's a central mystery that's gradually unfolding and every character has unique motivations that are woven into the plot.

    Where I knock it is lack of game play growth from LL's previous game, Dreams of Desire. My gripe with that game was endless update after update, where the sex plodded along a particularly long Stairway to Heaven chain.

    LL is one of a group of developers who've finished at least one major release. They're all at the top of the F95 rankings, and all their subsequent games show universal improvement in models, story, game play and pacing. Midnight Paradise has great models, a well thought out story and better game play, but the pacing is torturous and a little nonsensical.

    I mean, every character has their own motivations. Mom is desperately lonely, older sis is very gradually realizing she has feelings for the MC, the younger sis has *always* had feelings, there's a crazy ex that wants to jump his bones and a sexy best friend who is crushing on him. Yet somehow, with all these different levels of accepting their feelings, they all proceed kiss, light petting, heavy petting. handjob, etc. at the same pace, such that we're at the 0.9 update and still getting hand jobs and blow jobs. I mean, why not have the sexy ex jump the MC in 0.1, so you have some fucking out of the gate? Or the younger sister says, aha, this is my chance and jumps him? Stagger out the full blown sex, with the more reluctant couplings unfolding more gradually. Ultimately, fap games are for fapping, and the pace of this one makes that pretty damn frustrating.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Wow...ok, finally! After a few bad reviews and overly hyped games, I found a gem!
    Its a 4 star just because of slightly weak story, not original and kind of plain but... this is one of the most successful devs out there so don`t be mistaken. This is an AAA title adult game!
    The renders, the girls...oh my God! Absolutely amazing! Just gorgeous! Animations are fantastic! Its just world apart from 90% of other games.

    You just have to try this game. Its more of a porn then a game so be warned! Don`t expect high quality and engaging story. It works well enough and the erotic scenes are just amazing!
    We are just spoiled with amazing devs and their high quality work. Thats why this game doesn`t have higher review score! Its in my top 10 for sure! There are only a very few games on this visual and technical level...
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game.

    I don't know why would anyone give a bad rating to this amazing game. I understand that it is a typical story similar to other incest games but still lots of lewd scenes.

    Characters: Nice graphics and models looks great. Ruby is the best out of all.

    Story: Typical but still fun to play

    Music and others: Music is perfect for the game and the rest is well done.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Dont get fooled by high star rating of this game. It is avarage at best, and definately a step back from his previous work (Dreams of Desire). Why? Here's ther reasons:
    Story is dull, unoriginal, you have seen in in most of similar games, Prodigal son comes back to home, to live with his mom, dad, and 2 sisters(older and younger). Dad is a corporate man, working all day and night neglecting wife, older sister just broke up with her bf, younger sister have some insecurities with her body. Wow, sooo oryginal. Just like story taken from Milfy city.
    Characters are also low effort. MC is a douche and rude. With addition of a accidental story(everything just magically happends, work, appear) it does not appeal to me at all.
    Developer tried for some reason to add some unnatural/mystery elements to the story, but it, at least for me did not fit very well.
    Gameplay. With a map you might think it is a sandbox game. It is not. Places on the map are only to trigger certain scenes on certain time of the day. They are empty otherwise. Earning money? Forget it, you get them once(to buy 2 things) and you wont need them at all.
    Look like Lewdlab borrowed a succesful business strategy from Icstor. Give people nice renders, and forget about everything else. At least he put more effort into animations.
    Like i said, a downgrade on almost every aspect from his previous work. Do not reccomend
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    I don't usually write reviews, but after playing the game I didn't feel it's current rating was representative of it's quality, so here we go...

    The graphics are very good, which is no surprise given the previous work. But that's where the good ends.

    The MC is just horrible. He's every arrogant, entitled douche you've ever met all rolled into one with a liberal dose of sexual deviant thrown in for fun. I wouldn't want to make small talk with this guy for two minutes much less play as him for an extended time.

    The characters are cardboard cutouts. They might as well have named them for the cliches they represented.

    They made the game into a sandbox but there's really nothing to do there but go find the next scene. It's like a normal VN but with a pointless, shitty game of hide and seek between each scene.

    There's nothing new or innovative about the gameplay or the story. It's just as dull and banal as the description. I was lured in by the image quality and recognized the developer's name, so I had hopes as I really liked their previous game, but this just disappointed in every aspect except the art.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Another extremely slow development game with deliberate delays in the more interesting characters story progression. The following is my 5 stars review 5 years ago: Perfect female models and graphics. No childish looking models. Reliable developer with regular updates. Sandbox gaming but without grinding after using the walkthrough mod. Excellent game without any flaws. Nice story and very good performance. Slow but exciting progress.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Lewdlab came with a new master piece.

    After his first game, dreams of desire which was amazing even for a first try, he came with midnight paradise, the starting was chaotic, the choice of the unity engine was bad, there was nearly no content, the game was full of bugs.

    But after that the dev made the decision to switch back to ren'py, and after some updates, we can say now that the game is back on track and it's really amazing.

    The renders are beyond perfect, the characters are amazing, the story is good ( not as good as more story driven games like city of broken dreamers though), the animations are amazing.

    This game is one of the greatest one in this website, there is no doubts about it.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a pretty good game. The characters are very well drawn and attractive, varied. the entertainment is of high quality. Hopefully the extras (which are fun at this level of the game) do not deprive the game of scenes that could have been added to the story later. I'm waiting to see how h-scenes (not just masturbation) will be staged with the main cast (the family) but I could pay for this game if it is not abandoned and the balance of the advance between history and sex scenes continues in this direction.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    + Amazing graphics
    + Easily the best foot fetish scenes I've seen, if that isn't your thing there is always another option like bj,hj, tj etc.
    + Organized gallery
    + Story is decent
    + Regular updates

    - There are some repeatable freeroam events but most of the time you will see empty rooms.
    - Lack of penetration scenes. If outer course isn't enough for you, you better wait a few updates to play this.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    *** Review as of v 0.8 ***

    With the legendary 'Dreams of Desire' under his belt, Lewdlab has set a benchmark of excellent games, photorealistic graphics and engaging storyline, setting him next to an echelon of top devs/artists.

    Midnight Paradise is another gem in the crown and it doesn't disappoint. The story is about a guy (duh!) on the younger side of his sibling lineup. The story begins with the MC living life large and lose, only to do a big cockup to be thrown out of University. He goes back to his hometown and his large, affluent family consisting of his twin brother (Logan), elder sister (Isabella), younger sister (Ruby) and his parents, mom (Joyce). There's a sinister plot, just like in DoD which is the main storyline, about a drug that heightens lust in people. There are shady characters, a lawyer (Thorne) and a Russian mafia (Tanya) which make the MC dance to their tunes for back-alley jobs. The MC also has to manage his studies with his teacher (Jane) else he will lose the ownership of his father's business to Logan, a challenge set early on by Dad.

    • Renders - true to life renders has been a hallmark of Lewdlab and he has outdone himself. The myriad of aesthetically perfect female characters makes you wondering which one to pursue the most. For my milfy fetishes, it has been Joyce and Isabella comes right after.
    • Story - Lewdlab's story and its premise is not overly complicated and that's a good thing; a simple mystery that progresses at a pace you won't realise sometimes. The story is realistic and keeps you guessing what happens next. Thus far, only a few characters have direct relation to the main plot and surprisingly, there aren't any from the MC's family. If it's by design, only next updates will reveal.
    • Hints - For each of the story paths, there's a superb hint system available which keeps you on track as there are scenes which are available only at certain times in the day with certain characters. It's easy to get lost
    • Free-roam - When done right, it is great but this game doesn't. For instance, in the evening you can interact with Isabella but if you click your basement another scene with Isabella outside the house is triggered in her path. That leaves a jarring effect on you as a player.
    I hope these repeat scenes and free roam work in sync for a better experience. Other than that, we have another exceptional game from Lewdlab. Can't wait for the finale.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I believe this game has barely above an average rating because of the "blue balling" so many are claiming, but I truly think a wonderful game is in the making. As I was with Dreams of Desire, I'm very impressed with Lewdlab's creation here. Once again, Lewdlab has created an interesting, fun game with extremely attractive models, and a very bearable main character. I actually appreciate games with slow builds where relationships have to be developed, rather than games where the MC has sex with all the characters in the first couple of releases. I personally believe it makes it all the more rewarding when you have to work at it, but to each their own. I definitely understand both sides of the coin. This is after all a porn game site, so players are expecting to see sex, but at the same time, I believe good developers and creators will try to make their creations a good story and good game as well, and that often takes time. I'm not sure if this game will ever have a "decent story," but I've never really cared if a porn game has a decent story. Pornos aren't known for decent stories, so why should I expect a porn game too as well. Very few games have a good story, but this game at least has hot models and will contain good sexual content. Very well done and I can't wait to see more of this game.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Reviewing v0.8

    I don't know about this game. Sandbox games are always risky and I feel like the dev misstepped here, he should probably have stuck to his guns and remained with his previous format from Dreams of Desire.

    You have the typical sandbox problem where you're just clicking your way through everything to find the next scene. You should probably get more hints as to what to do next with any given character. Otherwise it's just frustrating guesswork or relying on a walkthrough or a cheat mod.

    I also feel like the story is a bit of a letdown compared to Dreams of Desire. It's really not that intriguing and interesting, seems much more banal and aimless. There are definitely some mysteries hanging around but because of the MC's focus to bang all of his family members we really don't get enough of that to keep up the suspense, the "main" story seems more like a sort of weird sideplot.

    Don't really like the MC much either, screw-up jerk that still gets everything handed to him for no reason whatsoever, that's not intriguing to me.

    Not much to argue with the visuals though. I'm kinda surprised that the dev hasn't really upped his animation game by much since the last release but that one was already really good and so is this one.
    So yeah, the models all look really hot, the rendering is good and you have nice animations.

    This game might be worth your time for the animations alone but otherwise there's not much hooking me as of yet.

    The updates also seem few and far between and as of yet, there just aren't many sex scenes yet, also a bit disappointing.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't know why there are a lot of bad reviews but I absolutely love this game. Perfect quality animations, story is not exactly top notch but very likeable and of course models are gorgeous . Finally the protagonist who isn't mr nice and perfect guy like other games just a playboy asshole who got into some serious shit. I don't usually play sand box games but this one got my interest.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    I want to give this game a higher rating but I won't at least not yet yet
    First of all, I don't mind slow burn but wtf, not a single-sex scene with anyone like I get the family members are taking the time and all but there are certainly other characters he can easily bang since he is a playboy and shit.
    Second, I hate the fact that family members are actually ok with all this shit like seriously other game at least use some type of shit so they can pull off incest but here nope he just suddenly started feeling for him family members I feel like there will be some sort of explanation to this later in the story but that doesn't change the fact that this feels like an asspull.
    The only thing I can say that is amazing in this game is rendered and animation but even that is not used to its fullest here half of the time he does anything lewd with any characters is while they sleep.
    The story is ok not something amazing but it's fine.
    so overall it's 2.5/5 for me not really recommended until further updates are released.
    Game ver 0.8
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is absolutely great. I thought Lewdlab couldn't do better than his past game, but he just did what it's wanted; sexy models, good scenario, animated scenes... Hot game. Keep going guys, you have all my support!
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    gorgeous art. smooth animation.

    And a main character so unbelievably unlikable that content down the line doesn't matter. I don't even want to know it there's character growth. I want Conner deleted.
    And he will be, once I submit this.

    I don't understand why someone would develop the skills to make a game, the renders, and everything else, and then make your character so irredeemably unlikable from the start that the player has a decent chance to not even care to bother really looking for your game, and would rather delete it and forget it instead.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    This game have one of the best graphic quality and also animations are very detailed which probably makes this game so good. 10/10
    The gameplay and characters also has their own personalitys .

    I personally would recommend this game!