This should be renamed to: "I Better Clean That Up and Get the Hell Out Of Here!"
This is actually a very good visual novel with a moderately intriguing story.
The general world is cliche... guy perving on his two sisters and mother. But it's really well done. It has a lot of hot situations. The characters burn at the appropriate pace. Their dialog is fitting, isn't pun-laden or entirely juvenile, and generally remembers past events. It's the same old situation with a refreshing avoidance of tropes and immaturity.
The MC is a consistent semi-alpha guy... he has smart ass remarks, stands up to people in touchy situations and isn't shy about his feelings or motives in his inner dialog. He knows he wants to bang these girls and he isn't terribly indecisive about it. All this is good... he may not be entirely likeable but the consistency is huge... and he really needs new clothes. His shirt is arguably a woman's blouse... and those skinny jeans. It's hard to take his charismatic come-ons and tough guy stance seriously when you see him.
It would have been nice to name the MC, too.
I give this author props for not only avoiding the trope of accidental boners, but specifically providing dialog of the MC controlling his erection. This has been one of my biggest gripes and immersion killers in other titles. Men can control their erections... morning wood excluded.
I also give the author props for their MILF... she realizes right away her feelings and says to herself "I might be a bad mother, but this is what I want and I'm going for it..." and then she tactfully goes for it, not flat out raping the kid... in other titles the "Oh-I-don't-know!" schtick gets really old. And so does a hyper aggressive taboo character... This never really goes there with any of the characters. Generally they all burn at the right pace and they are all aware of their situation (well... except when they're asleep).
And the models are gorgeous. They're all models. All the girls are idealized to match the latest catwalks and magazine covers. The older sister gives off a strong Jessica Biel vibe... oh, man... It's all well lit and beautiful... his skinny jeans and blouse aside, even the MC works when I usually don't like seeing them at all. And the animations are really well done. It's a professional visual experience that doesn't even attempt reality... for the better (for this medium).
The story is really why I stayed with this... not that anything else was really driving me away. I wanted to see the competition with the brother to it's end.
Choices don't really matter but they aren't really supposed to. This is a linear story, meant to go from A-to-Z in order. The choices are designed for flavor. They are meant to impact the character response and your immersion, but have little effect on where the story is going. To make this good, the story has to be captivating enough to immerse the player without a bunch of choices, and this is a compelling enough story. It works. I'm not knocking the choice system... it works as intended.
The only reason I take off a star here is the utterly confusing quest system and the "objective" tab in this game. It's a lot of clicking around just to find your way through this story and there are times when it seems like you've done everything for the story to advance but nothing happens for days on end... until then it does. As if an arbitrary number of days had to be met, but it never tells you this. And the objective list is often vague or just not even relevant to where you are in the story. It's buggy and unclear and at one point I was very frustrated. Being an otherwise linear story, this would have been better served to just guide us beat by beat rather than presenting it in an open world with selective time slotting. All the greatness this has comes from the visual novel side... the game-play elements only detract.
And it's always a serious immersion killer when the MC (who is supposed to be you the player) makes a plan and you the player aren't aware of the plan until it happens. This does that and it almost killed my impression that this whole she-bang was very well thought out... almost.
Otherwise this is pretty f'n good. I thoroughly enjoyed it, in spite of the vague quest system, the use of "boi" once in the early dialog, and the obscure reference to another author in this genre of games.
It's worth noting that this requires nightly visits to sleeping family members to advance (I think it's required--it's vague)... it's a little rapey... I dig that stuff (providing it's consistent with the story and/or MC) and I loved it here... you might not, so you're warned.
This is actually a very good visual novel with a moderately intriguing story.
The general world is cliche... guy perving on his two sisters and mother. But it's really well done. It has a lot of hot situations. The characters burn at the appropriate pace. Their dialog is fitting, isn't pun-laden or entirely juvenile, and generally remembers past events. It's the same old situation with a refreshing avoidance of tropes and immaturity.
The MC is a consistent semi-alpha guy... he has smart ass remarks, stands up to people in touchy situations and isn't shy about his feelings or motives in his inner dialog. He knows he wants to bang these girls and he isn't terribly indecisive about it. All this is good... he may not be entirely likeable but the consistency is huge... and he really needs new clothes. His shirt is arguably a woman's blouse... and those skinny jeans. It's hard to take his charismatic come-ons and tough guy stance seriously when you see him.
It would have been nice to name the MC, too.
I give this author props for not only avoiding the trope of accidental boners, but specifically providing dialog of the MC controlling his erection. This has been one of my biggest gripes and immersion killers in other titles. Men can control their erections... morning wood excluded.
I also give the author props for their MILF... she realizes right away her feelings and says to herself "I might be a bad mother, but this is what I want and I'm going for it..." and then she tactfully goes for it, not flat out raping the kid... in other titles the "Oh-I-don't-know!" schtick gets really old. And so does a hyper aggressive taboo character... This never really goes there with any of the characters. Generally they all burn at the right pace and they are all aware of their situation (well... except when they're asleep).
And the models are gorgeous. They're all models. All the girls are idealized to match the latest catwalks and magazine covers. The older sister gives off a strong Jessica Biel vibe... oh, man... It's all well lit and beautiful... his skinny jeans and blouse aside, even the MC works when I usually don't like seeing them at all. And the animations are really well done. It's a professional visual experience that doesn't even attempt reality... for the better (for this medium).
The story is really why I stayed with this... not that anything else was really driving me away. I wanted to see the competition with the brother to it's end.
Choices don't really matter but they aren't really supposed to. This is a linear story, meant to go from A-to-Z in order. The choices are designed for flavor. They are meant to impact the character response and your immersion, but have little effect on where the story is going. To make this good, the story has to be captivating enough to immerse the player without a bunch of choices, and this is a compelling enough story. It works. I'm not knocking the choice system... it works as intended.
The only reason I take off a star here is the utterly confusing quest system and the "objective" tab in this game. It's a lot of clicking around just to find your way through this story and there are times when it seems like you've done everything for the story to advance but nothing happens for days on end... until then it does. As if an arbitrary number of days had to be met, but it never tells you this. And the objective list is often vague or just not even relevant to where you are in the story. It's buggy and unclear and at one point I was very frustrated. Being an otherwise linear story, this would have been better served to just guide us beat by beat rather than presenting it in an open world with selective time slotting. All the greatness this has comes from the visual novel side... the game-play elements only detract.
And it's always a serious immersion killer when the MC (who is supposed to be you the player) makes a plan and you the player aren't aware of the plan until it happens. This does that and it almost killed my impression that this whole she-bang was very well thought out... almost.
Otherwise this is pretty f'n good. I thoroughly enjoyed it, in spite of the vague quest system, the use of "boi" once in the early dialog, and the obscure reference to another author in this genre of games.
It's worth noting that this requires nightly visits to sleeping family members to advance (I think it's required--it's vague)... it's a little rapey... I dig that stuff (providing it's consistent with the story and/or MC) and I loved it here... you might not, so you're warned.